That's what you're looking for.
Your brain will melt, as a firework show goes off in itself.
Your mind will turn to soup, and you'll be laughing at whatever is on TV or around you...
Then Everything will change,
While remaining the same.
The whole world is different, looks different, but not really.
You feel as if your friend is a pirate captain, but he is not. He might lie for you, and let you keep thinking that. But he isn't.
Out of the corner of your eye, there are bugs crawling on the floor.
When you blink, your eyes will show you neon displays of robots, and slayer pigs
The colors meld, and shift.
Look at something Rusted, like for real. Go find something rusty, or with a messed up paintjob, or won off color...See the shifting?
Stare in a mirror. Is that you? No... But yes... But no...
Don't talk to anyone on the phone who isn't tripping, unless they were excited for your experience also...
Smoke lots of weed...
If you watch the Wizard of Oz, tell me if at an point the Scarecrow is holding a gun. Because we coulda sworn we ALL saw it. But Acid is crazy.