I was brought up christian, and turned over to the dark side (atheist) lol. There is a lot of things that have always dumbfounded me about the bible. According to the old testament, god created man in his figure only approx five thousand years ago, Scientists can prove that man has existed for much much longer than that. The bible basically rules out evolution, dinosaurs, and any animals or life forms that existed before man. God only created Adam and eve, and from those two people, our entire worlds population was apparently formed...meaning a world of incest.
As far as the Jesus Christ goes, I believe he was simply an ordinary man. Christianity was illegal for over 400 years after the death of Jesus Christ. All the stories of Jesus Christ and all the information in the bible was passed down by word of mouth for over 400 years, generation after generation, before it was actually able to be put into text. Ive heard of the bible be referred to as the biggest lie ever told. I just think that people lived back two thousand years ago, were a lot more simple minded, thinking that the earth was flat, that gods controlled the weather, and a lot more phenomenons that could not be scientifically explained back then.