Remember when you were little?


Well-Known Member
Hey neer, do you even have a sense of joy? That sounds like a dick question lol. I can say that I have moments of joy but they are decreasing.


Well-Known Member
you can try doing things that you did as a kid. like riding a big wheel, or eating your own boogers in public. Let me know how that works out for you.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
You need to fall in love bro.then your whole world changes everything is bright and new again,just like when you where a kid.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
you can try doing things that you did as a kid. like riding a big wheel, or eating your own burgers in public. Let me know how that works out for you.

Adults can't eat burgers in public? When did they pass that law? Is it part of the patriot act? I thought that just applied to french fries.. oh excuse me... freedom fries. :p


New Member
Iz da police state and da taxes adn da law and god wtf ?
God iz santa for grown ups
they both dont exist
grow up
its human nature to beleive ina higher power since the dawn of time they had these fat chicks with tits etc
all beleivers are dumbass i piss on u!


Well-Known Member
*pats zoot on head... Yes you're smart you illiterate imbecil :).

Explain to me this then dude (since I'm a dumbass and you're obviously more intelligent than me). If energy cannot be created or destroyed and the universe had a beginning, how is energy here now?

And I believe you posted in the wrong thread. But that's just based of the fact that nothing in your post is relevant to the topic of this thread.

You piss on me? Well I stand up punch you 43 times in the face then demand a girl to chop off your member and stuff it in your mouth. Too much? I think not. Damn people need to learn some respect.


Well-Known Member
on the topic of kid like mantality ,you have to fight for it back. juyst do the things you used to. youll get there.


Active Member
In my opinion Heph, 18 is a really hard age. It's the age where the free pass is over, you are not a kid anymore and you really have to start thinking about your future and what and who you want to be. Maybe now that ur of legal age you feel the walls closing in a lil bit and are feeling pressured, which makes you not give a shit. I'm sure you've heard the saying "made me feel like a kid again", thats just the reality of growing older. Unfortunately we lose the ease and fuzzy feelings of childhood when we start shouldering the burdens of the world and don't have our parents to shelter us anymore. You are obviously really smart and could make a positive impact in this world. Just try not to get too down on life before you have really even lived. You still have so many wonderful things to experience!!!


Ursus marijanus
Hey neer, do you even have a sense of joy? That sounds like a dick question lol. I can say that I have moments of joy but they are decreasing.
Only just saw this, Heph. Every great once in a while ... but most of the time the anhedonia is a rather intimate combatant. cn


Well-Known Member
Nah not really dude. I've always told myself, whether or not you believe in a afterlife, don't let it affect your happiness.

IDK, you may be right. But at the same time, I would have killed myself a LONG time ago of it wasn't for religion.
Hephaestus, stick with it and hang in there.

“Why did Christ say we needed receive the kingdom of God like a little child?”Have you ever thought about that? We often talk about “faith like a child,” from verses like Luke 18:17 that says, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” oDr Matthew 18:4, “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”