Marijuana Vs. LSD


Well-Known Member
Make sure to get some Skittles and/or Starbursts so you can taste the rainbow


Well-Known Member

That's what you're looking for.

Your brain will melt, as a firework show goes off in itself.
Your mind will turn to soup, and you'll be laughing at whatever is on TV or around you...

Then Everything will change,
While remaining the same.
The whole world is different, looks different, but not really.
You feel as if your friend is a pirate captain, but he is not. He might lie for you, and let you keep thinking that. But he isn't.
Out of the corner of your eye, there are bugs crawling on the floor.
When you blink, your eyes will show you neon displays of robots, and slayer pigs
The colors meld, and shift.
Look at something Rusted, like for real. Go find something rusty, or with a messed up paintjob, or won off color...See the shifting?
Stare in a mirror. Is that you? No... But yes... But no...
Don't talk to anyone on the phone who isn't tripping, unless they were excited for your experience also...
Smoke lots of weed...
If you watch the Wizard of Oz, tell me if at an point the Scarecrow is holding a gun. Because we coulda sworn we ALL saw it. But Acid is crazy. :D


Well-Known Member
And watch this.
But do not click play until there is acid in your blood :D


Well-Known Member
I like finns video haha, that thing freaked me out. Here watch this one[video=youtube;rjdfdJ72CCE][/video]


Well-Known Member
LSD is cool. For your first time I would start with just 1 though. If you don't feel that high, you can always take the second. Who knows how strong they are. I've seen weaker minded people flip out on acouple hits before. Its all good though. Just make sure you're in a safe and comfortable environment. My first time consisted of 5 blotters and my swimming pool. It was out of this world to say the least. Twas the start of a very long and healthy relationship.


Well-Known Member
LSD is cool. For your first time I would start with just 1 though. If you don't feel that high, you can always take the second. Who knows how strong they are. I've seen weaker minded people flip out on acouple hits before. Its all good though. Just make sure you're in a safe and comfortable environment. My first time consisted of 5 blotters and my swimming pool. It was out of this world to say the least. Twas the start of a very long and healthy relationship.
I hope they already took 2 :D
:D :D


Well-Known Member
Have stuff to play with, have trippy stuff to look at. Some fruit juice is good your throat can feel a little strange, trippers seem to like orange & grapefruit during the end :D

If you have the chance to safely go on a walk do it, night time is a bit sinister for me but daytime is pure bliss!

Take bong rips on the afterglow :D


Well-Known Member
This thread inspired me...

I've been saving something for a rainy day, and I think it's going to be overcast tomorrow night ;)


Well-Known Member
only advice for doing acid for your first time is have a true friend baby sit you. Have your day clear and not have to worries about interactions with people unless you make them.


Pickle Queen
Man first drug i took was a hit of acid, age 11 lmfao, and it all began ..... lol stucko is awesome to look at ;) and phone books looks like they feel fuzzy lol


Well-Known Member
only advice for doing acid for your first time is have a true friend baby sit you. Have your day clear and not have to worries about interactions with people unless you make them.
Very true...
Have someone make sure you don't wander into the street...
And definitely don't have plans...Like no schedule.
Go somewhere, maybe go home after. Stay at those 2 places.
Don't try to do more stuff.
And don't sell any drugs to anyone. It'll freak you the fuck out. The chain of events in your mind will just go wild upon handing off drugs ("What if he tells ---- I have this" "What if he's a cop" "What if the cops get him, and come to me" "What if he goes to his parents house and they find it, or he has to go to the ER, or asks to go, and tells them" etc, etc)...
You'll trip out.


Well-Known Member
Man first drug i took was a hit of acid, age 11 lmfao, and it all began ..... lol stucko is awesome to look at ;) and phone books looks like they feel fuzzy lol
bricks man.... they are my favorite... when i take acid with my friend we sit on his back porch smoke bongs and look that the brick wall. The patterns make it looks like some blocks are sliding in and out.



Pickle Queen
bricks man.... they are my favorite... when i take acid with my friend we sit on his back porch smoke bongs and look that the brick wall. The patterns make it looks like some blocks are sliding in and out.

LOL i got myself stuck in the middle of a double lane hwy, damn mesk made the lights look so fucking pretty rflmao
Or wait u ever look at urself in the bathroom mirror while flicking the lights on and off, lol then someone randomly sneaks up behind u and scares the fuck out of u


Well-Known Member
Acid is the best fucking drug in the world. I've only had the pleasure a few times....but it has always been amazing.

For me, acid is like shrooms without the body load or paranoia. Last time I tripped I watched National Geographic for 45 minutes through the bottom of a glass of water...and I couldn't get over how beautiful it was. :hump:

I haven't done anything but smoke weed for almost 2 years....I'd like to find some cid again but my connections just aren't the same as they used to be


Well-Known Member
Heh... I remember calling my friend who was tripping with us, he was in another room... and I pretended to be trapped in his cellphone, God that was hilarious.


Well-Known Member
ehe one time me and my friend got these blow up helium giant fishes from toys r us. They were easily controlled, and we went off into his room, into his closet, from there you can see the family room through these shelves that are part of his closet wall. And we made them fly out there while everyone was watching lord of the rings on a heaping shit load of mushrooms. It freaked everyone out it was HILLARIOUS. My buddy destroyed both of them, literally tore them to shreads, he was so god damn terrified.. Those things were fuckin 50 dollars a piece...