So I'm a retard :).

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
The big bang was just the collision of two universe encapsulating membranes. look into Einstein's theory of everything, string theory, M-theory. the more educated you are on possibilities of existence the more far fetched the idea of a biblical god seems, and thus you become more retarded

...thanks, I was looking for a good laugh. Seems like your head is expanding with your knowledge :)

"You! What PLANET is this!" -Dr. McCoy
Hahahahaha.... Alright so I'm really REALLY baked right now and I've decided to listen to media and a bunch of atheists who literally call me retarded for my beliefs. So now that my beliefs make me retarded, I no longer have to provide any sense in anything I say whoo hoo!!!!

Yeah there's no point to this thread, but it's cool since I'm mentally slow.... :) let's rip the bong
You have completely achieved the "no longer have to provide any sense in anything"! I congratulate you and pass the bong back! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Do what you do man, but denying science and embracing a book isn't going to get you very far

there's a reason that a vast majority of the people that make advancements in science and the medical community deny the concept of God


Well-Known Member
So guys.... My brain is completely like COMPLETELY absolutely fucked to the max.. Now I'm just curious as to whether it was the acid, DMT, shrooms, alcohol, pot, or just everyday normal depression. I mean I took none of those drugs alot (like not enough for them to cause problems) but you never know about the little secrets drugs hold. And I know it wasn't from a bad trip since I've never had a bad trip.. I also know that it isn't just psychological, because my physical body is also suffering (slower reaction times, blurry vision, and I can't really explain it but I feel like I'm in a daze.... Kinda like when you're about to trip but there's no hallucinations yet).. Well damn.


Ursus marijanus
So guys.... My brain is completely like COMPLETELY absolutely fucked to the max.. Now I'm just curious as to whether it was the acid, DMT, shrooms, alcohol, pot, or just everyday normal depression. I mean I took none of those drugs alot (like not enough for them to cause problems) but you never know about the little secrets drugs hold. And I know it wasn't from a bad trip since I've never had a bad trip.. I also know that it isn't just psychological, because my physical body is also suffering (slower reaction times, blurry vision, and I can't really explain it but I feel like I'm in a daze.... Kinda like when you're about to trip but there's no hallucinations yet).. Well damn.
You need to see a good doctor imo. cn


Well-Known Member
Well along with being open minded comes doubt. I have some doubts.

You guys know how there's different "books" in the bible? Like the book of job.. Well who gave them (them being people like job) the right to speak for god? Why should we believe or listen to what they say is right or wrong?

My logic also brings up my next question. Why should we believe them when they say that Jesus is our saviour? Man.... I'm going to hell (if they told the truth about hell).

Serious question, I'm not trying to shoot down Christianity or anything.. So any Christians (or people that have a real answer and not just insults) wanna take a shot at this to help me out?
Ok, I think you missed something here...the whole bible is other people's accounts of other people's accounts. It wasn't written til 400 years after the Christianity movement (Jesus) had occurred and died down, and then a guy said, "hey, you remember Jesus? No? Well here I wrote this everyone that could have known anyone in the bible was dead before it was written depending on how you take the text...I mean technically jesus told a disciple he would have to walk the earth til Jesus himself comes perhaps he is the one to tell the story again 400 years later...but really the bible is not an accurate portrayal of anything, and none of the books were written --by--anyone that was actually there. HIstorically speaking of course. It is a nice religion if it is what you choose to believe in, but that is why it is based on least based on baith they have a chance...


Well-Known Member
I was brought up christian, and turned over to the dark side (atheist) lol. There is a lot of things that have always dumbfounded me about the bible. According to the old testament, god created man in his figure only approx five thousand years ago, Scientists can prove that man has existed for much much longer than that. The bible basically rules out evolution, dinosaurs, and any animals or life forms that existed before man. God only created Adam and eve, and from those two people, our entire worlds population was apparently formed...meaning a world of incest.
As far as the Jesus Christ goes, I believe he was simply an ordinary man. Christianity was illegal for over 400 years after the death of Jesus Christ. All the stories of Jesus Christ and all the information in the bible was passed down by word of mouth for over 400 years, generation after generation, before it was actually able to be put into text. Ive heard of the bible be referred to as the biggest lie ever told. I just think that people lived back two thousand years ago, were a lot more simple minded, thinking that the earth was flat, that gods controlled the weather, and a lot more phenomenons that could not be scientifically explained back then.
How about this one---adam and eve were the only people and then they had 2 sons...but one killed the other so now there are 3 people on earth but the son was able to leave and bring back a wife...So, you could take that that the bible is bullshit, or that there was a world in motion and god didn't like he created a closed off portion and decided to start he makes these 2 people and puts them in this garden--no crime, no fights, no shame...just one rule...last hope for humanity living in utopia...the test humans for paradise and they messed it up....Perhaps Adam and Eve were god's first indoor grow...he just wanted to try it and they still let him he said fuck it, I'm done...