Club 600


Well-Known Member
hello friends :peace: been busy at the sunnyboy house lately and miss my 600 clubbie

had to get in a dispute with the 600 cool tube ppl, sending me a broken one and all. they are finally gonna send me a new one and they gave me $50 back. so i might get to hang it vert tomorrow.

been working alot YUK chopped the ex cheese and one of the brasils, wow that cheese is an awesome smoke :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I got high from looking at those pictures.

Welcome back sunnyboy.

Duchie, I would think about the smallest airpump you could buy would be fine. Something for a 10 gal fishtank for around 10 bucks.


Well-Known Member
lol ;) i was suprised i was able to get that clear of a pic, i took it threw my jewlers loupe and than zoomed in on photoshop and cropped it :)

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Swamp, I would go with Jig and tie it back together. I had a Romulan do the same thing outdoors late in flower, tied it back together with bailing wire and it didnt seem to phase the plant one bit. Ive been suprised how hard it is to cut off the life line to a stem. So long as the stem hasnt been girdled (stripped of the bark all the way around) they seem to make it. Ive got a Larry OG in flower that I tried to LST and I snapped the stem almost off. Its only holding on by a small piece of skin, but its been growing fine for weeks and doesnt seem any smaller than the other buds.

looking good 600!


Well-Known Member
just wrap some string round it Swamp, they'll be fine, a good problem to have imo (buds that snap branches in two:shock:)

HOLY SHIT!!!!!I opened my flowering tent tonight to see my Purple Elephant's main stalk split right down the middle due to the weight of the buds!!!!!! I was just in the tent last night and watered another plant and everything seem fined. I thought the stalks were strong enough to hold the weight, i've tied many plants before when needed. What should i do???? Harvest the two top main branches and leave the rest? Can i duct tape the branches together and hope they continue to flush??? The plant has been flushed for 10 or 11 days now and is exactly 7 weeks flower today. Im glad to know these buds have a ton of weight but i didnt want them to break, at least not now..... F**CCCKKK!!!!!



Well-Known Member
I have a bag of super dry trim from my Casey Jones and i put it in the freezer for 10 minutes then dumped it into a 125 micron bag shook it for about a minute and Ta-Da 3.5 grams of pure death. This stuff is real strong Space Out Stare at the Wall Shit. The Casey came out Amazing, one of my all time favorites for sure. Seems like i had two different pheno's, one is heavy on the Thai flavor very sweet with small kush like buds. The other has a Diesel sting then the smooth Thai takes over. Love this shit.




Well-Known Member
I done some dry kief that way, I think it was Dre Green Dre who told me to put a couple of coins in the bag to help release the kief.


Well-Known Member
HOLY SHIT!!!!!I opened my flowering tent tonight to see my Purple Elephant's main stalk split right down the middle due to the weight of the buds!!!!!! I was just in the tent last night and watered another plant and everything seem fined. I thought the stalks were strong enough to hold the weight, i've tied many plants before when needed. What should i do???? Harvest the two top main branches and leave the rest? Can i duct tape the branches together and hope they continue to flush??? The plant has been flushed for 10 or 11 days now and is exactly 7 weeks flower today. Im glad to know these buds have a ton of weight but i didnt want them to break, at least not now..... F**CCCKKK!!!!!

DST's rite mate just tie or tape the split together i did the same whilst bending with a blue cheese in veg and had no problems by the time i chopped her down the split had mended itself


Well-Known Member
tape it and tie it mate. dont harvest they will still develop only really get probs if the whole branch snaps completely off. i have had it happen a couple times and managed to finish flower with no probs


Well-Known Member
My new stoner toy for when I'm entertaining other stoners:


Can anyone give me an idea of what size of air pump I would need for making teas? The minimum and or idea size I mean. Also, BKB, I saw in your thread you had a cool looking plastic diffuser that you use instead of an airstone. Do you have product info that I can use to search one out. I'm not having much luck.

Hey Duchie, I found that the cheaper pumps don't bubble as much as I would like. I recommend a beefier model than the cheapest ones, you'll like it better IMO.


Well-Known Member
Cool. Thanks for the info guys. Going out this afternoon to grab one. I've never dealt with them before so I was unsure how the their ratings work. I'll probably just do Wally World and was thinking of getting maybe a 30 gallon pump, maybe with 2 or 3 outlets. Is 30 enough Shwag?

Good mornafterevening everyone!