The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sod that, cologne is for getting in the box :p Your housemate sounds like he needs a right beating.


Noone tells the dj what to play.


Active Member
i cant see many of the lads signing that petition, crazy the ca$h monies you can make from this if you've got the bollocks to fill a room.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Noone seems to understand, these petitions guarantee nothing more than a discussion, in essence, they mean sweet fuck all. The government has made it's laws for quite a specific reason, they have no intention of changing it because 100,000 people filled in an e-petition. How many thousand people went the step further and actually protested over student fees, the government don't give two rats arses. If anything all it is is a tool for them to stop us actually doing anything about the problem and rather get us thinking we can change things from our couch.

Every shred of advice from experts in the field to respected members of this country to politicians of the highest level have stated what a joke the drug war is, Westminster couldn't give a flying fuck, their incentives far outweigh a bunch of people unhpapy with how things are and as such will find any number of corruptable folk to state the contrary. I'm all for legalisation, but i long ago gave up caring, you know why? Because i happily grow cannabis, they failed.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin hell mate thats some fucked up shit, keep a eye on that mate if its goin up your leg now, you dont want bloosd poisonin or sumut you can die from that shit, you on antibiotics for it seems like its gettin worse by the day.


Well-Known Member
I know mate.. Ukrg if something happens promise us you'll get your bird or someone to give us an update.. If you disappear and we don't hear from you we won't find out the ending lol.. Until you get back of course .... Or something..

Ill throw some up of a deep purps that came down recently.

Sound mate bet ya buzzin, get some pics chucked up of the harvest ;)

Gunna lose his foot if he aint carefull!