Ayla's plight !!!!! Let's help if we can !!!!!!! To keep ayla's name alive


Well, I think it couldn't have been ANYMORE on topic actually. You just didn't like what I had to say. Which I respected as you are the OP.[/QUOTE]
its exactly what the media does...look for the negative(juicy details)...instead of focusing on the positive, and talking about that!
If thats how you feel about opinions or yourselfs please exit stage left or right i dont care.................... U two just cant accept for some strange reason that i didnt want yours , mine , or anybodys opinion on the parents so if that offends you well im offending you then

enoughs enough ive told you two that in now way was i attacking you if you felt that way well thats your problem im not here to make you feel good i was here for her plight thats it thats all
it's alright kitty, us and our bastard opinions will go elsewhere. Follow me.
its exactly what the media does...look for the negative(juicy details)...instead of focusing on the positive, and talking about that!
for some reason they think that lets bring the negative parts to a possitive thread will help all i said was no opinions please and they go take a hissy fit
The way I see it, this thread was created to focus attention on the situation of a little girl in distress. I see neo's effort as materially advancing that and not in any way hindering. I read this disaster from page 1 on and am frankly appalled. What good is there in being so insistent about focusing on the positives for someone else far away, that one is willing to ostracize someone right here in our community? It isn't equitable. Worse, I saw a sort of mob psychology expose itself. Jmo. cn
does everyone understand why this thread was created??? wtf

here take all the negative bullshit......and post it here!!!https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/504275-whatz-your-beef.html

the only negativity i see in this thread is neo offering his opinion in post #32 and getting blasted for it for the next 20 or so posts. and then said negativity bled into another thread, at which point i came over to check out what was up.

anywho, who's in for some celebratory dabs?
Dear Friends ... and Damn It ... I mean Friends :-)

I have been away for a few days from this wonderful site called RollItUp. I so very much, as well as Ayla's family, and you my friends, want to "Roll It Up", with the news that out "Little Angel Community Member" has been found safe and sound.

As of this writing, there is no front page news to report to you. I really admire everything that you have done, to help in keeping Ayla Reynolds name in the forefront.

When I saw this thread dedicated to Ayla, I had to stop for a few, wipe some tears that were coming down, and then say Thank You to all. I just could not believe my eyes that my friends, whom I do not even know, only on here, would be by the side of those who are hurting so very much. You are, and will always, be a part of "Ayla's Community" for your gesture of caring for a lost child. You are all so very special, and will remain always in my heart.

There are (2) websites that are about Ayla. They are; www.thislittlelightofmaine.com and aylareynolds.com

Also, if you are on FaceBook, "Ayla's Community" (this is where I have been on for the past several days as admin). There are also several others, and can be reached by typing in the word "Ayla" in the search bar.

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Again Friends ... Thank you so very much for everything. I will let both families know of your efforts, and let us never give up hope on Ayla, or any other lost child in the world.

God Bless
Bob ~ The MaineYankee :-)

That is without a doubt the best news I have heard since my first seed germinated and grew into a confirmed girl. Her parents must be so happy. The happiness this family must be feeling is floating around through RIU...can you feel it?
Ayalas safe im lighting a big bowl just for her being found now join in if ya want guys !!

Yes that is a wonderful idea I dedicate the blunt of meds I smoked Lastnite and the next bowl I smoke to Ayalas - I'm hopeing the best for the whole family now they got there lil girl back
living in the state that i do, this has been on the local news since the story broke. i'm really glad she was found safe, especially knowing how these things often turn out.
it hasn't made the news yet, though, which i'm a little surprised about. they've been talking quite a bit about this since it first happened.

and i read through some of the comments here and i don't understand the anger. if some of you could have seen the news reports you might be inclined to think that a parent was involved. that's how it was painted on tv. that's how it's USUALLY painted for ratings. just ask nancy grace. there are people out there who put food on the table by vilifying others. at the end of the day the truth is all that matters, and frankly we don't know what that truth is.

while the most important thing (the girl's safety) has been verified, i don't think it's "good enough" that the girl was found safe. someone out there took her and caused all this. the case is not closed at all. i find it extremely curious that it hasn't been on the news. it's been getting round-the-clock coverage since it happened, so why so hush-hush if she was found?

there are a lot of details not mentioned in this thread that make the whole story of particular interest. social services, polygraphs, etc. to villify people for suggesting such-and-such is way off base. read the stories.
Dear Friends ... I too just saw what I had written, and trust me, I meant no harm in doing so.

Ayla has NOT been found.

I can see where you would assume such, and I for one will take the heat. It was a bad choice of wording on my part.

I, for Ayla, ask for forgiveness. I guess I was caught up in the moment that Ocalli started a thread dedicated to her. I ask that you continue to spread the news about our angel, Ayla Bell Reynolds.

Thanks for Understanding

The MaineYankee
Oh my god.


I wanted to spread the good news...

We're sorry if the celebratory messages seemed to rub the fact she is not actually safe in your face...

We're keeping her in our thoughts.
Dear Friends ... I too just saw what I had written, and trust me, I meant no harm in doing so.

Ayla has NOT been found.

I can see where you would assume such, and I for one will take the heat. It was a bad choice of wording on my part.

I, for Ayla, ask for forgiveness. I guess I was caught up in the moment that Ocalli started a thread dedicated to her. I ask that you continue to spread the news about our angel, Ayla Bell Reynolds.

Thanks for Understanding

The MaineYankee

Dear Friends ... and Damn It ... I mean Friends

I have been away for a few days from this wonderful site called RollItUp. I so very much, as well as Ayla's family, and you my friends, want to "Roll It Up", with the news that out "Little Angel Community Member" has been found safe and sound.

what? oh man...you did state that she was "found safe and sound"! why did you post that if it was not true?