White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


Well-Known Member
Day 29 (4/03): All the rhinos look like crap, still have fingers crossed, but they are drying up pretty fast and just dying :(

As for the clone, its also starting to look bad, leaves drying, cracking, browning, tips yellowing.... :(

What do I do?

I had other pictures but they were all bad. I ll get more if needed


Well-Known Member
As a last resort, give them all water with a lil nutes in them, at least some Nitrogen, it saved my garden.


Well-Known Member
I really don't think that nutes will help, but who knows. What did you give yours that had some nitrogen?

They do seem to have a pretty decent root structure going, just above ground its not growing, grrrrr!

My clone leaves are looking pretty bad too, check out some of them



Well-Known Member
What is Floramicro and where can I find it?? I was thinking of getting some Blood Meal. I think its 12-0-0? So some high nitrogen might help them bounce back. Other then that maybe heat stress? It sometime hits 82-85 during the day, butt thats not too long I dont think. Other then heat stress maybe humidity? Its only about 20%.... Maybe add a cup of water in there or will tht not help at all?


Well-Known Member
What is Floramicro and where can I find it?? I was thinking of getting some Blood Meal. I think its 12-0-0? So some high nitrogen might help them bounce back. Other then that maybe heat stress? It sometime hits 82-85 during the day, butt thats not too long I dont think. Other then heat stress maybe humidity? Its only about 20%.... Maybe add a cup of water in there or will tht not help at all?
FloraMicro is made by general hydroponics and is a liquid nute.
If you give it blood meal be sure to give it 1/2 strength, I used about 8-0-1 for Neptune.


Well-Known Member
Well just did some research on Floramicro and it looks like thats just a nute that you use. Its 5-0-1 in NPK which I believe what I was reading said nitrogen and calcium. Which would pretty much be about the same thing as Blood Meal. So if the store doesnt have Floramicro, Ill just grab the blood meal for Nitrogen :)

Looks like we may have solved the problem :)

*EDIT* Also read that Fish Emulsion is good for that 5-1-1 or 6-1-1 or something like that....


Well-Known Member
Well just did some research on Floramicro and it looks like thats just a nute that you use. Its 5-0-1 in NPK which I believe what I was reading said nitrogen and calcium. Which would pretty much be about the same thing as Blood Meal. So if the store doesnt have Floramicro, Ill just grab the blood meal for Nitrogen :)

Looks like we may have solved the problem :)

If you can, pick up the whole family of Flora (micro, grow, bloom)
their wonderful nutes!


Well-Known Member
I dont know of any hydro stores around me, so I will most likely not be able to use those. I did get some FOXFARM trio from someone to try out. Maybe I could just give it a 1/4 or 1/2 strength of the one for vegging. Didnt see if that was high in nitrogen.

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
well the temp is a lil too close for comfort try to leave the door open or cut a hole and add another fan not much but it may help good luck


Well-Known Member
D port Growth: I think I got the temperature thing solved. Did some modifications all day and once I add the other two fans I got here it will definitely help light as well temperature :) Hopefully that is one issue and fixes.

jordann9e: Why do you say that it has potassium deficiency? How would I go about fixing that deficiency?

willRavage: I checked out the store for any of the flora products and thats a no go.... Didnt find anything close :(
Ill have to do some research and find a hydro shop around me

I sprinkled some blood meal over them all and gave them a slight watering. Hopefully that clears then up a bit and I start to see some more growth and less yellowing/browning.

Heres a picture of a leaf that fell off on the clone... that one sot is also looking even worse then it did last time I checked.



Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of potassium def. . . take it for what is. JUST MY OPINION. That's what/is was wrong with my plant. I bought Advanced Nutrients 'Hammerhead'. It's nutrients full of potassuim and phosforus... (The PK in N-P-K) . . but it's really a bloom booster.... you want to get some thing that has some numbers in the 'K' area like 0-0-5 ?? OPINION!!!! but good luck...

what's your pH?!?!? if it's too low, it could lock out potassium... you want a pH between 6.4-6.8 I believe... for soil




Well-Known Member
Day 31 (4/05): Just some pictures, nothing new really. Still hoping this is nitrogen def and I fixed it with the blood meal.

jordann3e: I really have no idea what deficiency they have. Its possible they have potassium deficiency because they do look like some of the pictures.

