Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
Runagi, welcome to the forum.
Saudi is right about getting the lights closer at least until you get your HID they can be as close as 1".
Here is an excerpt from the GrowFAQ lighting and reflectors section:

Every grower has, or still uses these lights. Although they don’t even come close to the results from a HID light, they do however provide a cheap alternative for a newbie 'dabbling' in the fine art of growing. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on an HID light, a newbie can purchase a compact fluorescent for a few bucks, and still have money for a coffee on the way home.

These lights are also excellent for starting seedlings and clones, as their cool light will not dry out the soil as fast as an HID. They have a low intensity, and are gentle on newly germinated seedlings, and are great for clones as they wont dry them out or give them too much of an early blast.

Compact fluoro's are also great for stealth grows, as they can be kept about 1 inch from the plants, and do not require extensive heat ventilation due to their warm operating temperature.

Good luck with your new girls, may you reap much buddage.


Well-Known Member
hey peeps, i hav recently started a lil cabinet grow. i have read loads of stuff from this site so i fort wot the heck may aswel join guys n gals on ere seem 2 know wot ther talkin about, n e ways this is jus a hello to evri 1


Well-Known Member
if thats florescent u need to bring it a lot closer.....4-6 inches
Yea the picture is deceiving, since it is angled; they are exactly 4 inches away. Can't really get it closer since i have a cheap fan blowing air over the light & plants off to the side, the lamp hits the top of the fan so that's as low as it gets for now... But they still look promising.

Hope to gyad i get females :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yea the picture is deceiving, since it is angled; they are exactly 4 inches away. Can't really get it closer since i have a cheap fan blowing air over the light & plants off to the side, the lamp hits the top of the fan so that's as low as it gets for now... But they still look promising.

Hope to gyad i get females :blsmoke:
I hope you get females too! lol, maybe if we all send you the good vibes it'll help. Can't hurt.

You should start a grow journal where you can post all your pics and progress!


Active Member
Thanks. Greetings all. This spring/summer I will be planning out a very small scale growing operation in my new house. After a bit more research I'm going to make a thread.

Peace to all


Active Member
hey evry1, this is my first season actually growing by myself, but my best friend is the main dealer in my town so I'm always around his plants and have learned a lot. I have recently been forced 2 move back in with my parents for a little while but do not want to give up my plants. I have created a pretty well hidden way to grow in my closet but thinking down the road... What is an easy low-budget way to keep my 4 plants from stinking up my room until I am able to transplant them into the woods up behind my house?


Active Member
hey whats up, i would like to know what seeds would be recommended for growing outdoors in north florida in pots n soil any advice


Active Member
hey, im new to this and also growing green. im living in the UK and have read up on growing but there are a few things i am unsure on and would greatly appreciate any help that you could give me.
I have just stared germination and have a few of my 5 seeds sprouting roots. i am living with my family and they no nothing about my growing and i hope to keep it that way, i am just growing for personal use after the annoyance of being ripped of and not getting much for your money.
I am growing The Joint Doctors - LOWRYDER seeds. i was planning to grow them to start with inside and then take them into a field when in the later stages and was wondering as i dont really want to buy an expensive lamp so
1. will they get enough light in my south facing window sill?
2. will they stink out my room and if so how to i stop this.
3. will my 60 wat desk lamp help?
4. will they survie outside in early may?

thank you greatly for any help and advice. general tips also welcom


Well-Known Member
hey, im new to this and also growing green. im living in the UK and have read up on growing but there are a few things i am unsure on and would greatly appreciate any help that you could give me.
I have just stared germination and have a few of my 5 seeds sprouting roots. i am living with my family and they no nothing about my growing and i hope to keep it that way, i am just growing for personal use after the annoyance of being ripped of and not getting much for your money.
I am growing The Joint Doctors - LOWRYDER seeds. i was planning to grow them to start with inside and then take them into a field when in the later stages and was wondering as i dont really want to buy an expensive lamp so
1. will they get enough light in my south facing window sill?
2. will they stink out my room and if so how to i stop this.
3. will my 60 wat desk lamp help?
4. will they survie outside in early may?

thank you greatly for any help and advice. general tips also welcom
Do not attempt this. There isn't anyway you can do this without getting caught. You are putting the entire house at risk. VV:evil:


Active Member
my window is on the fourth floor facing a filed which is never used other than me on my quad ,so not a problem of getting caught in the window but will the light be good enough.
and also does any one know if my 2 desk lamps with my normal halogen roof lights be sufficient for the plants to grow?


Well-Known Member
my window is on the fourth floor facing a filed which is never used other than me on my quad ,so not a problem of getting caught in the window but will the light be good enough.
and also does any one know if my 2 desk lamps with my normal halogen roof lights be sufficient for the plants to grow?
Check out the FAQ's on lighting, it seems that everyone recommends either compact fluorescent or metal halide for vegging, and HPS for flowering. I read a post somewhere that halogens are useless.

As for the smell, i'm sure 5 fully matured ganja plants will definitely stink up your room. Pretty risky to try this with your family around buddy.


Active Member
ok i have a 16 inch plant in my closet which is 2x2 and i have 1 cfl it equals like 800 lumens and i have foil around the walls 2 help reflect the light energy and a have a fan for circulation or heat and a water it 1 time a day am i doin everything right or if u have any suggestions it would help


Active Member
thanks runagi but i dont have the money to buy those lights but at what stage will they start to stink out my room? because then i will move them outside, i have just planted them 2day.