Having an erection does not mean im horny at all, not at all, it could be because ive been sitting down too long, i have to go to the bathroom, or just cause, or of course it could be because, some girl came up to me and said
"-----, im making a pube salad, and i need some of -----'s own special dressing". what do you mean you cant go around doin that? NO guy would be opposed to that... ever. I remember this one time tho, i was in class, and had to return a textbook, but i had an erection, and the teacher was looking at me like.... "nows the time to put it away..." im like, uh ok. that guy over there will do it for me --->
but i guess both genders have plus and minus'... another thing tho, if you EVER ask a guy what he's thinking... theres no need, theres only one thing he thinks about... same for me.