Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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first and foremost you forget to realize that god is GOD, not a human, not a mortal, he is GOD so in jew-christian belief

Judeo-Christian. And that's better expressed as Wesetern Monotheistic--Islam is part of the 'Judeo-Christian' tradition, and Muslims worship the same God.

, he can do anything. and there is no time limit or any fault to his power.
You're making broad statements that not even all prominent Christian theologians throughout history would agree with. Go check out the Deists, or the notion of a "clockmaker God" who creates, puts the creation into motion, and then steps back.

Secondly i do believe Jesus was the son of god because in the bible it says we are ALL gods children so by thecnicality he was the son of god.
So are you going to worship me as the Son of God? Your earnestness is commendable, and you have a right to be offended by the essay, but you're making terrible arguments. It would be better and more convincing to simply respond with a profession of faith.

and even if he was just a normal person, its not the whole powers of a god thing but the morals and princibles he taught us is why we praise him. he taught us to love our fellow man and be good to each other. so even if he was muslim, hindu or athiest, i'd honor that man because of the way he was.
This sounded good....

Judging by your article I assume your not christian, so i don't expect you to understand.
....but this directly contradicts it and demonstrates that you don't really feel that way even though you know it's the 'correct' view.

thirdly I have to say that nobody that is alive today was there 2000 years ago so nobody knows what happend, so you can't say what Jesus did or did not do.
Archeology can tell us certain things. Locations of cities, distances vs. time, how people lived. Such information is very important even to Biblical scholars so they can understand parts of the Bible that make reference to people, places and events that have been lost to history.

the man lived 34 years, im sure that not everything he said was in the bible. and also about the Devil, if you did your research you would know that the Imgage of the devil thats red and horns, is the imagination of early humans. the origan satan is a fallen angel, who was said to be the most beautiful angel in heaven. so why would Satan look like a monster? And with the whole dinosaur thing, the first man Named adam, wassent on earth persay, he was in the garden of eden, a isolated topia made just for him. and in genisis god told adam that he would only die if he ate the forbidden fruit. so whoes to say how long the man lived in eden befor he ate the fruit. dinosaurs could of lived and died out befor he ate the fruit. but nobody knows cuz we were not there.
You know, you're mixing up the Old Testament, the Gospels, Milton's Paradise Lost and Dante's Inferno here.

And there are a lot of Christians that would tell you that believing anything could have existed before Adam and Eve is blasphemous and that carbon dating of the Earth and the fossil record are all either Satanic trickery or a test of faith.

all im saying is you talk about Christian logic, but your logic lacks stability aswell. as an american i feel that the religious system in our government is just fine because this country was BUILT on the belief of god, so it should remain the way it is.
Would you feel that way if our laws were grounded in Islamic sharia rather than the Deist sensibilities of our Framers, or in a dogmatic atheism? No, you would agitate for change.

to change that you would be changing the consititution and the rights of millions of americans and the purpose in which so many ppl have died to secure durring the revoulutionary war.
To suggest that what John Ashcroft and his ilk represent is in keeping with what the Framers and the revolutionary generation wanted for this country is a farce. They wanted religion kept out of politics for a reason: it was being used to oppress them by the Crown. The same thing happens in our society when we go too far in relaxing the separation of church and state.

thats like me going to Iraq and saying "yo i don't believe in you guy's religion, and i don't think its right your saying praise Alah all the time, so i think you should stop it". Every country has its Main religion and language, and to stop that would be highly immoral.
Wrong. Not every country has single state religion--in fact the United States does not. By Constitutional decree. And the linkage you make to language is telling. Guess what: not every has a single national language either. In fact: the United States does not have an official language. By law.

You need to study these things and do a little bit of research before you start spouting off.

i believe amarica should stay the way it is and let ppl who don't practice christanity practice their own religion if they wanted to. I also believe that we should keep state and religion seprate because there are so many kinds of religions in public schools and its not fair to alot of ppl to be praying in a school where some ppl might not believe in the same god.
That's good to hear, and that's the most important thing.

im just going to leave you with this seeing how i made my peace. Seeing isent believing, Believing is seeing. and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, even you.
How generous of you. Are you not seeing the double standard here? 'We' are no more or less entitled to our views than 'you' are. 'Even' has no place in that sentence.

you talk about christains pushing their beliefs on other ppl, but by ranting about how much bullshit christainity is, you pretty much did the same thing as the ppl you dispize so much. Also you said Christians as in ALL christians push religion on ppl but I havent nor will i ever try to force somebody to believe in god.
There is a heavy emphasis on evangelism in many forms Christianity. You may not engage in it, and generalizing is never wise, but it's fair for people's perception of the religion to be colored by their experience of its adherents.
why do some ppl who are not christains think that all christians are the same? are all ppl the same? it cracks me up sterotyping at its finest. alot of ppl, if not all ppl question the bible at one point in their life, espicially growing up. and as you get older you come up with your own interpretation on the subject. i believe in god, and in jesus and i try to live and serve god the best way i can, but that dosnt mean i don't question some things in the bible.

There are a lot of Biblical fundamentalists out there, and they are quite prominent in the national debates over social issues. You seem to be confusing global stereotyping with an honest reaction to the beliefs of an increasingly prominent and influential element of the Christian population in the United States. Mike Huckabee would be a good example. He seems reasonable enough, but thinks the Earth is only thousands of years old and that dinosaurs are just fossils put here so we can have gas.

C'mon. The fact that someone who doesn't believe in evolution could have been President scares a lot of people, and that's legitimate.
Judeo-Christian. And that's better expressed as Wesetern Monotheistic--Islam is part of the 'Judeo-Christian' tradition, and Muslims worship the same God.

You're making broad statements that not even all prominent Christian theologians throughout history would agree with. Go check out the Deists, or the notion of a "clockmaker God" who creates, puts the creation into motion, and then steps back.

So are you going to worship me as the Son of God? Your earnestness is commendable, and you have a right to be offended by the essay, but you're making terrible arguments. It would be better and more convincing to simply respond with a profession of faith.

This sounded good....

....but this directly contradicts it and demonstrates that you don't really feel that way even though you know it's the 'correct' view.

Archeology can tell us certain things. Locations of cities, distances vs. time, how people lived. Such information is very important even to Biblical scholars so they can understand parts of the Bible that make reference to people, places and events that have been lost to history.

You know, you're mixing up the Old Testament, the Gospels, Milton's Paradise Lost and Dante's Inferno here.

And there are a lot of Christians that would tell you that believing anything could have existed before Adam and Eve is blasphemous and that carbon dating of the Earth and the fossil record are all either Satanic trickery or a test of faith.

Would you feel that way if our laws were grounded in Islamic sharia rather than the Deist sensibilities of our Framers, or in a dogmatic atheism? No, you would agitate for change.

To suggest that what John Ashcroft and his ilk represent is in keeping with what the Framers and the revolutionary generation wanted for this country is a farce. They wanted religion kept out of politics for a reason: it was being used to oppress them by the Crown. The same thing happens in our society when we go too far in relaxing the separation of church and state.

Wrong. Not every country has single state religion--in fact the United States does not. By Constitutional decree. And the linkage you make to language is telling. Guess what: not every has a single national language either. In fact: the United States does not have an official language. By law.

You need to study these things and do a little bit of research before you start spouting off.

That's good to hear, and that's the most important thing.

How generous of you. Are you not seeing the double standard here? 'We' are no more or less entitled to our views than 'you' are. 'Even' has no place in that sentence.

There is a heavy emphasis on evangelism in many forms Christianity. You may not engage in it, and generalizing is never wise, but it's fair for people's perception of the religion to be colored by their experience of its adherents.
1. yea judeo-christian sounds better
2. i don't know anything about a clockmaster god but i was told in church that the Lord's powers are unlimited. im not going to worship you, what i mean to say is jesus said he was the sun of god in the new testiment but if you read the old testiment that through adam and eve we are all god's children. so even if he wassent a direct son of god, he was still a son of god becase we all are. dosen't matter who studies what. None of us where there so really we are all just guessing and going by things that were passed down from that time.
5. im not mixing up anything, in fact i was trying to put the pieces back for the dude. he said theat the devil looked like a monster with red horns, well in the bible satan is a beautiful angel, i've even seen pictures in church of satan and they never looked liked that. now with dante's infurno, i was saying that he might of got that image form that book because Dante was one of the first to create a monstorus image of the fallen angel. says right in the bible that things lived befor adam and eve. he made everything befor he created adam, so how could ppl not believe that?
7. yes, it wouldnt matter to me what was the main religion , as long as they gave me the freedom to practice my own aswell.
8. the revolutionary generation wanted the freedom to practice their own religion, as the pilgrims befor them. but this country was built on the belief in god and the right to be free. hence "in god we trust" and "under god". now im not saying the revolutionary war was like the crusades but a big spark in the hearts of the patriots was the belief in god. actually your wrong, every country-state has a major language and religion in which they practice. there might be other language and religions in that area, but if you took all the languages and religions and mate a pie graph, you would notice that there would be a language or religion that took up majority of the pie. every place has its own prevailing religion. in fact here is a chart to show you Image:Worldreligion.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10. when i said "even" i wassn't emplying that I have more rights then he does i was tryin to say even someone who is a non believer has the same rights as everyone else.
11. i don't know any christians like that, maybe somewhere up in Idaho somewhere but not here. I understand that there are some real assholes in the world but no matter what the writter when through, he can't say that ALLchristains are bible waving maniacs. obveously be both have some angry passionate views on the topic and thats what always happends when you talk about religion in such a diverse space. He is entitled to his opinion, all im saying is he made a good point until he started ranting about why he dosen't believe that jesus was the sun of god. also i don't think you can debunk religion. and reguardless to what type of scientific statement you make on any religion, there will always be an arguing party. thats all

Love, peace, and hair grease:peace: :joint:
There are a lot of Biblical fundamentalists out there, and they are quite prominent in the national debates over social issues. You seem to be confusing global stereotyping with an honest reaction to the beliefs of an increasingly prominent and influential element of the Christian population in the United States. Mike Huckabee would be a good example. He seems reasonable enough, but thinks the Earth is only thousands of years old and that dinosaurs are just fossils put here so we can have gas.

C'mon. The fact that someone who doesn't believe in evolution could have been President scares a lot of people, and that's legitimate.

why do i have to be confused, why can't I just be strait? im not confused about a damn thing. I am saying that there are some ppl who arn't christains or religious at all who think that all christains wanna stuff a bible down your throat. in fact christainty in the states isent getting more prominent its getting less prominent. back in the days, in the U.S. ppl either went to church or they didn't, but if they didn't they still believed in god. but now there are thousands if not millions of ppl in the U.S. who aren't christian. again im not confusing anything i kno exactly whats going on. and that is a common sterotype, and i know a thing or 2 about sterotypes.
P.S. it dosn't matter what the president believes in religiously(keep religion and state seprate) all that matters is if he/she can do a good job running the country. i hope to see a jewish or muslim president one day, that would mean we are braking down racial barriers.
1. yea judeo-christian sounds better
OK. It's still less accurate.

2. i don't know anything about a clockmaster god but i was told in church that the Lord's powers are unlimited.
Which means that God could chose to place limits on how the divine interacts with the mundane, placing a heavier responsibility upon man to self govern, honor humanity and lovingly maintain the created world, rather then relying on God to sort it all out.

Tikkun olam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -- in Judaism, this concept has been behind a big movement towards ecological good works and environmentalism.

Different flavors of Christianity also have different views of God's nature and how God interacts with humanity and the world, and Deism is one of them.

If you're interested in the clockmaker god concept or Deism:
The "clockmaker God:"
Watchmaker analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is actually the philosophical underpinnings of the Intelligent Design theory, which isn't all that unappealing even to secularists if you drop the nonsense about denying evolution, and allow that the recorders of the Scripture simply might not have been able to perceive much a distinction between thousands of years and anything more.

Deism, more generally:
Deism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Deists typically reject supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and tend to assert that God does not intervene with the affairs of human life and the laws of the universe. What organized religions see as divine revelation and holy books, most deists see as interpretations made by other humans, rather than as authoritative sources. Deists believe that God's greatest gift to humanity is not religion, but the ability to reason.
Deism became prominent in the 17th and 18th centuries during the Age of Enlightenment, especially in The United Kingdom, France, and The United States of America, mostly among those raised as Christians who found they could not believe in either a triune God, the divinity of Jesus, miracles, or the inerrancy of scriptures, but who did believe in one God. Initially it did not form any congregations, but in time deism led to the development of other religious groups, particularly the Unitarians. It continues to this day in the form of Classical Deism and Modern Deism.
OK, moving on.... im not going to worship you, what i mean to say is jesus said he was the sun of god in the new testiment but if you read the old testiment that through adam and eve we are all god's children. so even if he wassent a direct son of god, he was still a son of god becase we all are.
Yes, although the understanding that we are all descendants of Adam hasn't kept believers from killing 'heathens' in the name of God, nor has knowledge that other followers of the One God are all (metaphorically) children of Abraham kept zelaots from slaughtering 'infidels' of other sects. dosen't matter who studies what. None of us where there so really we are all just guessing and going by things that were passed down from that time.
OK, let's never study anything we can't be sure of. Back to the Dark Ages, everyone!

5. im not mixing up anything, in fact i was trying to put the pieces back for the dude. he said theat the devil looked like a monster with red horns, well in the bible satan is a beautiful angel, i've even seen pictures in church of satan and they never looked liked that. now with dante's infurno, i was saying that he might of got that image form that book because Dante was one of the first to create a monstorus image of the fallen angel.
The story of Satan's fall--angels warring in heaven and whatnot-- comes mostly from Paradise Lost, as does the archetype of Lucifer Morningstar which seems to be the conception of the devil you think is 'authoritative.' According to Jewish scripture, Sa'tan was a minor angel and was not particularly important even after his fall from grace. The New Testament focuses on Satan as the generic figure of the Tempter and the Adversary. You seem to be describing the Miltonian expansion upon the Biblical sources which is perfectly normal because Paradise Lost is deeply embedded in the Lutheran tradition and all of the forms of Protestantism that descended from it. There's nothing wrong with that, either! It was written by a deeply religious man for a religious audience. says right in the bible that things lived befor adam and eve. he made everything befor he created adam, so how could ppl not believe that?
It says he did it in a matter of days. Literal readers of the Bible take that to mean that everything in the fossil record that pre-dates the time frame given for Creation must have been Created that way for some reason and never have actually lived. Or, that they fossil record is somehow wrong and that man and prehistoric creatures co-existed until the Flood.

7. yes, it wouldnt matter to me what was the main religion , as long as they gave me the freedom to practice my own aswell.
I find that hard to swallow, but it's a very nice sentiment. I'll tell you that even as a non-observant Jew, it's a lot harder when the shoe is on the other foot. Things are pretty miserable in the US for Muslims right now, even though their religious rights are protected. Don't underestimate how being part of the rather devout majority can alter your perspective.

8. the revolutionary generation wanted the freedom to practice their own religion, as the pilgrims befor them. but this country was built on the belief in god and the right to be free. hence "in god we trust" and "under god". now im not saying the revolutionary war was like the crusades but a big spark in the hearts of the patriots was the belief in god.
That's true. But they wanted God out of politics itself. actually your wrong, every country-state has a major language and religion in which they practice. there might be other language and religions in that area, but if you took all the languages and religions and mate a pie graph, you would notice that there would be a language or religion that took up majority of the pie. every place has its own prevailing religion. in fact here is a chart to show you Image:Worldreligion.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I said official, not main. We don't have an official state religion or language.

Languages of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The United States does not have an official language..........
English is spoken by ~82% of the US population. A 20% composition of linguistic minorities is significant.

Our religious demographics are even more diverse. And a 'major religion' is hardly a 'state religion.' Some coutries have very narrow religious splits--in a 45/55 split, is the religion with 55% percent the 'main' religion?

10. when i said "even" i wassn't emplying that I have more rights then he does i was tryin to say even someone who is a non believer has the same rights as everyone else.
Cool. But you just did it again. Don't say 'even'. What's wrong with:
"I was trying to say someone who is a non believer has the same rights as everyone else." That use of 'even' implies that you are 'willing to allow' their participation despite their 'lack.' Well, that's nice...I could say "even religious people have a right to vote." Does that sound very tolerant?

11. i don't know any christians like that, maybe somewhere up in Idaho somewhere but not here.
So, now you want to generalize about Christianity in a region not your own...

I understand that there are some real assholes in the world but no matter what the writter when through, he can't say that ALLchristains are bible waving maniacs. obveously be both have some angry passionate views on the topic and thats what always happends when you talk about religion in such a diverse space. He is entitled to his opinion, all im saying is he made a good point until he started ranting about why he dosen't believe that jesus was the sun of god.
I'm not trying to defend the article, I'm just trying to get you to examine your own thinking.

also i don't think you can debunk religion. and reguardless to what type of scientific statement you make on any religion, there will always be an arguing party. thats all
I agree completely. Trying to debunk religion misses the point entirely.

Love, peace, and hair grease:peace: :joint:
Back at'cha.
why do i have to be confused, why can't I just be strait? im not confused about a damn thing. I am saying that there are some ppl who arn't christains or religious at all who think that all christains wanna stuff a bible down your throat.

That's because some/most of them do.
Evangelism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Evangelism is done in obedience to the Great Commission, a command from Jesus to his disciples to proselytize, as recorded in the New Testament.
That's why.

It's fairly similar to the Muslim call to Jihad--which originally meant spiritual warfare in the sense of the struggle to save souls--not necessarily by the sword. So too did Christians abuse the Commission to justify the Crusades.

Anyway, the point is that Christians and Muslims are explicitly commanded to convert non-believers. (Jews are not, trying to convert to Judaism is difficult.)

in fact christainty in the states isent getting more prominent its getting less prominent. back in the days, in the U.S. ppl either went to church or they didn't, but if they didn't they still believed in god. but now there are thousands if not millions of ppl in the U.S. who aren't christian.
Actually, religiosity and church attendance is exploding right now. Look at whats going on with Rick Warren & The Purpose Driven Life, Joel Osteen's huge ministry, etc. Pentecostalism is exploding in the United States and abroad.

Do you want me to provide sources? I don't want to be too pedantic. I'm not trying to jump all over your case.

again im not confusing anything i kno exactly whats going on. and that is a common sterotype, and i know a thing or 2 about sterotypes.
Sadly, most of us do. You're absolutely right that religious people are stereotyped just as harshly as atheists and agnostics.

P.S. it dosn't matter what the president believes in religiously(keep religion and state seprate) all that matters is if he/she can do a good job running the country. i hope to see a jewish or muslim president one day, that would mean we are braking down racial barriers.
I don't believe that someone who thinks that science is a myth or an illusion can be a good President. I don't believe that someone who thinks the Constitution should be amended to impose religious morality upon the public can be a good President.

I'll stop there, I think that gets the point across. We've certainly had religious men as President in the past who did a great job.
1. Everything about jesus WAS hearsay NOT one historian of that time even says anything about jesus, why is this? someone who turns water to wine..and NOTHING?
2. Jews don't believe that jesus is (godson)
3. Another thing is The Christian Bible has been changed soo many times how can you believe anything in it?
4. Christians believe the bible word for word jews know its all metaphors

sorry, im jewish thought id throw my 2 cents in.
for all you people who dont beilve in a GOD, YHWH, Yahweh, Yehova whatever you want to call your CREATOR should check out zeitgiest the movie.

keep on burnin :joint:

Fact: Everything we know about Jesus is hearsay
Fact: Hindis, Muslims and Budhists don't believe Jesus was the son of God
Fact: The Christian god would have to cast judgment on people at the rate of almost two people per second
Fact: The Christian god cannot make himself visible in the here and now, in realtime, for everyone's eyes to see
Fact: The only evidence for the Christian god is supposedly some people who thousands of years ago supposedly heard a voice.

No logic or philosophy needed!
Second, shamegame, apparently when you read the piece you missed that the author relies on facts to make his points, not logic or philosophy. For instance, some of the facts noted, but not limited to, are:

Fact: Everything we know about Jesus is hearsay
Fact: Jesus didn't exhibit any knowledge of the natural world
Fact: Hindis, Muslims and Budhists don't believe Jesus was the son of God
Fact: The Christian god would have to cast judgment on people at the rate of almost two people per second
Fact: The Christian god cannot make himself visible in the here and now, in realtime, for everyone's eyes to see
Fact: The only evidence for the Christian god is supposedly some people who thousands of years ago supposedly heard a voice.

No logic or philosophy needed!

I understand what the author was saying ( and sometimes trying to say ). But honestly, the article reads as if it was written by a 14 year old. And look at the web page it's on. It looks like " my first website ". And this is supposedly " burning up the internet " ?...and has " once and for all debunked " Christianity ? It does make the obvious points though. My comment about the logic and philosophy classes was aimed more at the way the article was written as opposed to the content.
This article is ridiculously poorly written. No it does not bring up valid points at all. I'm not a bible swinger, but that book has NEVER been proven wrong. The bible has foreshadows things like Tv's and other pieces of technology that wasn't even close to existing at the time it was written.

A valid point that contradicts Christianity would be something a scientist has to say, for example: The universe is still expanding and we can monitor its growth.

That true statement refers more to the theory of the "Big Bang" instead of Creationism.

If you want to read articles that are interesting go to Marijuana Law Reform - NORML.

'Nuff said.
I've got news for everyone. Just the one point alone that the piece makes, that Jesus exhibited zero knowledge of the natural world, is the absolute knockout blow to any notion that Jesus was the son of a supreme being that created the universe and all life. Particularly when one considers that Jesus and the being were supposedly one in the same. That's like saying that the being who created the natural world didn't know a damn thing about what in the hell it was that he created. Yeah, right!

Any intelligent person (I repeat, any intelligent person) would know that Jesus' followers would've had questions for him about the natural world if they truly believed he was the son of the being that created it. So, any intelligent person would know, therefore, that it's a very valid point to make that Jesus had zero knowledge of the natural world. The absolute knockout blow!!!
Give us some solid evidence that jesus diddnt exist or even that he wasnt the son of God. I dont have to see to believe but i will need some evidence in the contrary to not
Give me some solid evidence that Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, aliens, bigfoot, and the Loch Ness monster don't exist.

I don't have to see to believe but I will need some evidence in the contrary to not.
You take my point. Why should we assume the less probable case by default? Prove to me that Christ was divine. Proof--mind you--not fairy tales. We can prove the age of the planet.
See i dont have to prove because i have faith that is why it is up to you sceptcs to prove. My proof is simple me and you, explain humans and animals and how they got here. I can say for a fact that there is no solid scientific explanation for humans so how can they debunk God. You are way off base with this one and there is no argument here because either way you have no solid facts to prove God doesnt exist or how this earth got here.
You don't see the similarities? Or the contradiction? You want me to disprove the existence of your imaginary friend.

Humans and animals evolved from other, earlier animals, metazoa, protozoa, etc. There is a scientific theory for how we got here: the Big Bang and evolution.

We do have evidence that supports those theories. Now, that doesn't mean that God didn't create the universe in which those things took place, or didn't set them into motion.

God isn't something you prove or disprove. God is something that you believe, or you don't. However, to declare that God exists unless God can be disproved is both ignorant and arrogant--arrogant both in that it assumes the divine is comprehensible to science, and that otherwise scientific knowledge is worthless.

You're the one who's way off base. It's possible to be both thoughtful and religious but, as usual, this thread demonstrates the rarity of that combination in this day and age. It's a pity, because that used to be the rule and not the exception.
I found the tirade hysterical. It was clearly written by someone who lacked clear understanding of how to write a treatise, which this is supposed to be. I found myself laughing out loud at the blatant distortions and flat out fabrications. I am a strong believer in freedom of thought and speech but if you are going to attack one of the main 3 religions, at least spend the time to do some quality research to support your assertions. Also, as I read on and on, he lost credibility with each sentence, with his use of superlatives and absolutes such as this gem "It's the Christians who go around trying to persecute everyone else all the time". And that was just the 3rd sentence in the tirade. LOL. I came away with the impression that this was written by someone with a highschool education at best.

This was a humorous read on a slow and boring Friday. Thanks for that, at least.
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