Root gel and some experiments

i made a small cut on the stem of one of my Salvia plants, and just like you guys, the stem has fattened out big time just when i applied it, but only on the corners :S i'll upload pictures soon.
Heres some pics:


As you can see just the corners expanded, and brown specs, i guess from the cut. I wouldnt say this was beneficial? I dont know possibly stronger stems if anything?
You guys this is very interesting. I think it would be better if we started a diary of diferent things u guys tried and compare notes.and had control plants to monitor progress through out the whole cycle. This could take years of study to find the exact times to apply the hormone and when not to. Maybe u guys that want to experiment with this and not wast time with duplicate procedures get together and start a study of this. It would be better if all involved with the study used the same strain and follow the same feeding schedual and same methode of growing. and if everyone tried diferent ways and times to give out the hormone it may tell us sooner what works and dont work.
just a thought but interesting just the same.

good luck all with what u guys are doing. this could have impact on the way we grow in the future
this is the clone that i put gel on after trimming a few lower side branches. it's smaller and it's leaves are all spotty.......

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this is the seedling i put gel on the bottom of the stalk when it was a few nodes high. it too is shorter but the leaves look fine.......

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plant next to it. same strain started at the same time.........

Very interesting, there seems to be ups and downs to this. Just need to try and narrow it down to the best time/ method of application.
You're all mad! Mad I tells ya'!!
You think that just because you can pour some nutes on a seed, throw im' under some fake sunshine, and then cut him up. For what? To then rub your steroids all over the cuts, just to mutate the poor plant. All for your own selfish gains? You bastards. You evil bastards.
I hope this works out nicely. I think I might just give it a try.:twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:

Here's a pic of the bud ive been calling "The Moose" since the start of this experiment,this plant has been treated one time with Take Root cloning powder,fed to her in her water.

So far i see no signs of bud production slowing down,note the new calyx development that looks like little chunks sticking out on the top & left hand side of the pic,i didnt have time to take a measurement but its obvious that its still growing.

What im finding really strange is that the hairs are not turning red at all,on my other plants from this strain most have been harvested & the one remaining will be comming down on sunday morning,also the trichs on the other plants were mostly honey colored when i took them down but this one's thrich's are still 100% clear all over.

Im convinced at this point that the hormone had something to do with the growth rate of this plant & allowing it to bud longer than the others.


I forgot this wide angle shot,also taken today.

Thats very interesting pan head. How much are you giving them in the water?

I only fed it to her one time but i did give her a massive dose,i mixed 5 tblspns up with a little water & made a paste,then mixed it slowly with her water along with her normal nutes then fed her,i also used some of the paste before feeding it to her to treat 4 seedlings & 4 clones, so maybe right around 4 1/4 tblspns were fed to this plant.
Here's a pic of the bud ive been calling "The Moose" since the start of this experiment,this plant has been treated one time with Take Root cloning powder,fed to her in her water.

So far i see no signs of bud production slowing down,note the new calyx development that looks like little chunks sticking out on the top & left hand side of the pic,i didnt have time to take a measurement but its obvious that its still growing.

What im finding really strange is that the hairs are not turning red at all,on my other plants from this strain most have been harvested & the one remaining will be comming down on sunday morning,also the trichs on the other plants were mostly honey colored when i took them down but this one's thrich's are still 100% clear all over.

Im convinced at this point that the hormone had something to do with the growth rate of this plant & allowing it to bud longer than the others.


Fuck me mate, that looks gorgeous. I hope it smokes well!! Did you only water it the once then? And have you began flushing yet? Im wondering if when you begin to flush it will slow down growth rate and trichs will begin to mature.
that's the wickedest "caveman club" bud i've ever seen. wow. smack someone in the side of the head with that. lol
Fuck me mate, that looks gorgeous. I hope it smokes well!! Did you only water it the once then? And have you began flushing yet? Im wondering if when you begin to flush it will slow down growth rate and trichs will begin to mature.

Yeah,just the one time,i had planned on doing some other stuff to her & to keep feding her the hormone once a week but the discussion brought up a bunch of things i had no idea about,like stunted growth & such so i left her alone after the first treatment.

I have not started flushing her yet & dont plan to till its very close to being ready,to tell the truth i hope its never ready,i'd love to go check on her & find that the bud just kept swelling up until it burst like a water baloon :mrgreen: