tip top toker
Well-Known Member
We don't fiddle around with shitty weed you see
joint'll do just fine. My groundbreaking discovery was there there's a whole jar or 4 or 5 of it, why is your joint only that small? More boy! 

Ihave 5 widows growing now, and I expect to get around 7 oz from each..just grew them on coco a and b and 13 14
7 ozs off each plant and this is ur only ur second grow, you started them under 12/12 and they've been budding just over a week and u reckon ur goina get 7 oz of each! Either someones telling porkys here or I'm doin something reli wrong lol!
Ur not supposed to take into account the weight of the pot and soil!!
Went to his profile and read his latest posts, it's says there
Is this guy/girl bein serious lol, where ave they gone anyway!
hi you must friend me
Wits.this everyone pickin on the jock???? Lol
I wernt mate just incase you an hard bill new him lol............easy target really tho! lol
Lol ano mate was about tae get stuck in. Jst thought ad throw a wee spanner in lol
Your strong mate if you can throw billy!lol