New Member
i always found a sativa and uplifting trance and meditating a great cure
Urca, go see a therapist. I dont mean that in a bad way. Just saying, they will help with this stuff.
they also say when I bring things up that I like to play the victim, poor little erica. Then they say im manipulative and bring up shit I did when I was a child to prove it.
and I do struggle with depression and low self esteem, but I dont think a therapist can fix it
ive asked my mom to go several times, but she brings up the last one I went to, where I didnt tell the truth and whatnot... the reason being, I didnt tell the truth because my mom was sitting right next to me, and if I said how I felt, she'd hold it against me, etc... but when I asked to see my therapist alone, my mom said it was so I could make sure I fooled the therapist, manipulate, and make myself look innocent and everyone else look bad.
My mom, sister, etc have told me for as long as I can remember that Im not normal, that I need help, Im crazy, they even self diagnosed me with add, odd, etc. The therapist perscribed anti depressants, but my brother and sister would make fun of me for taking them, calling me crazy,etc, and when I got mad or upset, they'd tell me "go take a pill you crazy bitch"
Id love to get help, but now that Im not 12 anymore, (which is when I saw the therapist), I dont have the time to fix anything, my insurance runs out in april.
they also say when I bring things up that I like to play the victim, poor little erica. Then they say im manipulative and bring up shit I did when I was a child to prove it.
and I do struggle with depression and low self esteem, but I dont think a therapist can fix it
Urca, go see a therapist. I dont mean that in a bad way. Just saying, they will help with this stuff.
THEY dont fix it. YOU do. the therapist "opens your eyes" to why you have been acting like you have, or had the thoughts. after they show you why you do those things, you can begin to notice when the source of those things comes into the picture. you can stop it before it snowballs and turns into you thinking about how ugly you are.(i dont think you are, im just using an example.)
its just so hard... i cant even describe to you what I feel and think when I see these girls, or even when Im alone.
I told my sister once, how I felt, and she told me that I need to quit, its fucked up and im a bad person, because in her words "you just think you look better than them, who the fuck are you to think these things about them?"
yet i compare my looks to theirs and think maybe i have the prettier face, but then I know i have the worse body. Except for the girls who are the same size as me. Then im like wtf am i doing wrong if they can be with someone and I cant?
Then i say, well, Im fat, ugly, stupid, etc, and they must be better than me.
you seem fake in alota ways to me urca....like really ... who writes shit like this?
jus seems odd to me that someone with such a low tank of self esteem is so open about bieng fat and ugly and self worthless.....jus sayin
if you are legit...than shit or get off the pot.....think of it this way, theres some lil kid sittin in a hospital with cancer waiting to die with more courage than most soldiers have....you sit here and fuck around wasting time thinking about how fat and shitty you are. too bad you couldnt trade spots with that dying kid, at least he would apreciate that life a lil more than you do.
im not tryin to be an asshole, jus tellin it like it is