My postal carrier twisted her ankle, she was on light duty for a year, the light duty would not let her move more than 2 miles per day, she would go workout at the gym and jog 1.9 miles there so all she could do at work was sit, since she was designated as a carrier all she did was sit in the lounge watching TV. This was mandated by the union they are in. This was related to me by the carrier that had to cover for her territory, he did his regular route and then hers on top of it. People were getting mail at 8 and 9 PM for a year.
The carrier we had when we lived in town was scared to death of dogs, I ended up moving my mailbox curbside since she wouldn't come near the house if my 11 pound dog was outside.
The carrier we had when we lived in town was scared to death of dogs, I ended up moving my mailbox curbside since she wouldn't come near the house if my 11 pound dog was outside.