King Tut
Has anyone stopped to think that Mrs. Fdd might be reading this?
Just a thought.
Just a thought.
Has anyone stopped to think that Mrs. Fdd might be reading this?
Just a thought.
while i hope she's not, I'm quite sure she's aware of the drama that goes on here on a day to day basis bout him, and it wouldnt phase her much... doesnt make it justified though :/
does anyone know? or am I not cool enough to know.?
First of all, fdd's bust has nothing to do with his involvement in these forums.
Yes, fdd got popped by the feds. His wife said she looked out the window and the FBI was in their back yard. It has nothing to do with Rollitup, the story goes like this. He sold to someone who narked on him, probably to save themselves. So the feds targeted him, and asked fdd for some bud. fdd met with them, but didn't bring any bud. So they arranged another meeting to make the purchase, but instead the feds went to his house. They found his stash and arrested him. He is in jail in Oakland, and the feds want to move him to Illinois. His wife says he is not doing well, his blood pressure is way high. She is distraught, and feeling helpless. She says they cannot afford an attorney, so he doesn't even have one yet.
I don't think he has even been charged yet, although they have held him for 10 days. They have threatened him with conspiracy, and a penalty of 10 years to life.
I really appreciate your offers to help by donating to his family. If I can pull it off, I will try to handle your donations.
Thanks Rollitup family!
he'll be out shortly, then we'll be ribbing him about his extended stay in the big house lol.that's (time in jail)
i could do 2 month right bout now, get a rest from the nagging missus lol
Probably went down with a few pounds, fdd is no lightweight.
Maybe his standards were actually a lot lower than he let on. I know the man I always wanted to be could afford a lawyer. The irony drips from this situation and forms little ironic puddles.
Side bar: this guy is the poster child type for ratting out other people to save his own skin. He clearly thinks he is better than everyone. People like that rat and relocate, they don't do time. Ever. Also, the length of time since he's been busted, likelihood is massive that he's already talking. If you had anything to do with him in a business sense, good luck to you.
Let the hate flow, I have my waders.