Lets just bomb em...


Well-Known Member
This is great lol ViRedd is the only one who had enough brains to not get sucked into this. I made the thread to suck the dumbacartes out as them and ultra liberals dont pay attention to the facts just enough to feed thier stupidity and as we can see a good handfull came out took the bait and got themselves all worked up without even see the obvious fact at the end of my first post .This was to prove that liberals and democartes do not care about the facts if its right in front of them they take part of a statement and run with it. It amuses me how easy it is to insite them with nothing more then a statement with a laugh clearly posted on the end.Sams an idiot of all idots he ready for war but wants to talk down to a statement that said ok lets go all out but then he's rational to stop violence is to wish death and harm on someone he doesnt know or even have met.Thats the typical democrate liberal stance jump without facts or investigation. Thanks for the people who played along and showed a point so many dems and liberals deny but were willing to show right here in this thread.Simple folks is such a scarey thing..yeah and umm lets bomb France since they were breaking international treaties and um yeah ireland cuz they drink all the whisky lol idots cant believe it was that easy...Those who actually read the statement stopped turned thier brain on and got it.Thank goodness theres still some intelligence left out there...Now those who got embarrassed come back and post your hate and anger over your stupidity.enjoy
wow you must be really stoned out of your gourd to make this up just so some people can "take the bait", and you can call it on them


Well-Known Member
Hmmm why you want to trick people into answering a thread, and then tell them they are stupid for putting in their 2 cents? seems counter-productive.

This is true and may I say that Sam was wrong but right if you'd actually felt that way,just had gaul enough to say it.imo Showgirl


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Wasnt to trick anyone but I have real issues with alot of those who claim they are democrates or liberals and that only republicans lie in politics and use half truths. I wanted to make a crazy broad statement with a last line that makes the biggest difference and see how many would come in without even reading or processing the information before flipping out sending aqusations.I knew it would have anger coming back out of it as it was a very broad statement with no real information to back the whole idea but the last tag line was so obvious this was a bullshit post.Its abasic test to see if it was provavble democrates/liberals go offensive without acknowledging the fact right in front of them,It basically worked as it was too.Ill say a few were there using there entire thought and brain process and saw the tag letting you know this was not what it would seem if you read the entire post and used the facts given. A bunch failed and were already pissed and working on thier counter statement without even looking at the true facts but making up a whole new scenario of what they thought was being said.Now the entire point was people need to look at the actual facts, the actual words, not bits, pieces, para phrases.Its similar to when democrates and liberals try to say Bush lied to go to war and it was just for oil.Well yeah if you closed your eyes,covered your ears and lived in a vacum you could say that. Now if you go back look listen and read everything our president love him ,like him or hate him gave 3 reasons we were going in.Of the 3 he openly gave and explained in depth 1 was not caught on the premisies but the other 2 were right there discovered and stopped as told before we even went in.I want people to use thier brains more and use less emotion to look at what is going on and what our country needs.Bush said we are responding to this curreent event in Iraq for the following..
1.Saddahm is practicing biological genocide similar to how the nazis began genocide .He ordered the murder of over 250,000 of his country men to practice and see the results of chemical and biological weapons he was developing..And looking back hwo the US waited so long to enter into stopping hitlers genocide and the worlds message for us to help and not stand by since it wasnt our people he knew to act fast,swift and forcefully.What did we find? Mass graves of kurds poisoned and killed buried by bull dozers.That was tructh, fact it happened and it was shown to be happening as it was told.so 1 for 3 so far.

2.Intelligence showed that Iraq which was bound by the peace treaty established from the first Iraq war to be in violation by recievinga nd manufacturing WMD such as chemical, nuclear,or biological in nature..Well as seen above the biological and chemical weapons program was being tested in direct violation of the UN written treaty. We also had belief through our own intelligence he had recieved parts illeaglly from other countries that are used for nuclear developemnt ie from France who made billions from illegal trrade embargo sales through the back door.France fought the action tooth and nail as they knew they would be found out.What else was found UNICEF trucks and supplies all illegal violations Iraq decided to partake in..By the time we got in deep enough the only thing of these not recovered were the actual nuclear missle heads.Where did they go hmmm Saddahm caught with the most inetrnational currency availiable USD in millions activity showed trucks going to Iran.Now Iran dares us to react.Kinda strange from a country that says it has no nuclear program to test a world power with a smile as if they have a new secret hmm sounds suspect.

3.The 3 rd reason given was Iraq open safe haven to terrorist groups to train and recieve arms. These groups were asked to begiven up to comply with UN agreements and Saddahm said no and denied UN inspections.We said give up the terrorist groups for punishment and comply with UN inspections.The reply? All UN inspectors were removed from the country and others were fired upon..So we took the explain action as allowed via UN treaty established against Iraq..S
So in all actuality 3 for 3 with only nuke heads not found directly but believed to be known as to where they are know..

It irritates me when parties seem tyo overlook all of this honest upfront reason and the following actions taken for non compliance and murder.I know we dont wanna loose our soldiers or sons our frineds our family but those miltary members voluntaried to do the work thier country may ask them to do to preserve the countries power and future.I can find no place those who call Bush a liar any possible varaiance but to look at them as bold face liars who because of thier own personal wants for no use of miltary action that they attempt to spread faslness even though it was laid out in the simplest of forms for the lay mind to follow. I dont want war but I understand why it has come and I understand my president told me clearly and to my face why he felt it needed to preserve our people and the lives we have been blessed with..Moral facts are always there..look ,read. listen,process.stop pretending and making up smoke screens for personal agendas and think of the nation in its whole and not as in pieces or groups.


Well-Known Member
Wasnt to trick anyone but I have real issues with alot of those who claim they are democrates or liberals and that only republicans lie in politics and use half truths. I wanted to make a crazy broad statement with a last line that makes the biggest difference and see how many would come in without even reading or processing the information before flipping out sending aqusations.I knew it would have anger coming back out of it as it was a very broad statement with no real information to back the whole idea but the last tag line was so obvious this was a bullshit post.Its abasic test to see if it was provavble democrates/liberals go offensive without acknowledging the fact right in front of them,It basically worked as it was too.Ill say a few were there using there entire thought and brain process and saw the tag letting you know this was not what it would seem if you read the entire post and used the facts given. A bunch failed and were already pissed and working on thier counter statement without even looking at the true facts but making up a whole new scenario of what they thought was being said.Now the entire point was people need to look at the actual facts, the actual words, not bits, pieces, para phrases.Its similar to when democrates and liberals try to say Bush lied to go to war and it was just for oil.Well yeah if you closed your eyes,covered your ears and lived in a vacum you could say that. Now if you go back look listen and read everything our president love him ,like him or hate him gave 3 reasons we were going in.Of the 3 he openly gave and explained in depth 1 was not caught on the premisies but the other 2 were right there discovered and stopped as told before we even went in.I want people to use thier brains more and use less emotion to look at what is going on and what our country needs.Bush said we are responding to this curreent event in Iraq for the following..
1.Saddahm is practicing biological genocide similar to how the nazis began genocide .He ordered the murder of over 250,000 of his country men to practice and see the results of chemical and biological weapons he was developing..And looking back hwo the US waited so long to enter into stopping hitlers genocide and the worlds message for us to help and not stand by since it wasnt our people he knew to act fast,swift and forcefully.What did we find? Mass graves of kurds poisoned and killed buried by bull dozers.That was tructh, fact it happened and it was shown to be happening as it was told.so 1 for 3 so far.

2.Intelligence showed that Iraq which was bound by the peace treaty established from the first Iraq war to be in violation by recievinga nd manufacturing WMD such as chemical, nuclear,or biological in nature..Well as seen above the biological and chemical weapons program was being tested in direct violation of the UN written treaty. We also had belief through our own intelligence he had recieved parts illeaglly from other countries that are used for nuclear developemnt ie from France who made billions from illegal trrade embargo sales through the back door.France fought the action tooth and nail as they knew they would be found out.What else was found UNICEF trucks and supplies all illegal violations Iraq decided to partake in..By the time we got in deep enough the only thing of these not recovered were the actual nuclear missle heads.Where did they go hmmm Saddahm caught with the most inetrnational currency availiable USD in millions activity showed trucks going to Iran.Now Iran dares us to react.Kinda strange from a country that says it has no nuclear program to test a world power with a smile as if they have a new secret hmm sounds suspect.

3.The 3 rd reason given was Iraq open safe haven to terrorist groups to train and recieve arms. These groups were asked to begiven up to comply with UN agreements and Saddahm said no and denied UN inspections.We said give up the terrorist groups for punishment and comply with UN inspections.The reply? All UN inspectors were removed from the country and others were fired upon..So we took the explain action as allowed via UN treaty established against Iraq..S
So in all actuality 3 for 3 with only nuke heads not found directly but believed to be known as to where they are know..

It irritates me when parties seem tyo overlook all of this honest upfront reason and the following actions taken for non compliance and murder.I know we dont wanna loose our soldiers or sons our frineds our family but those miltary members voluntaried to do the work thier country may ask them to do to preserve the countries power and future.I can find no place those who call Bush a liar any possible varaiance but to look at them as bold face liars who because of thier own personal wants for no use of miltary action that they attempt to spread faslness even though it was laid out in the simplest of forms for the lay mind to follow. I dont want war but I understand why it has come and I understand my president told me clearly and to my face why he felt it needed to preserve our people and the lives we have been blessed with..Moral facts are always there..look ,read. listen,process.stop pretending and making up smoke screens for personal agendas and think of the nation in its whole and not as in pieces or groups.

Filthy Fletch for President!!!!

wow just wow is all i have to say. you have just disarmed the whole liberal left including about a zillion Senators and congressmen (hypo-crats) with one post

u also forgot one thing. on top of everything you said:

Zarqawi traveled to Afghanistan in 1989, where he met bin Laden. Although he had much in common with the Saudi millionaire, Zarqawi considered bin Laden too moderate. He retained his independence from al-Qaeda and set up a separate training camp in Afghanistan for his own terrorist group, Tawhid wal Jihad (Unity and Holy War). After the Taliban’s 2001 defeat, he fled through Iran, apparently with the cooperation of the Iranian government, and set up operations in Iraq before the war, with the suspected support of Saddam Hussein’s regime. In 2004, Zarqawi merged his group with bin Laden’s and was named the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq. Zarqawi now ranks second only to bin Laden in the eyes of many Sunni Islamic extremists.

Now look at the above pictures and the above text. do you really have to ask why we did this?:

to this:

By the way the guy cutting the boys head of on national TV is our now dead freind Abu Musab Al Zarqawi

Praise be to Allah we had this President when history began

A must click link, our boys ballin:

YouTube - Video to Song Live From Iraq


New Member
Fiflthy, while all your info may be true, you are not looking at the rweal picture of the middle east. A hudred years ago there was the ottoamn empoire that controlled that area with an iron grip and was very strong until it got old and sick. The west, especially europe felt what happens when one power comes to domicnate the middle east.
We are in iraq because we cannot let iran or any other power hungry states to be able to swallow up the middle east, and with our oil dependency, control the world. While that piece of land looks worthless, and the people there savages, it is incredibly important.

And by and by, who gave the U.S. the right to stop atrocities? Are we gods tools? Did it happen here in America or to american citzens? If you check the U.N. charter, which is a treaty under the U.S. constituion, we are engaged in an illegal war that is noty supported unilaterally across the U.N. You can check article 6 of the constitution if you want.


Well-Known Member
Fiflthy, while all your info may be true, you are not looking at the rweal picture of the middle east. A hudred years ago there was the ottoamn empoire that controlled that area with an iron grip and was very strong until it got old and sick. The west, especially europe felt what happens when one power comes to domicnate the middle east.
We are in iraq because we cannot let iran or any other power hungry states to be able to swallow up the middle east, and with our oil dependency, control the world. While that piece of land looks worthless, and the people there savages, it is incredibly important.

And by and by, who gave the U.S. the right to stop atrocities? Are we gods tools? Did it happen here in America or to american citzens? If you check the U.N. charter, which is a treaty under the U.S. constituion, we are engaged in an illegal war that is noty supported unilaterally across the U.N. You can check article 6 of the constitution if you want.

ya but 40aces what happens when you allow despots to commit autrosities? they will eventually come and do it to you. left unchecked hitler was about 3 millimeters away from obtaining the atom bomb.

only because of the great forsight of our democtatic president, president roosevelt that we were able to stop hitler before it was too late. Im not even sure if the president knew about the pearl harbor attacks before hand but let it happend anyway, just to be able to fight hitler before it was too late. because the american people did not want to get sucked in another war. unfortualty the american people are just that people. the experts and guys in the know new much better.

sure if he did that it would be a huge crime, but did he save the world by doing this? if infact he did?

ill quote Billy clint on this one:

"Somtimes you have to lose the forest for the trees"


New Member
Filthy, I read your posts, Don't know why, but they are just the same old Bushie crap. Bush was justified and a million died. You right wing devils are absolutely sick in the head. War-war-war. No-one bothers to look at the real reasons behind the imperialistic agenda of war presidents. War since 1945 has been all about either preserving or creating resources and income for corporations that rule our land, IE the military-Industrial complex. Who benefits from War is the only question you need to ask to find the why's. Smoke screens like Sadam did this, or the commies did that Are put there for the ignorant people to digest while the corporations gear up for a massive profit run. The young die and the rich get richer. Anyone that sees patriotism in the last 50 years of war is fucking nuts, It's all about the Benjamins. Soldiers do what they are told, that is their job, but they don't die for the country, they die for their buddies.


Well-Known Member
Afghanistan historically has been a can of worms, invaders from the time of Alexander have gotten sucked in for little return. I don't think that there are any easy answers to the problems of the middle east. Also what about Saudi support of the Islmic Fundementalists who are behind the Taliban and Al-Queada movement's? Isn't it really all about oil??


Well-Known Member
Afghanistan historically has been a can of worms, invaders from the time of Alexander have gotten sucked in for little return. I don't think that there are any easy answers to the problems of the middle east. Also what about Saudi support of the Islmic Fundementalists who are behind the Taliban and Al-Queada movement's? Isn't it really all about oil??

I used to think it was all about oil, until i learned about all the corruption with the cia, and the dea back when reagan was in office, how he used war on drugs and the ppl picketing to turn the view from his illegal bombings. Bin Laden is the modern day drug lord....how is it that bush commited several impeachable offenses and is still in office, and clinton got dome and was damn near thrown out.


New Member
Filthy, I read your posts, Don't know why, but they are just the same old Bushie crap. Bush was justified and a million died. You right wing devils are absolutely sick in the head. War-war-war. No-one bothers to look at the real reasons behind the imperialistic agenda of war presidents. War since 1945 has been all about either preserving or creating resources and income for corporations that rule our land, IE the military-Industrial complex. Who benefits from War is the only question you need to ask to find the why's. Smoke screens like Sadam did this, or the commies did that Are put there for the ignorant people to digest while the corporations gear up for a massive profit run. The young die and the rich get richer. Anyone that sees patriotism in the last 50 years of war is fucking nuts, It's all about the Benjamins. Soldiers do what they are told, that is their job, but they don't die for the country, they die for their buddies.

Can you naem a war that is not over land?Hitler had the plan that in english is named "living room". He planned to kill everyone in the easet and put germans there. Civil war, land, revolutionary war, land. 1812, american-indian,spanish -american,russo-jap, hundred years, 6 day, ALL LAND.
I don't agree with fiflty on this. I am no more for atrocities and massacres and starvation and plague than anyone else. it is just that most people have no idea what is really going on or what and why,but are quick to point out an idea or belief that is obviously flawed to someone who has read more than what the newspaper tells you or headline news tells you.
Panda, you cannot point out hitler everytime someone says "despot". Tyrant isn't a bad word when used correctly. Either is "dictator". Caesar was a dictator and he killed thousands. Alexander jackson killed thousands on the trail of tears when he was president, and his face is on the twenty dollar bill here in america. The winner only decides what is right and wrong and who is going to be hated throughout history. And hitler was right to be stopped. He would have killed us all. But Saddam was stable, and america put him there. Someone should point that out as well.


Well-Known Member
The way i see it, inthis world there will always be war. Do not fool yourselves. Sure everyone should still strive for total peace but as we speak in this world at this time in history we have war. Until we begin to take on a likeness of perfection here on earth there will NOT be total peace.imo.It is to bad because basically humankind cannot help him,herself. So on we go,we and our allies are all we got since WW2.Can you imagine an Islamic or Communist nation taking on the role of Big brother what THAT would be like!!.So as the world turns as of today if Iran is truly going to wipe Isreal of the map and then over here,what would a sane person do? Pre-emttive strikes,when countries try to hold you captive for one reason or anotherb they force war in this world Wake UP IMHO Showgirl


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ahh medicine to get down to the rule of evil in this world the cause of all hate and ther erason for almost all wars we have to get to the core of the trouble maker which is...drumroll..religion. Now no one will do the right thing and abolish all religion and cleanse the world of those who preach, and declare war on those who are not of the same belief so that left intact leaves man to fight for more of the world to claim for his god espeiciallyy the radical christians and extreme muslims which is a good chunck. Now who gave us the right to step into these situations I must be the only one who ever paid any attention in histroy class or retain the most basics.The democatrates an liberals want to always cry how we need to worry about foreign perception and help the world and its porrer countries. Umm we just did.again I reference the worlds anger to the United States when we didnt jump right in and stop germany and his team of power. They called us everything, accused us of not having world interest on our radar.Help us please use your ability and power to stop this evil..So we did.This time we just didnt wait until he had the fully operational long range nuclear rockets.We stepped in quickly to prevent the formation of another world war and for this Bush is wrong? He stopped hundreds of years of possible wars and actions by these peopple and saved millions more lives as Saddahm was a proponent of killing the christian devils.So if you can sit there and say thats bad then I feel bad for you.Is Bush the best president ever? far from it was he a good person to be in charge for a situation like this that our country has never seen or had a blueprint to follow ..hell yes. he stood up took no shit offered a chnace to end this before it started and when he get the big fuck you he stood up and said,,no fuck you and defended our country and a good chunk of the world. We saved englands ass in the world wars,,we saved France in world wars, we saved most of Europe during the world war. It cost us our US soldiers to stop a huge monster of murder rape and genocide becasue why we sat back thinking its not our business its not or land thats getting taken.The world begged us to enter we finally stood up to what was wrong and ended it.So by those saying we had no business in this your nuts and you must be for the loose of millions of americans later after we would have sat on our political correct asses and let the new war machine build and form alliances.Not me I understand the big picture I understand the option was to stiop it before it cost that many lives. We all know war is bad and we all are sad to loose our soldiers no one wanted it but we didnt start it we just want to end it before it can get out of control.Then Im sure some idiots gonna stand up and uneducatedly say..well we got him why are we still there huh? why? its for the oil?.....really the oil well Im gald thats whats in your eyes. I guess your gas went down since we took all that oil and all that oil money to stop high gas prices.How much is your gas?? Oh wait we didnt touch the opec fields or the Irag supply lines..wait I take that back we sent in engineers to repair thier lines to allow that country to continue to sell thier crude to the world...what assholes we are...come on seriously


Active Member
It's the oil, it's the oil

America has come to a crossroads. You must understand that power is linked, in world politics, to oil. And as the greatest industrial nation on the Earth, America has an insatiable appetite for oil. When coal was the number one energy in the world, Great Britain ruled the world. She had the greatest deposits of coal. But when the power to move engines moved from coal to oil, England and America began vying for control of the places on this Earth that produce oil.

Who are the rogue states that America says she does not like, and let’s see how oil is connected here. I want you to consider Libya in North Africa. This little desert country where most of the people live along the coast has the sweetest crude oil. There’s a song we sing: “From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.” Where’s Tripoli? “We will fight our country’s battles on the land and on the sea.” What are you doing over here? Did these people bother you? No. They have oil. America had military bases here. For what? Oil! They had a king named Idris and Muammar Gadhafi, as a young man in a bloodless coup, overthrew the king and then kicked the British out, the Americans out, and nationalized the oil. Now he could raise the standard of living of all the Libyans, and with money left over he could aid the liberation struggle of people all over the world. America got very upset with that. “You’re messing with us, Gadhafi. You’re a terrorist.”

Iraq has a lot of oil, and next door is Iran which has lots of oil. In Iran, there was a man by the name of Mohammed Mossadegh and he nationalized the oil. He wanted to use the oil to raise the standard of living of the Iranian people.

What’s wrong with that? There’s nothing wrong with that to our eyes, but something was wrong with that to the eyes of the rich and the powerful. So they organized a coup and overthrew him and placed a man on the throne called the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. As that was their man in Iran, they gave him weapons, modern planes, but he was a Muslim, but he was not deep in the religion. So under him, the religion suffered. So the people that wanted their religion to come back to purity started organizing. The leader of that was Imam Khomeini.

Look at a map of the Middle Eastern part of the world. In Saudi Arabia, there is a whole lot of oil. President Franklin D. Roosevelt struck up a good relationship with the king, and ARAMCO (Arabian American Oil Company) had access to all this oil. The kings lived well, they did well for their people, but there was no democracy. America doesn’t care anything about that, just keep pumping the oil.

Every one of us has somebody in our family that is a victim of drugs. There’s something about a drug addict—if it’s your son, if it’s your daughter—they become artful liars. They can make up the fanciest stories just to get money to get to the drug. If you don’t give them the money, when you turn your back, your fur coat is gone. When you turn your back this is gone, that is gone. They become thieves and soon, if they get real bad, they become murderers.

America is an oil junkie. She doesn’t care how she gets it, she must have it.

Did you know that they found the largest deposit of oil anywhere in the world? Guess where they found it? In the southern Sudan. And what America is trying to do is foster the revolution to break off the southern Sudan from the Islamic regime in Khartoum so that America can have access to the oil. But they say it’s them Moslems killing Christians; making slaves out of these people in the South. America sent arms to Eritrea and Ethiopia and Uganda. So all along the border of Sudan, war was started with the Sudan. But something happened. Eritrea started using her weapons against Ethiopia, and vice versa. So (Eritrea and Ethiopia) couldn’t give the Sudan the trouble that America wanted.

You don’t know these things because you don’t travel. You don’t know these things because you’re not interested. You don’t know these things because foreign policy is not for the common American. And that we have to change. I believe that if the American people knew, foreign policy (would reflect) that which is better for the American people.

Let’s go to Nigeria. There’s some sweet oil here. Do you know what America tried to do? They tried to separate the eastern region and call it Biafra, which started a civil war in Nigeria, causing thousands upon thousands of lives to be lost because of American foreign policy. Let’s go back to Afghanistan. Do you see this place called Baku? Oil has been coming out of this area for years and years. But the Soviet Union had control of the oil in Kazakhstan, in Uzbekistan and in Tajikistan. All this area the Soviet Union had.

Have you ever heard of Zbigniew Brzezinski? Zbigniew got us in trouble. He was the national security adviser under President Jimmy Carter. Guess what? Did you know that in the city of Kabul, Afghanistan some 20 years ago, the Muslims; women were in government. They were in school; they were in medicine. But something was wrong with Afghanistan. Do you know what was wrong? The government in Kabul leaned more toward the Soviet Union. They were Muslims but they had a socialist leaning that America didn’t like. So Zbigniew Brzezinski and American policy sent money into Afghanistan to destabilize the government in Kabul. When they brought up and paid for opposition to the government in Kabul, Russia (the Soviet Union) sent their troops into Afghanistan and the war began.

When the war started, Osama bin Laden was in Arabia growing up. He loves Islam, he loves Muslims, he sees the Soviet Union taking over Afghanistan and there’s war in Afghanistan to get the Soviet Union out, and America says, “We’re going to back those Muslim mujahedeen.” So American money and American weapons trained them and they drove the Soviet Union out after 10 years of war, which left Afghanistan in ruins. Then they looked to America to help them, but America backed out and left them in that condition and a civil war broke out in Afghanistan. The country is already in ruins, now a civil war. Then you have the Taliban that comes to power. And they want a pure Islamic state.

I read a book written by two Frenchmen called, “Osama bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth,” and they said that early on in the Bush administration, he was negotiating with the Taliban. They wrote that the president said [the Taliban] were a source of stability. Why was he negotiating? Let me tell you. All of this—Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan—this is oil. And guess what? A company called UNOCAL (Union Oil Company of California) owns 75 percent of the oil up here. And what they wanted was a pipeline to come down through Afghanistan into Pakistan into the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, as an outlet for the oil of that area. The Taliban didn’t agree.

Back in July, an American representative met with the Taliban, sometimes in the UN, sometimes right in Peshawar, in Pakistan. The representative said either you accept a carpet of gold or we will bury you under a carpet of bombs. This was in July. Then came September 11, and now it’s Osama bin Laden. The government didn’t know anything about any terrorists the day before. But on September 11th, 12th, and 13th, they have 19 faces in the paper saying these are the guys. When did you learn that? How did you learn that? Something is wrong with this picture. Muslims and Arabs got all the blame and they went immediately to the Congress beating the drums of war.

Do you want to know why people in the world hate America? You don’t understand the dirt that goes on in your name. And that’s why the American people have to be awakened. Am I upsetting? I’m not trying to upset you. But now that they’ve destroyed the Taliban, Mr. Hamid Karzai, whom America set up, he now will get the carpet of gold and let’s see if that pipeline won’t come through Afghanistan. It’s all about oil and power.


Well-Known Member
It's the oil, it's the oil

America has come to a crossroads. You must understand that power is linked, in world politics, to oil. And as the greatest industrial nation on the Earth, America has an insatiable appetite for oil. When coal was the number one energy in the world, Great Britain ruled the world. She had the greatest deposits of coal. But when the power to move engines moved from coal to oil, England and America began vying for control of the places on this Earth that produce oil.

Who are the rogue states that America says she does not like, and let’s see how oil is connected here. I want you to consider Libya in North Africa. This little desert country where most of the people live along the coast has the sweetest crude oil. There’s a song we sing: “From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.” Where’s Tripoli? “We will fight our country’s battles on the land and on the sea.” What are you doing over here? Did these people bother you? No. They have oil. America had military bases here. For what? Oil! They had a king named Idris and Muammar Gadhafi, as a young man in a bloodless coup, overthrew the king and then kicked the British out, the Americans out, and nationalized the oil. Now he could raise the standard of living of all the Libyans, and with money left over he could aid the liberation struggle of people all over the world. America got very upset with that. “You’re messing with us, Gadhafi. You’re a terrorist.”

Iraq has a lot of oil, and next door is Iran which has lots of oil. In Iran, there was a man by the name of Mohammed Mossadegh and he nationalized the oil. He wanted to use the oil to raise the standard of living of the Iranian people.

What’s wrong with that? There’s nothing wrong with that to our eyes, but something was wrong with that to the eyes of the rich and the powerful. So they organized a coup and overthrew him and placed a man on the throne called the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. As that was their man in Iran, they gave him weapons, modern planes, but he was a Muslim, but he was not deep in the religion. So under him, the religion suffered. So the people that wanted their religion to come back to purity started organizing. The leader of that was Imam Khomeini.

Look at a map of the Middle Eastern part of the world. In Saudi Arabia, there is a whole lot of oil. President Franklin D. Roosevelt struck up a good relationship with the king, and ARAMCO (Arabian American Oil Company) had access to all this oil. The kings lived well, they did well for their people, but there was no democracy. America doesn’t care anything about that, just keep pumping the oil.

Every one of us has somebody in our family that is a victim of drugs. There’s something about a drug addict—if it’s your son, if it’s your daughter—they become artful liars. They can make up the fanciest stories just to get money to get to the drug. If you don’t give them the money, when you turn your back, your fur coat is gone. When you turn your back this is gone, that is gone. They become thieves and soon, if they get real bad, they become murderers.

America is an oil junkie. She doesn’t care how she gets it, she must have it.

Did you know that they found the largest deposit of oil anywhere in the world? Guess where they found it? In the southern Sudan. And what America is trying to do is foster the revolution to break off the southern Sudan from the Islamic regime in Khartoum so that America can have access to the oil. But they say it’s them Moslems killing Christians; making slaves out of these people in the South. America sent arms to Eritrea and Ethiopia and Uganda. So all along the border of Sudan, war was started with the Sudan. But something happened. Eritrea started using her weapons against Ethiopia, and vice versa. So (Eritrea and Ethiopia) couldn’t give the Sudan the trouble that America wanted.

You don’t know these things because you don’t travel. You don’t know these things because you’re not interested. You don’t know these things because foreign policy is not for the common American. And that we have to change. I believe that if the American people knew, foreign policy (would reflect) that which is better for the American people.

Let’s go to Nigeria. There’s some sweet oil here. Do you know what America tried to do? They tried to separate the eastern region and call it Biafra, which started a civil war in Nigeria, causing thousands upon thousands of lives to be lost because of American foreign policy. Let’s go back to Afghanistan. Do you see this place called Baku? Oil has been coming out of this area for years and years. But the Soviet Union had control of the oil in Kazakhstan, in Uzbekistan and in Tajikistan. All this area the Soviet Union had.

Have you ever heard of Zbigniew Brzezinski? Zbigniew got us in trouble. He was the national security adviser under President Jimmy Carter. Guess what? Did you know that in the city of Kabul, Afghanistan some 20 years ago, the Muslims; women were in government. They were in school; they were in medicine. But something was wrong with Afghanistan. Do you know what was wrong? The government in Kabul leaned more toward the Soviet Union. They were Muslims but they had a socialist leaning that America didn’t like. So Zbigniew Brzezinski and American policy sent money into Afghanistan to destabilize the government in Kabul. When they brought up and paid for opposition to the government in Kabul, Russia (the Soviet Union) sent their troops into Afghanistan and the war began.

When the war started, Osama bin Laden was in Arabia growing up. He loves Islam, he loves Muslims, he sees the Soviet Union taking over Afghanistan and there’s war in Afghanistan to get the Soviet Union out, and America says, “We’re going to back those Muslim mujahedeen.” So American money and American weapons trained them and they drove the Soviet Union out after 10 years of war, which left Afghanistan in ruins. Then they looked to America to help them, but America backed out and left them in that condition and a civil war broke out in Afghanistan. The country is already in ruins, now a civil war. Then you have the Taliban that comes to power. And they want a pure Islamic state.

I read a book written by two Frenchmen called, “Osama bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth,” and they said that early on in the Bush administration, he was negotiating with the Taliban. They wrote that the president said [the Taliban] were a source of stability. Why was he negotiating? Let me tell you. All of this—Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan—this is oil. And guess what? A company called UNOCAL (Union Oil Company of California) owns 75 percent of the oil up here. And what they wanted was a pipeline to come down through Afghanistan into Pakistan into the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, as an outlet for the oil of that area. The Taliban didn’t agree.

Back in July, an American representative met with the Taliban, sometimes in the UN, sometimes right in Peshawar, in Pakistan. The representative said either you accept a carpet of gold or we will bury you under a carpet of bombs. This was in July. Then came September 11, and now it’s Osama bin Laden. The government didn’t know anything about any terrorists the day before. But on September 11th, 12th, and 13th, they have 19 faces in the paper saying these are the guys. When did you learn that? How did you learn that? Something is wrong with this picture. Muslims and Arabs got all the blame and they went immediately to the Congress beating the drums of war.

Do you want to know why people in the world hate America? You don’t understand the dirt that goes on in your name. And that’s why the American people have to be awakened. Am I upsetting? I’m not trying to upset you. But now that they’ve destroyed the Taliban, Mr. Hamid Karzai, whom America set up, he now will get the carpet of gold and let’s see if that pipeline won’t come through Afghanistan. It’s all about oil and power.

gentlmen lets not make ourself look really stupid. if it was about the USA trying to steal oil, guess what?????



now if you wanna say we are in there to keep it stable to make sure the oil is still secure & flowing for purchase, and that we did it so no one despot could overtake all the oil supplys and hold the world hostage then yes ofcoarse this is true

we saved the world from crazies taking over other counries and stealing thier oil supplies. to hold the world hostage with.

so its the exact opposite of what some of you fools say.


New Member

Just remember that we, (the taxpayers) are paying for the war, and They (the corporations) are benefiting from it. It seems that you forget about all the war contractors, Lockheed Martin for example, munitions manufacturer extrordanair, And of course the venerable Brown and Root, Haliburton etc. War is and always has been about the Benjamins. If you don't know that, you don't know squat. BTW, the oil contracts haven't been decided yet, that's the hold up in the Iraqi government. You can bet your sweet ass, the USA will get the lions share of the oil or my name isn't Jack Robinson Jones.