i grow indoors and outdoors all yr around also jus this heat wave has given me alot of extrra shit o gotta do .........ilove to grow bulk weed .to me its a spiritual thing ..marijuana lants are so beutifull.i swear ......and its bn proven also they are one of the links to stop age-ing deseases and problems and cancerous problems......but i do the exact same thing got to many to count in the ground atm and in cocco outdoors and a shit load indoors to as ive stated b4 i have several properties ...oh bith ass mofoes still aint brought my centrafugal and its bn a week n a half now mofoes ..got myheat sorted thru chiller box systems .im looking to buying a professional cooling system tho for all my indoor grows only for summer tho ... but soon i swear ima go awal and start taking pot shots at the fuckn post man. assholes idk..=\..but nice bonzai mate ........keep cultivating the nation