Aussie Growers Thread

i grow indoors and outdoors all yr around also jus this heat wave has given me alot of extrra shit o gotta do .........ilove to grow bulk weed .to me its a spiritual thing ..marijuana lants are so beutifull.i swear ......and its bn proven also they are one of the links to stop age-ing deseases and problems and cancerous problems......but i do the exact same thing got to many to count in the ground atm and in cocco outdoors and a shit load indoors to as ive stated b4 i have several properties ...oh bith ass mofoes still aint brought my centrafugal and its bn a week n a half now mofoes myheat sorted thru chiller box systems .im looking to buying a professional cooling system tho for all my indoor grows only for summer tho ... but soon i swear ima go awal and start taking pot shots at the fuckn post man. assholes idk..=\..but nice bonzai mate ........keep cultivating the nation:bigjoint::fire:
i grow indoors and outdoors all yr around also jus this heat wave has given me alot of extrra shit o gotta do .........ilove to grow bulk weed .to me its a spiritual thing ..marijuana lants are so beutifull.i swear ......and its bn proven also they are one of the links to stop age-ing deseases and problems and cancerous problems......but i do the exact same thing got to many to count in the ground atm and in cocco outdoors and a shit load indoors to as ive stated b4 i have several properties ...oh bith ass mofoes still aint brought my centrafugal and its bn a week n a half now mofoes myheat sorted thru chiller box systems .im looking to buying a professional cooling system tho for all my indoor grows only for summer tho ... but soon i swear ima go awal and start taking pot shots at the fuckn post man. assholes idk..=\..but nice bonzai mate ........keep cultivating the nation:bigjoint::fire:

coco outdoors rocks, i beleive u can get a higher yield in coco outdoors then straight in the ground, i no its a huge statement, but use large enough pots and keep up the watering they go nuts
i use more than jus one type of nute..same goes for additives .....and advanced nuting.........hard to go nto it'd take me a fuckn long ass tym to explain how i do it on a chart......coz i dont use charts .....not at all..but every crop i get is one hitter quiter one of the 10% that now exactly how to use my nutes......what peole dont realize is yrs ago the gov watered down the nutrients meaning it takes more nutes to get the same outcome i blend different brands always top shelf nutes pramasutrical grade ptoash atm blending with dutch master and candian express potash ect ect ect ect ect.......ive jus taught my mate how to growsuper crops and he is learning so yeah ...all is good minus this damn heat wave and my centragufal im waiting on ...
i happen to know factually you CAN GET MORE OUTSIDE WITH COCCO WITH A MASSIVE POT or jus dig down 10ft fulla cocco in da ground(OOPS CAPS LOCK AND IM TOO BLAzED TO RETYPE THE SHIT .N BUISY.LMAO...)but anyhow its because the roots love it and can actually heap up more and clump up more(less space for more root's but they layer better imho jus use a root conditioner)but yeah know that you can grow 7 metre tall plants in cocco ouside ...with nuggs the size of myhead.....cozi got raided wit seven of them .bastards ...and the coppers were like these are thebest plants ive seen in over ten yrs but that was eons ago i dont draw undue attention to myself now and keep it lowkeyu that was going back almost ten yrs now i totally agree...and n.p g....all good...cocco is a brilliant medium to grow in imho indoor and out door i got sum crackn on my properties .....but yeah totally agree ...but i like state of the art t.d.s airoponics systems with all the shit dat automaticly does ur p.h mixes nutes and all calls ur fone if u have ay problems related to nutes or anything like that my mate who installed hydroes and desighned hydroes with nasa in usa for the space shuttles yrs ago setme up with one of them systems shit ever i swear ....jus a two faze modulator off him also ...for free lmmfao and they dont sell them anymore lets you get away with using like 8 tymews the energy for a cheap price hence why they arnt sold in oz anymore idk if they even sell them period actually....but .yeah gotme one ...and a t.d.s mista matric airoponics airoponic setup toally sicko.....its my fave of day soon ima have to grab a vid of it ..throw it on my you tube channel ......and link it here....but i tend to get buisya nd sumtymes are not on here for large periods of tym as ive aid ive got several properties to care and tend to all of which we grow at the 20 achres out country tho ...thats the shit ....and a shed to match ..size of a buisness basicly the shed...massive id say sumthin along the lines if 30 feet squared but ..yeah here occassionally whe tym permits....and yes this temp fully sux doubt...melting me lmao
yeah same here in perth bro .....w.a.............melting weve had the worst heat wave in over like i think its ten yrs or 50 not sure but one of the two .considering this yr there is majour solar fluxes explains it ....i walked down my street today earlier and normal plants are even copping it hard they leave b all wierd as fuck .lmao .....yall from w.a buck??...idk cant remeber ill have to check lmao baked .....but i think u said nsw im perth oz blazn out most da day n putting in work of course on my crops doubtism :fire::leaf:
Lol Nah broski from Melbs REPRESENTING! yeh mine aint too bad fuck been giving em plenty of the good old h20... yeh glad mines pulled now yippee!!
nice nice.....tym to dry n cure it d say.....but nice man.....they looked tasty will have to give us a rundown of the potency levels and stonned type....but nice work g...especialy if u can do as i do and do grow one hitter quiters matter usually the strain....but nice blazn on sum hashihs and g4 x orange kush hashish is from white rhino tho .....and is sicko shit.....we got like two pound of that white rhino got oddles of shit to make regarding hashish ....jus toohot to make it atm coz i go natural ice hash no additives ....and tastes beutifull .full flavour and all ....but blaze on n cultivate the planet =) tezza bongsmilie:eyesmoke::mrgreen:
I slightly disagree there kent.

telling people to pay for your power as a preventative of getting caught is like telling kids to not sit close to the tv screen as a preventative of poor eyesight.

usually when people get caught growing, only then do they get caught for not paying for power...

sitting close to the tv doesn't cause bad eyesight...bad eyesight causes kids to sit close to the tv...