oh geez guys, i'm still a newb at this whole hash thingy, it's only the last few runs that came out anywhere near satisfactory, and thanks to matt rize in the end, to boot. (the crumbly hash i'm smoking now is the last stuff i made before encountering the rize method, the gummy fruits of which i'm starting to run low on). i've asked him about the settling before, and he says it doesn't matter.
if anybody disagrees with any of this please feel free to point it out, i'm just going with what i've seen so far vis-a-vis what i've read and followed on here.
my vote is definitely for fresh frozen trim. somehow, rehydrating just doesn't work the same.
confession time? i have a payload miniwasher, which definitely, definitely changes things. i've not done it by hand since it came into my life, but if i did, i think i'd try it with a work bag (the machine came with a 220m workbag that zips and ties shut). i don't know how to explain the difference in agitation between the washer and using a stick/paddle/spoon other than.... in preserve-making, there are times where, instead of using a spoon to 'stir' something, you pick up the whole pot and 'swish' it around, so as not to beat up the berries or whatever fruit; payload washer has a bottom surface that swishes around and causes agitation. and since getting the washer, i've come to realise that what's required is movement without necessarily beating up the plant matter. instead, i think about it as trying to swoosh as much 'cold' past as much surface area of the plant matter as i can. which is not to suggest that you should swoosh a heavy bucket of ice water around for 15-20.... just that movement = great, anything other than ice beating up the plant matter = not so great, i knew guys that would go through a particular brand of handmixer every couple months from making bubble - they preferred the shape of the actual mixing attachments for whatever reason. and, smaller batches apparently = better yield and quality. the workbag/washer combo holds about 1/4 to 1/2 lb of wet shake comfortably. one thing i'd try in the absense of a washer is grab the work bag by one end and swoosh it around. that would probably make a small amount of blond wax.
which brings me to another point (somebody slap me, this is a long-winded post) -- i've heard that in terms of wanting blond/red/etc., if the foam itself turns green, you've mixed it too much. i've been told you want to mix it as much as you possibly can, without it turning green. (like, thanks guys, real helpful.

) the water will pretty much change colour right away, which will make the foam look like that colour while you're mixing it, but when you stop and the foam floats to the top it should still be white/blond (apparently if the foam turns green that means chlorophyll is getting into your hash). in the washer, i just turn the timer all the way (20 min), walk away, rinse, repeat.
i strongly recommend you guys check out the rize method, especially the finishing up part. (hint: the 'ice water in the spray bottle' trick
changed my life, no kidding.)
as far as bags, i've only ever used bubble bags and payload bags..... i've heard of cheaper bags having problems with holes in the stitching, tears, etc. but i have no particular culprits or bad rep names for you.