Help me- Help FDD

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I'm not happy or unhappy. I'm indifferent. The first thing medical marijuana people know, or should know, is that the federal government isn't having it. I have never had a cross word with the man. That's probably because I never posted. I have seen him be a huge douche, but never to me so I have no feelings about that. But if what was posted itt is true, he brought this on himself.
He has preached no tell no smell no sell, and it appears that he fell prey to something a lot of growers (especially in Cali for w/e reason) fall prey to. Greed. If it's true that he sold to feds or was selling across state lines (which happens a ton, MI is flooded with Cali weed), then he knew exactly what line he was crossing and he knew the penalties if he got caught. I am not the judgmental type, but it's fairly obvious he thought he was much too clever to ever get caught. He likes himself a lot, although maybe a little less right now. If anyone takes that as douchey, so be it. By his own words for years here, we all know that he knew better. For that reason, I have no pity.
They will offer him outs. I'm a betting man so I bet he will take one. The alternative is too dark.
The one positive I can see coming from this is, maybe some of the medical people here will learn a lesson and keep their numbers right, their lips zipped and play by the rules. If you sell to people you aren't supposed to, you're at risk of landing yourself into the ringer. And once in you aren't getting out easy. So learn a lesson.
As he is being charged with conspiracy to distribute prohibited substances, I wonder whether they will examine his time as moderator of these forums to see whether he used his position to facilitate drug deals.

I wonder whether he will happily serve up names so he serves less time.
As he is being charged with conspiracy to distribute prohibited substances, I wonder whether they will examine his time as moderator of these forums to see whether he used his position to facilitate drug deals.

I wonder whether he will happily serve up names so he serves less time.

i dont think he was ever a moderator here, you may be confused with someone else?
Haters gonna Hate on the man when shyt gets real, while they go back asking for questions on their dying plant cfl grow.

Anyone saying he dug his own hole this is karma blah blah & is mad over some past internet beef is a joke -_-. & I bet if given the option would bend backwards to have accomplished what FDD has w/ buds.

So if anyone is digging themselves a hole, it is those with negativity to spew on this subject.
I don't know FDD, or most of you. What I do know si you don't kick a man when he is down. If you are giddy that he got popped you should keep it to yourself. You people spouting "kharma" should know it will come back to you as well.

Good luck to us all.
too much petty talk in this thread but was wondering what happened to fdd??? someone shoot a msg never knew him just wondering about the situation and dont have patientce
We need a political change in this country and it's comming sooner then they expect..!!

Right. I've heard people say that, and said it myself, since the late 60's ..... so my advice to you would be, don't hold you breath expecting that "political change" to occur soon.
I can agree, but at the same time, most didnt know when to just let shit go.

That was because he would incessantly troll people that he wanted to ban. He wouldn't leave them alone long enough for them to cool off. When they went back and forth with him long enough or just finally lost it and totally blew, there was the justification he needed to ban them, the justification that he had been working to create.
This thread reminds me of how someone will be exceedingly disliked in life, but as soon as they die, they were a saint, a great person, loved by all and a loss the world will never recover from.

i hated watching people mourn the loss of michael jackson, some people are stupid in the way you describe and will mourn the loss of a child molester.

but moderating the board in a way with which you disagree does not make a man a child molester.

and that man currently sits in prison and his family sits in distress thanks to the ever so successful "war on drugs".

is it so fucking hard to just put your passions and partisanship aside for one fucking moment and offer empathy, not a diatribe calling him a "big wet floppy douchebag"?

for someone who often boasts of his age, you sure seem to lack a lot of respect.
honestly brick top is right and he wasnt disrespecting him

if he was he would not wish the best for him

and honestly i do the same i wish he gets outa everything unscathed

but just as he said not everyone is gonna drop everything and help him out

regardless of the fact he did make enemy's and not everyone is gonna wanna contribute to the lets save FDD fund

but i can tell you right now he did alotta time selling glass over the sight anyone who bought glass from him could easily use his info

but honestly you cant blame people for stating their minds as he did so many times to them
... your the one thats getting all worked up homie

i said everything quite calmly

and i said i hope he gets outa everything fine

he WAS a big douchebag he admitted it

just because he faces jail time for things unknown DOESNT change who he was

and you cant blame people for bringing it up

kick a man while he's down, AND defend it.

be proud.


thus, we must make sure to point out how the victim of said law was such a big, wet, floppy douchebag because i hold an e-grudge.

oh, and by the way, totally sorry to the fam.


your funny man

you do the crime you do the time

doesnt mean i agree with it but the law is the law

HE put himself in the position

but disrespect?

it inst disrespectful to take all things into consideration

someone can be a douchebag AND your friend

just because the dude ended up in jail doesnt mean that everyone has to get all weepy weepy over it

and it certainly doesnt mean people cant state some obvious reasons as to why he went to jail (you know making enemies here)

if he had died i wouldnt bring up the past as its not pertanent

but the fact is he went to jail and his attitude could have been why
kick a man while he's down, AND defend it.

be proud.

I don't understand why you have a problem with the truth being told in a calm factual manner? As it was pointed out, and accurately so, he did admit being who and what he is.

If people said something like the asshole got what he deserved, he was the king of all dicks, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, I hope he gets 20 years .... that would be kicking him while he is down. I most certainly did not do that and I would never do that. Regardless of how many times he and I crossed swords, in this situation I am hoping for the best for him. But I will not do like some and attempt to rewrite his history so he now sounds like some benevolent munificent innocent who never did anyone any harm in his entire life and because of that everyone should now rally around him.

Calling a spade a spade is not an example of kicking a man when he is down, regardless of how hard you might attempt to portray it as being so. It's just a case of telling the truth.

All I am saying is it absurd for some to now attempt tocanonize him and make him a saint just because he got busted.
you guys sound like the hyper-partisan liberals who make sure to take shots at rick santorum while supposedly sympathizing with his grave situation.

this is not something that decent people use to take cheap shots at someone. a decent man's family is hurting here.
i'm sorry he's in jail. that's all that needs to be said in this thread.

good vibes, spreading good karma.

Instead idiots place a BUT after their 'commiserations'. Just say sorry if you really are. Save the hating for your private moments alone, or laugh about it in PM's. so what if you got banned from a forum and your ego bruised, nobody remembers it but you anyway.

His attitude is not why he's in jail, he's in jail because the pigs have put him there. remember it.
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