Good drugs / Bad drugs

Bad drugs: Prescription pills, Alcohol, and Schedule 2 Drugs.

Good drugs: Some schedule 3 drugs and some schedule 1 drugs.

Of all of these depend on the user, how much they are used, and what they are used for.
"I think drugs have done some good things for us, and If you don't believe drugs have done some good things do me a favor. Go home, take all your albums, tapes, and CD's and burn them. You know all those great musicians who enhanced our lives throuout the years. Real fuckin high on drugs!"

Rev. Bill Hicks.

You are right about that, Alot of great musicians were on drugs. I'm not debating the fact that drugs tend to be a driving force for some great artists. But for almost every great artist there is an equaly Painful and sad truth that goes hand and hand with their drug use. Take such people as: Jonathan Melvoi (smashing pumpkins) Kurt Cobain, Kevin Dubrow quite riot -Chris Holmes of WASP, Shannon Hoon - Blind Melon, John Bonham, Steven Adler, Scott weiland. They are all Dead becouse of it. Also, Dave Navaro, Janace Joplin, OZZI all survived at least one OD. Jerry Garcia, died as a result of continuous drug use as well as John Belushi. Countless Others have died in the name of drugs. They did make great Music, But what do they have to show for it, now that they are dead. Most of them were writing great music before they turned to drugs anyway. As I've been saying all along, when accessability of drugs becomes easier (as it does with musicians when they make it big) People get hooked and die as a result. Don't missunderstand me, I love Drugs and always will, I just want people to realize what would happen if drugs became legal. I like the way it is now, I don't think the Government should have any controll over my ability to get high. part of doing drugs is the thrill we get when scoring them, and the secret places and manner we use them... Take that away from us and it just wouldn't be as much of an adventure.
You are right about that, Alot of great musicians were on drugs. I'm not debating the fact that drugs tend to be a driving force for some great artists. But for almost every great artist there is an equaly Painful and sad truth that goes hand and hand with their drug use. Take such people as: Jonathan Melvoi (smashing pumpkins) Kurt Cobain, Kevin Dubrow quite riot -Chris Holmes of WASP, Shannon Hoon - Blind Melon, John Bonham, Steven Adler, Scott weiland. They are all Dead becouse of it. Also, Dave Navaro, Janace Joplin, OZZI all survived at least one OD. Jerry Garcia, died as a result of continuous drug use as well as John Belushi. Countless Others have died in the name of drugs. They did make great Music, But what do they have to show for it, now that they are dead. Most of them were writing great music before they turned to drugs anyway. As I've been saying all along, when accessability of drugs becomes easier (as it does with musicians when they make it big) People get hooked and die as a result. Don't missunderstand me, I love Drugs and always will, I just want people to realize what would happen if drugs became legal. I like the way it is now, I don't think the Government should have any controll over my ability to get high. part of doing drugs is the thrill we get when scoring them, and the secret places and manner we use them... Take that away from us and it just wouldn't be as much of an adventure.

TRUTH :blsmoke:
NO ecstasy pills contain coke nor Heroin, meth is very very frequently cut with meth because it is cheaper. They are also cut with MDA MDEA, phentanyl if ur lucky, special k if ur really luck, benadryll, alll sorts of shit, but no heroin or coke.

how do you know that, how do you know the people who make the pills dont put it in?

and i heard that E sometimes dose contain heroin and coke.
is not as mind blowing as people say but its definately fun id like to do while on l and srooms i bet it would be unreal or smnoke some dmt and thenn shoot some k but regardless the problem with dmt is once you really satart tripppin good its hard to keep smoking and really getting gone but if you do it listen to some shpongle while you do heres a sample of them for ya they have a song about dmt called divine moment of truth

YouTube - Shpongle DMT

enjoy ;)

dude! thanks for sharing, that tune litrally had me funking out =]
how do you know that, how do you know the people who make the pills dont put it in?

and i heard that E sometimes dose contain heroin and coke.
For the most part ecstasy pills are made by cartels overseas in places like holland and pakistan, and they are in it for the isnt economical to put heroin in or coke in the pills, so why would they do it? Sure there are some chemists out there with small scale productions, but its exactly the same for them...theyd be losing money as mdma is cheaper. If you are going to risk your freedom youd think youd want to make as much profit as possible. There are reports of pills with heroin, for example there is one on ecstasydata, but just take a look at it...very poorly pressed, most likely made by someone to fuck with ppl. It would be really really rare to find coke or heroin in a pill...especially from a reliable dealer whos is getting their pills by the boat.
That could almost be true. Alot of people, don't have a chose, the drug triggers somthing dormant in there brain, and once that happens, it's almost impossible to quit without proper help. I do agrea with the fact, that a particular person chooses how and when to do drugs. If drugs were available at your local pharmacy for anyone to have, There would be a much greater number of people becoming hooked on them. Although, getting drugs is as easy as buying a snickers for some people like us. (I am also south of beantown). There are tons of young stupid hick farm boys who would never get the opportunity to buy them. Those are the people who get hooked, with nothing to do but milk cows, drink cough syrup and fuck chickens, when drugs come around them, they use them. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see drugs legalized. But knowing what I know about the science of addiction (which is quite a bit), I know just by numbers alone, the addiction rate would sky rocket.. Do you know that 1 out of every 3 people who tried Oxicontin more then 3 time, became addicted to it. And even worse is that out of those people (almost 1 million in the U.S. alone) almost 70% turned to heroin within 2 years. Crack cocain has even higher numbers. I just don't want my kids be all fucked up because of the availability of drugs, as of now, I have atleast a chance of keeping from using. It really is my largest concern as parent. Plus, they have my DNA, and we all know that addiction is passed on generation after generation.
hey I don't know if you watched "Intervention" last week,but they did a whole episode on the dope epidemic in Brockton(nxt town over from me)and what some of the youngsters were going through.
I know the double-edged sword nature of drug use,being an I.V. drug abuser for over 10 years. Surprisingly,what pulled me out of my 'rut' was a 10gram mushroom trip. After that I began dabbling in DMT extractions and I haven't looked back on that old life since(this was over 3 years ago),and believe me,I've seen it all. I've stayed at 10,000 a week rehabs and done 2-3day 'spin dry's' at Shattuck Hospital in JP. One bathroom for ALL patients,male or female.A locked unit.Of course,it's for 'free' for Mass.residents w/out insurance. You couldn't leave anything in your room or it was GONE. I had an 18yo hooker with about 3teeth try to blow me in the hall for my next dose.Yuck.I was sick,but not that sick!! Dinner came down in a large pot of unrecognizable slop dumped on your plate from a dirty ladle.Then,when you walk out to leave(escape??)the needle exchange van is parked right there,waiting for you.
I've been in jail as well,and did a homeless run in Miami and Portland Maine,as well as all over Boston,sleeping in crackhouses and squats. I know what bottom feeding is like and it sucks.
But,I do not subscribe to the 12step "a drug is a drug is a drug"B.S. Psychedelics brought that mystery back to life that had been missing for so long.

I'm married with a beautiful daughter now.we have our own home in a good suburb.i have an isolated finished basement for my 'gardens'. I still get to Ratdog and Phil shows,dropping a little acid and dancing like I used to.
One mans poison is anothers elixir,so who can say what's good or bad?
For the most part ecstasy pills are made by cartels overseas in places like holland and pakistan, and they are in it for the isnt economical to put heroin in or coke in the pills, so why would they do it? Sure there are some chemists out there with small scale productions, but its exactly the same for them...theyd be losing money as mdma is cheaper. If you are going to risk your freedom youd think youd want to make as much profit as possible. There are reports of pills with heroin, for example there is one on ecstasydata, but just take a look at it...very poorly pressed, most likely made by someone to fuck with ppl. It would be really really rare to find coke or heroin in a pill...especially from a reliable dealer whos is getting their pills by the boat.

ah i see =] thanks for that. :bigjoint:
The way I see the whole "good/bad" "drug" feud is that there are substances that you can gain from to expand ones own consciousness and there are drugs that are fun and pass time. I don't generally use the word drug for natural plants and fungi because there just that.. natural. LSD is the closest synthetic we've got to natural occurring psychedelics. It's also the only man made substance that I stand behind.
hey I don't know if you watched "Intervention" last week,but they did a whole episode on the dope epidemic in Brockton(nxt town over from me)and what some of the youngsters were going through.
I know the double-edged sword nature of drug use,being an I.V. drug abuser for over 10 years. Surprisingly,what pulled me out of my 'rut' was a 10gram mushroom trip. After that I began dabbling in DMT extractions and I haven't looked back on that old life since(this was over 3 years ago),and believe me,I've seen it all. I've stayed at 10,000 a week rehabs and done 2-3day 'spin dry's' at Shattuck Hospital in JP. One bathroom for ALL patients,male or female.A locked unit.Of course,it's for 'free' for Mass.residents w/out insurance. You couldn't leave anything in your room or it was GONE. I had an 18yo hooker with about 3teeth try to blow me in the hall for my next dose.Yuck.I was sick,but not that sick!! Dinner came down in a large pot of unrecognizable slop dumped on your plate from a dirty ladle.Then,when you walk out to leave(escape??)the needle exchange van is parked right there,waiting for you.
I've been in jail as well,and did a homeless run in Miami and Portland Maine,as well as all over Boston,sleeping in crackhouses and squats. I know what bottom feeding is like and it sucks.
But,I do not subscribe to the 12step "a drug is a drug is a drug"B.S. Psychedelics brought that mystery back to life that had been missing for so long.

I'm married with a beautiful daughter now.we have our own home in a good suburb.i have an isolated finished basement for my 'gardens'. I still get to Ratdog and Phil shows,dropping a little acid and dancing like I used to.
One mans poison is anothers elixir,so who can say what's good or bad?

My stories are very familiar, I am from Hyde Park originaly. Moved away about 5 years ago. Been to countless detoxes and a number of rehabs. I was always fortunit enough to avoid the shattuck, although many peolple I ran with have done there time there. I have to say that my favorite all time halfway house had to be North Cottage (north sausage) over in Norton. That was the last halfway house I went to. I had been to Norcap up in Foxboro, so many times they didn't allow me back. I thought It was hopeless for me. I saw that intervention about the city of champions, I thought it hit the nail on the head.. I had alot of friends from that way. I was glad to see someone with the same background as me in here. I also have a basement growroom setup. It keeps my mind occupied and me off the hard stuff. I think we have that obsessive personality being addicts and all. We need to do things that arnt so legitimate to keep us on an even keel and from going over the edge and back to our old ways. In some ways we are like addreanile junkies, and need to be somewhat of risk taker. Even though we have used up all our strikes with the law, and we would surely end up back in jail if we get caught. I'm sure you know what Im talking about..
Well keep it up and stay clean. I'll give the old mushroom thing a shot this summer. Not quite as much as you though...
i am not proud of this but i have tried everything i can think of! including smack and meth

but the drugs i use now are

Pot, Coke, Pills, Gas, LSD, Shrooms, Ketamin and if there is any floating round when im looking for it i will happily have a lil Speed

Peace XxX
actually lsd is natural to a point it comes from a mold/fungus called ergot (i think thats what they call it) that grows naturaly on rye in temperate climates in europe. when a crop was infected whole villages would go bat shit crazy for a day or two from eating the tainted crop. they did not know why until sciece found that out later. ('lysergic acid diethlamide' badly spelled sorry) is then made from this natural substance the process i dont know. but it is kind of like liqour in that it is naturaly sourced but then processed to its final form:peace:
If you say that then essentially everything is natural, man can't create anything without what already exists. Like most words I think we all have our own idea as to what natural actually means. In my eyes I see natural as the cycle of life and death regardless of the hand of man.
ii dont deal with drugs ii deal with herbs.....drugs are bad...bad is badder...drugs are piss shit poo poo..herbs are the guru..shumuru boom tit tat shazaam!!!
If you say that then essentially everything is natural, man can't create anything without what already exists. Like most words I think we all have our own idea as to what natural actually means. In my eyes I see natural as the cycle of life and death regardless of the hand of man.

If it has a carbon molocule it is organic, right? Organic=natural, what StellaBlue said is on point. Fuck, it's all a matter of perception. There are no good or bad drugs, just good or bad people in my eyes!
The Good:
2cb, mdma, speed, coke, skunk, shrooms

The Bad:
crack, smack, meth, ket,

Never been able to get hold of any mescallin but wanted to for a while, if i had to choose my favourite 2cb is the way to go.

what kind of speed, Amphetamine speed or Heroin and cocaine mix speed? Cocaine creates the most wonderful euphoric effect but the come off is hard and exspensive just stick with the herb