Help me- Help FDD

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oh man thats terrible! i wish i had money to donate to him. it sounds like he is in some serious trouble. fuck the feds
dinners ready,,,,brb,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hope fdd's gettin some
damn man good to see you back to.It looks like the news is bringing everyone back on lol.Sucks it gotta be under these circumstances.

I dont believe in shit but im gonna pray for fdd tonight.Anyone facing the feds needs all the faith/support they can get.Wish I could do more for him,maybe his wife can get a loan and with the donations people are sending he'll be able to get a good attorney.

damn man good to see you back to.It looks like the news is bringing everyone back on lol.Sucks it gotta be under these circumstances.

I dont believe in shit but im gonna pray for fdd tonight.Anyone facing the feds needs all the faith/support they can get.Wish I could do more for him,maybe his wife can get a loan and with the donations people are sending he'll be able to get a good attorney.

tried to rep you,,,says i gotta spread it around,,,,,I don't believe in shit either ......,,,thats why I believe fdd is gonna come out clean,,held for 10 days,,and no charges,,,,,anyway still wanna talk to Mrs' Fdd so if she's reading at all call me,,private me,,collect,,whatever ,,,,,,nice positive thoughts ......


tried to rep you,,,says i gotta spread it around,,,,,I don't believe in shit either ......,,,thats why I believe fdd is gonna come out clean,,held for 10 days,,and no charges,,,,,anyway still wanna talk to Mrs' Fdd so if she's reading at all call me,,private me,,collect,,whatever ,,,,,,nice positive thoughts ......
7:20 in Canada fdd,,somewhere it's 4:20,,gonna go salute ya bro,,HoLE your head up man,,,,Proudly
i know his real name but can't find what he's been charged with. just that he was arrested on the 18th and there is no bail set. anyone know his exact charges?
He'll need north of 80k for a decent enough attorney to have any chance of beating the feds in a drug case. Way north. He isn't going to beat this without either a huge amount of money and luck or ratting out some people. I know some nuthuggers or whatever will probably say that he would never do that, but they will employ tricks you can't even imagine to put pressure on him and scare him into rolling. It isn't going to be pretty.

EDIT: and when/if he gets the cash to do battle, they'll attack him for where the funds came from and the IRS will be up his ass trying to take whatever the DOJ doesn't.
shit the man is in prison... that is insane...

why is this thread 25 pgs long and there's no LINKS?!?!

spreading his real name across the net is horrible. you can read in the mod forum.
no one needs to know, the links say nothing.
its time to pray.
He may need money for a defence but you can bet his oldlady will need money to eat and pay bills, it's been almost 3 weeks she needs money now. His nights will be better if he know's she's OK.
I got a lot of lols from all the people bowing to him after how he treats everyone

I've been here a long ass time.... long enough to get into a few lil spits w the man online, but also long enough to get to know the man behind the avatar. He, (as a person) does not deserve this kind of treatment. He's pissed me off a few times, and I him, but in the end we gotta look out for each other. It's not bowing or asskissing, its more empathy for a fellow man/human that doesnt deserve to be locked up. Regardless of what folks think of him online, I can surely say that he is more good to his family and society if free.

I've not much else to say, my words will do nothing to sway people's opinions, but a few will think at least.
(for the record time, this is not directed at you, you were just convenient to quote here)
Well said GG... it is indeed empathy that causes me to overlook any quarrels with the man that I've had (have been plenty with a few infractions to show for it) and offer the help that I can.

You may not like him, but no one should go to jail over a plant and to make light of someone in such a situation, should be a huge embarrassment especially if you've fought for the rights of other non-violent persons locked up over cannabis.
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