Trying again the newbie adventure....


Well-Known Member
crap figured out that my timer was set wrong so the lighs have been going off about 15 minutes late every night, I assume that would fuck up flowering.... how can I correct it...


Well-Known Member
on a positive note my hempy buckets look ok this morning, one of the seedlings was on the brink of dying when I put it in looks a little better today, I gave them a little water, I still have to read some more to figure out if its with nutes everytime or not, but today I gave just watr ph at about 5.8 not much just a little and thats it closed up the box I dont plan to touch them again until tomorrow I love these things


Well-Known Member
ok a few updates, and just want to put in some info I neglected too prior. First the hempy buckets look good this morning, the seedlings seem to have adapted very well I had 2 that looked very close to death ( bout with root rot in the AG) they are looking a little better, and the other 2 look great took a few snapshots of them.... the pots were still moist about an inch down today so I think I will be on an every other day watering my plan is to do 1 water with nutes and then the next jsut water until they are bigger maybe another week and then nutes every water 2-3 times a week... I am really enjoying the hempy buckets so far...

The bubler plants are still going well pretty sure I have 3 females ( the seeds were bag seed I will expalin in a second)

I plan to step up my grow operation once I harvest the bubler not expecting much as it will be my first harvest.... the only hydro nutes I had ( I have ordered jst waiting on the shippment) are those that came with the AG and honestly I dont have any nute burn so far and the best Icantell I dont have any deficincies, I am using 1 tablet in 3.5 gallons of water, and for the hempy buckets I am using the the AG nutes, 1/4 of 1 tablet disolved in 1 gallon of water so far so good(but I have good nutes on the way)

As far as my seeds I have a few hundred of them, a buddy of mine got tricked into buying about 3 oz the price was right, but I took one look at it and with the knowleged I had gotten from here I knew the grower was just trying to maks some cash from his hermies!!!!!!! my buddy was pissed but what can you do, in any event he bought some better stuff and gave me the 2 oz of the hermie weed, was an ok smoke, but now I have a ton of seeds and from what I have read I have a good chance of getting females so I beleive I have 3 girls going in the bubler as all 3 of those plants came from that bag ok thats enough for now



Well-Known Member
well I just wanted to give a quick update, if you have been keeping track you know my largest plant in the bubler fell in the res last week, but she is 100% now the growth is really good on all 3 I think I just didnt veg them long enough I should have gotten them in a good envorment and veged for 2 weeks before going 12/12 I am 85%sure all 3 are females but its hard to post pics of the parts with the camera I currently have (loaned my good one to my brother for his vacation), even though they are in my closet they are starting to smell up my office.. no idea what I will yield but I will be happy with whatever I get... had to op of the res today they seem to drink about 1/4 galon a day, I do one day ph water the next day nutes... doing the same withmy hempy buckets.... well hopefully I will see some buds soon today marks day 19 of 12/12 I think its taking so long becaus they didnt really have any veg time, but I am pretty sure I see hairs and I am certain I dont see any balls, but this will hopefully be my first sucesful dwc.....and it will also be my last, I cant see putting in all this effort hempy buckets just suit me better.... take a look at my pics, I know they arent the best but tell me what you think


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm watching!

I am also starting my Hempy Buckets right now. I left work early today cause this was all I could think about... lol

Stopped at Home Depot on the way home and picked up the growing medium. Though I am still not sure if using rockwool cubes for my seedlings and clones will be okay. Waiting to hear back from AZ on that.

By the by, could you please tell me what AG means?

Thanks and good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
Hey WWW thanks for stopping by, I am not an HB expert yet but I do read alot, and from what I have read you are ok with the rockwool just water around it, and not directly on top of it so the cube doesnt get soaked, they can cause ph problems tho so be careful, I have also read that those jiffy pots work with this type of grow, and AG stands for Aerogarden, its a little all in one aeroponics unit........

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Hey WWW thanks for stopping by, I am not an HB expert yet but I do read alot, and from what I have read you are ok with the rockwool just water around it, and not directly on top of it so the cube doesnt get soaked, they can cause ph problems tho so be careful, I have also read that those jiffy pots work with this type of grow, and AG stands for Aerogarden, its a little all in one aeroponics unit........

AeroGarden... duh! I should have firgured that out... lol Thanks for giving me a clue! LOL

And yeah, I was wondering about the rockwool and its PH issues; and how it would work out with the Hempy Buckets. Last year I picked up a couple of those long seed starter trays with the plastic domes and they came with Jiffy pots, so I have dozens of them and hope to put them to good use now.

I am doing DWC (or I was) but switching to HB today due to the PH problems. DWC seems like a good idea in theory, but it's just too much work - what with the sprayers, the air pumps, the water pumps, the water/rez heater, etc etc and the unstable PH. Hope this is going to be lots better with good results and yields.

Your babies look great by the way,


Well-Known Member
I agree WWW if I had known about HBs I would have never tried soil, dwc, or the AG, I am just so far along with my DWC right now and I am pretty sre I have 3 females that it wouldnt be woth it to transplant, but I have the time ans the space so I have a HB grow box going, I dont have hid lighting and the wife just wont go for it so I am ging to use rubbermaid growtubs and HB I amay build 3 of them total one for veg and seedlings the other 2 just for flower I have seen several grows with 4-8 cfls in a tub producing 3-6oz and thats in soil..... add the HB and maybe i can pull some better yields

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
What size rubbermaid tubs are you going to be using?

I use a 18 gal one for my seedlings - I put a heating mat in the bottom and mylar all around the sides, then use two clip-on goose neck lamps with 42w CFLs (200w equal) and they love it! I only use it for as long as it takes them to reach a couple of inches and then move them to my DWC for root development. But that's changing as of today. Or should I keep with the DWC for rooting my seedlings and clones?

As far as flowering, I have a separate room (about 7 X 10 feet) for that. And then I use 2 - 400w Lamps ( 1 MH and 1 HPS).

You gotta convince your Mrs to go for atleast one 400w lamp, they really don't cost that much and the electric bill won't go up by a noticeable amount either.


Well-Known Member
the problem is the area I would have to use if i went with an hps is only 15 inches deep 27inches wide and 6ft high, kind of like a utility or linen closet, so at most I would go with 250w hps and with the heat etc... just doesnt seem like its worth it for the same $150 I would pay for the light I could set up 4 grow tubs probably and end up with a much bigger yield... at least thats what i hope

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Yeah that is a tight space and the heat created would def be a problem. Best to stick with the CFL's. But get the big watters for flowering or your buds won't be nice and tight and compact.


Well-Known Member
I got my design pretty much down going to run 3 tubs 6 plants each 6 42w cfls4 reds 2 blues each one fan for intake one for ehaust if I can get 4-6ozs per tub my first go around I will double the number of tubs lol


Well-Known Member
for the dwc i have going now I am going to just let it go and hope it doesnt take over the entire top floor of my house, with the tubs, I am going to put something together and atach it to the exuahust

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Whats going on again bigd...

I'd like to start off by saying sorry to hear about your past previous problems, I too had some problems of my own early own with my DWC. I had to pretty much get rid of just about all my seedlings. I still have 3 from that and I started 7 more. I must say now after a few adjustments in my system, I'm up and running pretty well so im amped.

The first two pics are of ones I had before from the first set of seedlings, ima show the progress of them now under this post

Keep up the work man, it's definitely going to pay off for you as it's starting to for me. :hump:



Well-Known Member
looking good bubbuh,I think dwc is a good way to grow it just requires more maintanance than I want to deal with, the hempy buckets give the same amount of groth imo, and none of the hassle, although setting up a dwc is relatively cheap, HB are even cheaper and I dont have to worry about keeping my res cool daily ph ppm light in the res algae and the list goes on and on, speaking of which get those cubes burried under something before they start to turn green


Well-Known Member
I need help!!!!! it has been about 27 days of 12/12 and still no real hairs and no balls??I should be budding by now shouldnt I, I have no light leaks, my timer was messed up at first so they were getting 15 minutes extra light but that was corrected last week what could it be any ideas???