The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Is there only me on ere today???? lol im gettin like UKRG talkin to me sen lol!!!
Get some sunday porn up peeps!!!............Q why do peeps put pron instead of porn on ere?? lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hmmm dum im bored as hell. kids gone stables with the mrs. got hour to self.
feel proper lame today got real short fuse dunno wots up with me.
still no dura here then??? this thread needs his random jokes


Well-Known Member
so guys whats the verdict u want me gone? il leave without question or any arguments i was out of order last nite

i fell down in the toilet badley ripped my arm open oon the pot toilet roll holder now im having to sleep downstairs im fukin crying me eyes out on a regular basis i feel such a pussy,

anyway watever decicionn u make il accept it


Well-Known Member
Haha robbie lad talkin about others on msn pal big rep to u fella !!
I big up my grows and big up the cheese and big up my yeilds !! Haha wtf can you point me to were fella this is nt me attackin u bro but im strugglin to see were i do this shit so wot if i grow cheese so wot if i get good results so wot if the result are as good or as poor as any fuckers bro its not in my personality to b jel mate
am i thaz fuckin good i need to be talked about pal if any1 has trouble with me send me a pm not bitch about me !
And tbf your right i dont care wot you ve said pal far from it tbh i find it rather amussing that sum 1 feels the need to bitch about me
Are you fucking thick , it wasnt dissing you ... i said you like to big up your grows , your yields and the exo ... you do , you say the exo is super strong , that you have pulled big yields etc thats bigging it up imo , its not a flame on you , you back your claims up !


Well-Known Member
you know what lads ive had it with this forum , i aint explaining why but its the same reasons las is no longer here , sambo is no longer here , dragon is no longer here and alot of the other main UK guys dont post here anymore , ill still be on riu , just aint bothering with all the over drama of the uk thread ... man you lot call the yanks for drama !

my friends will know where to find me ... catch ya later.


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking thick , it wasnt dissing you ... i said you like to big up your grows , your yields and the exo ... you do , you say the exo is super strong , that you have pulled big yields etc thats bigging it up imo , its not a flame on you , you back your claims up !
cummon lads lets end this NOW were all fukin pals and a island race so its inevitable we argue ive admitted my part and ive left in all your hands put cummon guys its suicidel sunday...



Well-Known Member
Are you fucking thick , it wasnt dissing you ... i said you like to big up your grows , your yields and the exo ... you do , you say the exo is super strong , that you have pulled big yields etc thats bigging it up imo , its not a flame on you , you back your claims up !
Lad the way i see it is your fuvked up for not flamin about me but just chattin shit about me were do i big up my yeilds if anythin bru its every1 else as for the thick comment bru haha ill leave that to u i ve neva understood why peeps feel the need to be jealous of 1another wot is it i can do that u cant robbie ill tell ya fuck all the reason i go on about cheese so much is because its the only strain i ve actually grown pal i ve neva said cheese is the strongest weed out there as im sure it ia nt why with all the im leavin bollox to shit i said in my last post to u i was nt tryin to run you but then u come back with shit like this fuck lets all get our fuckin dummies out ay and snivel the way we know best ay fuck g up lads !!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, it's not too bad mate :) flatmate came in yesterday saying that he could smell it 4 floors down, thumbs up from the rest of the household then and they've not even smoked it :D

I just have a raving for seafood of late, especially shrimp, yes please! Supermarkets are silly expensive though, like £25-30 a kilo for mediocre prawns, to hell with that.


Well-Known Member
Haha, it's not too bad mate :) flatmate came in yesterday saying that he could smell it 4 floors down, thumbs up from the rest of the household then and they've not even smoked it :D

I just have a raving for seafood of late, especially shrimp, yes please! Supermarkets are silly expensive though, like £25-30 a kilo for mediocre prawns, to hell with that.
Haha ttt u know i can remenber bein a yout and me grandad takin me market to fetch sum prawns we used to get em wrapped up in news paper and on the way home we would rip them open and eat the lot the best part about a prawn is suckin the fuckers brains out