So I'm a retard :).


Well-Known Member
Wait. What? Who is your post aimed towards Emily? If it aimed at one of MY posts, which one is it? If its the one about energy, what is their to agree with? Who's jealous?

Lol, I'm just as confused as you now. Oh, welcome to RIU by the way. May your stay be filled with greatness haha.

mass can be converted to energy. as you can see, every little bit of mass contains enormous amounts of energy (the speed of light squared).

this is what happened in the big bang (supposedly), an enormous amount of condensed mass was converted into energy.

hope that doesn't kill your buzz or anything.


Well-Known Member
Well along with being open minded comes doubt. I have some doubts.

You guys know how there's different "books" in the bible? Like the book of job.. Well who gave them (them being people like job) the right to speak for god? Why should we believe or listen to what they say is right or wrong?

My logic also brings up my next question. Why should we believe them when they say that Jesus is our saviour? Man.... I'm going to hell (if they told the truth about hell).

Serious question, I'm not trying to shoot down Christianity or anything.. So any Christians (or people that have a real answer and not just insults) wanna take a shot at this to help me out?


Well-Known Member
Since this thread has no point.... I would like to tell you about one of my church experiences. Well I've always had questions about my beliefs. So I rode my bike to a nearby church. I waited until the preacher was done and went to ask him some questions (like the one in my last post).. His answer was to not question the lord and his ways of life.. Then he told me to watch out for hell fire.

Meh. . Bah humbug .. Why am I telling you guys this? Man in stoned like WAAAYYY stoned. I wanna just lay down on the floor and spread out all my limbs... Yes, that's what I should do. That what I will do. Peace.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Since this thread has no point.... I would like to tell you about one of my church experiences. Well I've always had questions about my beliefs. So I rode my bike to a nearby church. I waited until the preacher was done and went to ask him some questions (like the one in my last post).. His answer was to not question the lord and his ways of life.. Then he told me to watch out for hell fire.

Meh. . Bah humbug .. Why am I telling you guys this? Man in stoned like WAAAYYY stoned. I wanna just lay down on the floor and spread out all my limbs... Yes, that's what I should do. That what I will do. Peace.
...dude! Gnostics do that on a particular day, they lay down and spread out like that. I hope I'm remembering this correctly, I think it refers to melchizedek. They ask for guidance about who they are, etc. Melchizedek can be seen as the archetype of Christ. (original form of - well, non-form of Christ :lol: )


Well-Known Member
I was brought up christian, and turned over to the dark side (atheist) lol. There is a lot of things that have always dumbfounded me about the bible. According to the old testament, god created man in his figure only approx five thousand years ago, Scientists can prove that man has existed for much much longer than that. The bible basically rules out evolution, dinosaurs, and any animals or life forms that existed before man. God only created Adam and eve, and from those two people, our entire worlds population was apparently formed...meaning a world of incest.
As far as the Jesus Christ goes, I believe he was simply an ordinary man. Christianity was illegal for over 400 years after the death of Jesus Christ. All the stories of Jesus Christ and all the information in the bible was passed down by word of mouth for over 400 years, generation after generation, before it was actually able to be put into text. Ive heard of the bible be referred to as the biggest lie ever told. I just think that people lived back two thousand years ago, were a lot more simple minded, thinking that the earth was flat, that gods controlled the weather, and a lot more phenomenons that could not be scientifically explained back then.


Well-Known Member
Christians, before you read this, I would like for you to know I don't want you to commit suicide.So I had a breakthrough on suicide.. The bible says that if our eyes cause us to sin, it's better to pluck it out than to spend eternity in hell. So why not suicide? Using the bibles logic, I can rightfully kill myself to prevent myself from commiting sins. The only argument I found against my logic is people saying that we are the temple of god so we shouldn't hurt our bodies. Well then why is it ok to pluck out your eye or chop of your right hand? You're still hurting your body. So yeah, just wanted to share that with you guys.. Hmm atheists don't have a good reason to not commit suicide and my beliefs show that it's ok to commit suicide.. So what is stopping me? Confusing.

Brick Top

New Member
It would make more logic for more people, or even everyone, to be a real true everyday practicing believer than a non-believer.

The gain you get even if God does not exist:

If everyone, or most everyone, were a real true everyday practicing believer the world would be a much better place to live our lives in. People get along together better, people are happier life is good. Then you die and there's nothing, God was a fake ... what did you gain? A better one and only life and a more comfortable death being positive that in moments everything will be perfect, so why worry or be frightened?

OK, there was no God, there was no payoff at the end. So what? What did it cost you? What did you lose? Nothing.

The double gain if God exists:

Imagine the same as above, but it turns out that God exists and (pick a religion) is true and you, no pun intended, follow it religiously, and then die and end up in Heaven ... you won the daily double. You not only were able to lead a better life, but you got the big bonus at the end.

The loss if you do not believe and God does not exist:

You live a less happy less fulfilling life than you otherwise would have, and then you die and it doesn't really matter anymore because you no longer exist.

The double loss if God exists and you do not believe.

You live a less happy less fulfilling life than you otherwise would have, and then you die and it doesn't really matter anymore because now you're in real shit, you're in Hell and what you thought was a less than wonderful totally fulfilling life sounds like Heaven compared to your new predicament.

For those things alone, everyone, or most everyone, should be a believer. The pros, especially considering the importance of them in one scenario, outweighs the cons by more than enough of a valid reason why everyone, or at least as many as possible could and would believe.


Well-Known Member
It would make more logic for more people, or even everyone, to be a real true everyday practicing believer than a non-believer.

The gain you get even if God does not exist:

If everyone, or most everyone, were a real true everyday practicing believer the world would be a much better place to live our lives in. People get along together better, people are happier life is good. Then you die and there's nothing, God was a fake ... what did you gain? A better one and only life and a more comfortable death being positive that in moments everything will be perfect, so why worry or be frightened?

OK, there was no God, there was no payoff at the end. So what? What did it cost you? What did you lose? Nothing.

The double gain if God exists:

Imagine the same as above, but it turns out that God exists and (pick a religion) is true and you, no pun intended, follow it religiously, and then die and end up in Heaven ... you won the daily double. You not only were able to lead a better life, but you got the big bonus at the end.

The loss if you do not believe and God does not exist:

You live a less happy less fulfilling life than you otherwise would have, and then you die and it doesn't really matter anymore because you no longer exist.

The double loss if God exists and you do not believe.

You live a less happy less fulfilling life than you otherwise would have, and then you die and it doesn't really matter anymore because now you're in real shit, you're in Hell and what you thought was a less than wonderful totally fulfilling life sounds like Heaven compared to your new predicament.

For those things alone, everyone, or most everyone, should be a believer. The pros, especially considering the importance of them in one scenario, outweighs the cons by more than enough of a valid reason why everyone, or at least as many as possible could and would believe.
So if someone is an atheist they can't live as happy and fulfilling life as someone who believes in God? And that the world would be a better place cos we all had religion?

Words can't describe the level of bullshit in that.

Brick Top

New Member
So if someone is an atheist they can't live as happy and fulfilling life as someone who believes in God? And that the world would be a better place cos we all had religion?

Words can't describe the level of bullshit in that.

Consider the world where everyone, or at least most everyone, was a real true 24-hour per day 7-day a week believer. Imagine how much nicer the world would be for everyone to live in. Imagine how many fewer concerns and fears and even actual problems there would be.

Any level that you look at it, there's a gain. Try a simple cost example. Everyone, or at least most everyone, believes in and follows that thou shalt not steal thing. Imagine how much every type of insurance would go down. The difference might be what makes a real positive difference in one or more lives. Then there is the obvious, from no to at least a far less chance of being robbed, in any way. Think how much less crime there would be. Think about how different that would make things, including the taxpayer savings because less law officers would be needed.

The money differences in some examples would be smaller than in others, but if one year it will pay for braces for little Suzy, braces she needed but you really couldn't afford. Then little Suzie's life just got better and as her folks you feel better because you were able to get them for her. Maybe over time the amount was saved and grew and became the difference between then less than little Suzie being able to go to the college of her first choice or not, or maybe just being able to go when without it she wouldn't have been able. What if the difference was what was needed to add to a retirement fund so you could end up retiring 5 or maybe 10 years earlier if you wanted? What if it was enough to when added to what you had left in your budget that you could afford the second home on a lake somewhere, a place you want to retire to and later leave to your kids, and then are able to do? Wouldn't those sorts add to each person's life, to some degree or another?

Sure they wouldn't all add up to retirement homes, but there would be a gain for everyone. It is not that it is impossible to be happy the way things are, it's just that virtually everyone could be happier in life. It might be in major or minor ways, but everyone would alter something if they could. So, when you look at the plus that is certain, and then add the possible ones, it still makes more sense to be a believer than a non-believer. It's a win - win situation. You get anything from better than you would otherwise have things, to if there is a payoff in the end, it paid off far beyond just being spectacular, and if there is no big payoff in the end, you didn't lose anything there, but you gained in the time leading up to it.


Well-Known Member
Religion, and most likely the truth, was hijacked by the establishment as a means to control people; promising heaven to those who are obedient and hell to thos ewho are not. Preachers say trust in God (the God I tell you to believe in) and question him not. That gives the preacher power over you if you choose to blindly listen to, and believe him. Marx was right, whether he recanted or not, religion IS an opiate of the masses. There is nothing I hate more than a church who judges its members and is in their lives constantly; telling them what they are doing wrong and how, why, and when to repent, etc.

Church is a business.

Find your own God, or none, but for God's sake (yes, I did) do NOT, listen to a church! Think about it, there are a thousand different churches interpreting the same bible a thousand different ways. Which one is right? The one you like to agree with the best. Doesn't THAT sound hokey to anyone?


Well-Known Member
So if energy can't be created or destroyed and if the universe did have a beginning.... How is energy here? I'm not trying to prove anything.... Just curious.
Assuming there is a beginning is begging the question, or petitio principii. If we have to assume it was created, of course it makes sense there was a creator. How you know it was created is my question.

Hmm atheists don't have a good reason to not commit suicide and my beliefs show that it's ok to commit suicide.. So what is stopping me? Confusing.

Atheists have lots of good reasons to not commit suicide, just not spiritual ones. What about their families, and friends? Maybe the atheist in question has other philosophies he/she follows that are against suicide. Atheism is just a rejection of a claim, it has no specific rules against suicide.


Well-Known Member
Assuming there is a beginning is begging the question, or petitio principii. If we have to assume it was created, of course it makes sense there was a creator. How you know it was created is my question.Atheists have lots of good reasons to not commit suicide, just not spiritual ones. What about their families, and friends? Maybe the atheist in question has other philosophies he/she follows that are against suicide. Atheism is just a rejection of a claim, it has no specific rules against suicide.
I don't know if it was created, hence the "if". I'm just thinking about the whole big bang theory and how so many people claim that the universe had a beginning. Yes the question would be assuming the world had a beginning. However, I didn't mention anything about a creator. Saying that atheists don't have a good reason to not commit suicide is just a personal opinion. And I'm not saying that atheists don't have a reason to live (that would be the most dickish thing ever). I'm glad they have a reason to live, but their reasons aren't my reasons.. Hmm it's hard to explain, do you kinda get what I'm trying to say though?:).


Well-Known Member
So my sister caught a staff infection (gross I know lol). My dad took her to the med clinic to check it out. They gave her antibiotics. A couple weeks later it gets worse. (she lives with her fiancé Derek and her mother in law person Jen) Jen takes her to the ER after weeks of it getting worse. The ER people tell her that she should have been taken to the ER a long time ago and not to the med clinic. So me and Derek are drinking and smoking a bowl.. (oh and keep in mind that my father and Derek hate each other) he mentions to me how fucked up it is that my dad didn't take a little more time to take her to the ER (even though he never got mad at his mom for taking WEEKS to get her to the ER). Me: "I don't want to get in the middle of this" (even though I'm tired of him bitching about my dad)Derek: "well you should be just as mad about it as me" (he keeps pushing for my opinion)Me: "so why couldn't you do anything?" Derek: "oh I see, you're always gonna be on your dads side"Was he not being a hypocrite by saying my dad should have done so and so while he didn't do shit? Fuck it.... Just venting and trying to see if I might be wrong.. What do you guys think? Ha, sorry for the pathetic drama.. It's just suffocating my high so I'm venting.


Well-Known Member
The big bang was just the collision of two universe encapsulating membranes. look into Einstein's theory of everything, string theory, M-theory. the more educated you are on possibilities of existence the more far fetched the idea of a biblical god seems, and thus you become more retarded