Will a 1000 watt hps produce better results than a 600watt in a 3x3 tent?


Active Member
i was told that using a 1000 watt in a 3x3 grow tent will be wasting light but will it produce better in a 3x3x7 grow tent?(ventilation is not a problem)


Well-Known Member
1000watts is asking for trouble in such a small space, the high intensity of the light concentrated in such a small area could actually have detrimental effects due to photo-inhibition (it could inhibit the function of or bleach chlorophyll). Also 7 feet of vertical space is not that much, when using a 1000w, considering what distance you will have to have your plants at from the light, in other words you wouldn't be able to utilize the full potential (light penetration) of the 1000watter in such a confined space and could actually place restrictions on your plant height. I would go with the 600W if I had to choose from those two, which is still an overkill in that space in my opinion, I use a 400W in 4x4x6.6 and can supplement with CFL's on the sides if more light is required.

good luck


Active Member
i use a 400 watt right now and have been for the last 3-4 years. but at this point in time i want more yield. so i was told add more light. i am debating on the 600 or 1000 watt dimmible. just got my tax money so i figured y not just go big since i have the money. but from the responses maybe i am getting a lil ahead of myself.


Well-Known Member
Ok ok ok I used a 1000w light in my 3x3x6 tent last summer with awesome results. Got a pound and a half off my airborne g13 and three quater pound of my champagne widdow. It was a dwc grow. Didn't have any problems with the light. Tied down and lst bushed those fuckers out. Keep your temp in the good range an its no worries.


Active Member
Honestly, quality weed and high yields are a product of balance, not a result of extremes (there are exceptions of course) imo.

now thats not to discredit the importance of proper lighting, most would agree that light is the "most" important single aspect you have control over, obviously "most" is subjective and thats not to say there are not many other requirements to even get the plant to grow.

Other things that can increase yield:

1) there is one indisputable way to increase yield, and that is to add C02 to your grow space. i believe 3000ppm is the ideal number but i would verify that yourself as i am not checking to be sure as i right this.

2) consider hydro. you didn't say what method you are using but from my exp and what i have heard from others (once again very disputable) DWC tends to be the highest yielding method from the get go, however i have no doubt that a group of experienced growers could achieve very similar results with a variety of methods.

3) if you are already using hydro then you already know how detrimental the smallest changes can be to the health of the plant. achieving perfection in your root zone will produce remarkable results. (nutes, O2 levels, water level, and ventilation)

thats just a few off the top of my head you can look at to get massive yield gains that would most likely dwarf and gain you would see by switching from a 400 to a 1000 in that space.

Just my 2 cents, and yeah i'm still a believer that its "very hard" to get too much light (in the proper conditions), but it can also be very hard to achieve those proper conditions.


Active Member
Ok ok ok I used a 1000w light in my 3x3x6 tent last summer with awesome results. Got a pound and a half off my airborne g13 and three quater pound of my champagne widdow. It was a dwc grow. Didn't have any problems with the light. Tied down and lst bushed those fuckers out. Keep your temp in the good range an its no worries.
yes this is what im thinking because i will have ventilation...good ventilation so im not to wooried bout the heat. but how much of a diffrence do u think i will c fromm a 600 to a 1000 in this space since the light is overkill? wouldnt the 1000 watt yield more overall? would it be worth it to run the 1000 watt over the 600?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
There is absolutely a point at which more light accomplishes nothing. Where exactly that point is is hard to know because other factors like strain play into it.

There is also what's known as a point of diminishing returns. That means if you go from 100 watts to 200 watts, you might double your yield. And if you go to 400 watts, you might double it again. But if you go to 800 watts you might only increase it by 10% because you are approaching light saturation and returns diminish rapidly until they reach zero.


Active Member
There is absolutely a point at which more light accomplishes nothing. Where exactly that point is is hard to know because other factors like strain play into it.

There is also what's known as a point of diminishing returns. That means if you go from 100 watts to 200 watts, you might double your yield. And if you go to 400 watts, you might double it again. But if you go to 800 watts you might only increase it by 10% because you are approaching light saturation and returns diminish rapidly until they reach zero.
this is exactly what i am looking for. that percent diffrence from the 600 to 1000.


Well-Known Member
There is absolutely a point at which more light accomplishes nothing. Where exactly that point is is hard to know because other factors like strain play into it.

There is also what's known as a point of diminishing returns. That means if you go from 100 watts to 200 watts, you might double your yield. And if you go to 400 watts, you might double it again. But if you go to 800 watts you might only increase it by 10% because you are approaching light saturation and returns diminish rapidly until they reach zero.

A 1000w will yield more than a 600W by a lot more than 10% and in my expearence it will yield 30% more than a 600w.

MY sugestion for the 600 is based on foot print

600 = 3x3
1000 = 4x4

If you can handle the heat in the summer than go for it, just keep it off the tops and you will be fine. You have 7 feet inside and you will max your 1000 out, it will be tight and you will need to LST your plants.

You only have 63 sqf in there and a growing area of 9 sqf so you have lots of light.

do you have the reflector yet? what are you going to use? you want a tighter focused reflector to optomise the 1000 in there.

1000w is less money for bulbs than a 600, ifyou get a dimable 1000 than if it gets too much you can dial it back. Yup if you got the heat covered and a dimable and good rflector go for it.


Active Member
yes i am purchasing the agreenhouse digital dimmable ballast with the airflow reflector from htg. thanks for the replys guys + rep


Active Member
it really all depends on the number of plants you have in the area. remember the light will be absorbed by the plants. so if your putting like 4 in that small area 1000 watts is not a bad idea. I have used 1000w in a 6x6x6 tent for the last year with 4-6 plants at a time with tremendous yeilds and great overall quality. people say that I gorw the best smoke in the county. So honestly its not a bad idea. the light helps produce great thc and keeps the plants reaching for more. remember the plants store the energy that it creates with photosynthesis until the lights cut off then they reach for it in the dark. 1000w in a 3x3 tent will not kill your plants as long as you have a fan pumping out the heat. you should be fine. You will like what you see overall too.