Well-Known Member
is that why the companies are now working with the state of nebraska to avoid crossing the ogallala aquifer?Yes yes, a pipeline that has been the most studied in history crossing an area already crisscrossed by pipelines.
farmers and ranchers are with obama on this one. that aquifer provides almost 95% of all their water. they want to protect it, as their entire way of life depends on it.
i pay my electric company every month, not a tape of president obama....Obama's stated policy. For green energy to have any chance of gaining ground in America, the cost of oil and fossil fuels must necessarily skyrocket. He has stated that on tape.
and my rates are the same.
sorry if that conflicts with your silly little conspiracy theory. protecting the ogallala aquifer does not a conspiracy make.
when did obama claim to be a savior of the poor, you partisan hack? go find it, quote it, and show me and i will send you a free ounce....The problem is that it is costing jobs, is not realistic, causes a drag on the economy and is painful to the very people Obama claims to be a savior of namely the poor.
if you think the 100k or so jobs that are simply put on delay are hurtful, you should see what would happen should the ogallala aquifer meet a tar-sanded fate.