Good drugs / Bad drugs

There are things that can teach you and help you grow. There are things that can help you hide. There things that can help you be you when you are too afraid to be you. There are things that can fill the holes when there's holes to be filled just don't forget to pay the more important bills. What's blown, dropped, smoked or shot is up to you but good aint good without some bad. Don't matter if your in the hole, don't matter if the floor of that hole gives way only to fall some more. Somewhere deep inside you, you will always know where you are, what your doing and where your going.
what kind of speed, Amphetamine speed or Heroin and cocaine mix speed? Cocaine creates the most wonderful euphoric effect but the come off is hard and exspensive just stick with the herb

Couldn't have said it better myself.. I used to mix Coke and Dope all the time and it was the best feeling in the world.. Other then the fact it can kill you on the spot and almost always ruins your heart in the longrun. Once you get hooked on drugs, they never feel the same way. Its a constant guilt trip you put yourself on. You can't even enjoy being high... And that is the truth.. The great feeling I used get from Speedballing, soon went away and I was left with a sick feeling that could only be fixed by getting high, and it fucking sucked... So, stick with the grass and a few others like mushrooms and shit, dont touch the class A or B drugs.. You might just ruin yours and your familys life like I did. Play it smart..:peace:
Anything you have to inject I would NEVER do. I hate getting tetanus shots and shit like that so using a needle to inject drugs just wouldn't be my thing, fuck that.
weed=good shrooms=good LSD=mixed feelings ecstasy=BAD hydrocodone= FUN! Bud Light=Good coke=bad crack=bad heroin=bad Opium=good

these are just my opinions haha
weed=good shrooms=good LSD=mixed feelings ecstasy=BAD hydrocodone= FUN! Bud Light=Good coke=bad crack=bad heroin=bad Opium=good

He got a few
LSD is a good...
pure MDMA (active ingredient in ecstact) is possibly the best after weed
coke is incredible but with a price tag to match....
ketamin is appropriate very very rarely
2CB.. havnt tried but i hear its AMAZING
speed = good
meth = 2'nd worst ever (after heroin)
coke is incredible but with a price tag to match....

Yeah, costs a lot of money to hire those gunmen to threaten the farmers' families that are growing it... :roll: When you look at a drug, don't look only at it's effect on body, but it's effect on society and where it comes from... then you will see cocaine as the enemy it truly is.
Yeah, costs a lot of money to hire those gunmen to threaten the farmers' families that are growing it... :roll: When you look at a drug, don't look only at it's effect on body, but it's effect on society and where it comes from... then you will see cocaine as the enemy it truly is.

The only reason any drugs cause any damage to society is because of their illegality... if the government controlled supply and price then the majority of the social problems would go away and the only remaining ones would be the physical.