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first and foremost you forget to realize that god is GOD, not a human, not a mortal, he is GOD so in jew-christian belief
Judeo-Christian. And that's better expressed as Wesetern Monotheistic--Islam is part of the 'Judeo-Christian' tradition, and Muslims worship the same God.
You're making broad statements that not even all prominent Christian theologians throughout history would agree with. Go check out the Deists, or the notion of a "clockmaker God" who creates, puts the creation into motion, and then steps back., he can do anything. and there is no time limit or any fault to his power.
So are you going to worship me as the Son of God? Your earnestness is commendable, and you have a right to be offended by the essay, but you're making terrible arguments. It would be better and more convincing to simply respond with a profession of faith.Secondly i do believe Jesus was the son of god because in the bible it says we are ALL gods children so by thecnicality he was the son of god.
This sounded good....and even if he was just a normal person, its not the whole powers of a god thing but the morals and princibles he taught us is why we praise him. he taught us to love our fellow man and be good to each other. so even if he was muslim, hindu or athiest, i'd honor that man because of the way he was.
....but this directly contradicts it and demonstrates that you don't really feel that way even though you know it's the 'correct' view.Judging by your article I assume your not christian, so i don't expect you to understand.
Archeology can tell us certain things. Locations of cities, distances vs. time, how people lived. Such information is very important even to Biblical scholars so they can understand parts of the Bible that make reference to people, places and events that have been lost to history.thirdly I have to say that nobody that is alive today was there 2000 years ago so nobody knows what happend, so you can't say what Jesus did or did not do.
You know, you're mixing up the Old Testament, the Gospels, Milton's Paradise Lost and Dante's Inferno here.the man lived 34 years, im sure that not everything he said was in the bible. and also about the Devil, if you did your research you would know that the Imgage of the devil thats red and horns, is the imagination of early humans. the origan satan is a fallen angel, who was said to be the most beautiful angel in heaven. so why would Satan look like a monster? And with the whole dinosaur thing, the first man Named adam, wassent on earth persay, he was in the garden of eden, a isolated topia made just for him. and in genisis god told adam that he would only die if he ate the forbidden fruit. so whoes to say how long the man lived in eden befor he ate the fruit. dinosaurs could of lived and died out befor he ate the fruit. but nobody knows cuz we were not there.
And there are a lot of Christians that would tell you that believing anything could have existed before Adam and Eve is blasphemous and that carbon dating of the Earth and the fossil record are all either Satanic trickery or a test of faith.
Would you feel that way if our laws were grounded in Islamic sharia rather than the Deist sensibilities of our Framers, or in a dogmatic atheism? No, you would agitate for change.all im saying is you talk about Christian logic, but your logic lacks stability aswell. as an american i feel that the religious system in our government is just fine because this country was BUILT on the belief of god, so it should remain the way it is.
To suggest that what John Ashcroft and his ilk represent is in keeping with what the Framers and the revolutionary generation wanted for this country is a farce. They wanted religion kept out of politics for a reason: it was being used to oppress them by the Crown. The same thing happens in our society when we go too far in relaxing the separation of church and change that you would be changing the consititution and the rights of millions of americans and the purpose in which so many ppl have died to secure durring the revoulutionary war.
Wrong. Not every country has single state religion--in fact the United States does not. By Constitutional decree. And the linkage you make to language is telling. Guess what: not every has a single national language either. In fact: the United States does not have an official language. By law.thats like me going to Iraq and saying "yo i don't believe in you guy's religion, and i don't think its right your saying praise Alah all the time, so i think you should stop it". Every country has its Main religion and language, and to stop that would be highly immoral.
You need to study these things and do a little bit of research before you start spouting off.
That's good to hear, and that's the most important thing.i believe amarica should stay the way it is and let ppl who don't practice christanity practice their own religion if they wanted to. I also believe that we should keep state and religion seprate because there are so many kinds of religions in public schools and its not fair to alot of ppl to be praying in a school where some ppl might not believe in the same god.
How generous of you. Are you not seeing the double standard here? 'We' are no more or less entitled to our views than 'you' are. 'Even' has no place in that just going to leave you with this seeing how i made my peace. Seeing isent believing, Believing is seeing. and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, even you.
There is a heavy emphasis on evangelism in many forms Christianity. You may not engage in it, and generalizing is never wise, but it's fair for people's perception of the religion to be colored by their experience of its talk about christains pushing their beliefs on other ppl, but by ranting about how much bullshit christainity is, you pretty much did the same thing as the ppl you dispize so much. Also you said Christians as in ALL christians push religion on ppl but I havent nor will i ever try to force somebody to believe in god.