Club 600

I also use unsalted butter. I clarify it and then toss some green into it, pour it into my crock pot once it's simmering pretty good and leave it for 8-10 hours. Strain it through cheesecloth and in the fridge it goes to turn solid. I cook at whatever temp the goodie recipe calls for and I never worry about it because they always turn out killer.

Only time I deviate from this is when melting hash into the butter. Cooking is still the same but ratios and simmer time for the butter is completely different.
I think coconut oil would be great for baked sweets.

So I have yet to try making any edibles. In fact I've only tried them a couple a times a long time ago and they were either cookies or brownies but I don't think they were made with butter or oil. They were so bad and hard to get down that I'm thinking the actual weed was in them. So I'm wondering what these treats are like with the butter. How noticeable is the taste? Do you guys find they're hard to get down? Another reason I'm asking is that I've heard of using olive oil as well, and I normally use a lot of that when I cook but I wonder how much it will affect the recipe with infused oil, either on a salad or in a sauce. So have anyone tried this type of cooking with cannabis?
Haha duchie. I remember back in the day we bought a big bag of schwag, stemmed and seeded it and just mixed the shit in with the brownies. EWWWWWW. Cooking with butter is totally different. Not hard to get down at all. It will have a 'pot' taste to it, but nothing that's nasty (unless you do it wrong). I have used margarine and it worked... not saying it's the best thing to use, but I had a batch one time that was absolutely killer. It would work with olive oil as well. We have coconut oil here, my wife used to use it for 'oil pulling'... a very strange practice where you swish oil in your mouth for 20 minutes first thing in the morning. Anyways, we have coconut oil. I may try making some killer edibles with it and my dry ice hash. I know at least one person who will try them. ;)
You know what, I'd bet that oil pulling is good in so many ways. Gotta be good for the gums anyway. I've used olive oil to moisturize my hands before.. and don't any of you get any funny images in your heads. Anyone who's worked with cold and wet gloves over long times, then dry heats, know what I'm talking about. Hands cracking so bad they're bleeding everywhere. Olive oil was the trick for me. Hey, maybe and olive oil tincture? Hmmm.
I have said it many times before, after trimming I always use Olive Oil to get the stickyness frm my hands. This was a practice that came when the Romans first started having trimming parties instead of feeding people to Lions. They would get their Caesar Kush plants, have a good old orgy while trimming, then bathe in olive oils and then get some cheeky wench to scrape it off their bodies while rolling hand pressed hash between their golden thighs.......I would love to have been Roman, hahahaha.

Morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That looks great, Rep when I can for that....LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE in the interim......

who needs solvents eh!!!
some "solventless" bbkush I love bud porn and i know you guys do too.. shit has me lit...
I have said it many times before, after trimming I always use Olive Oil to get the stickyness frm my hands. This was a practice that came when the Romans first started having trimming parties instead of feeding people to Lions. They would get their Caesar Kush plants, have a good old orgy while trimming, then bathe in olive oils and then get some cheeky wench to scrape it off their bodies while rolling hand pressed hash between their golden thighs.......I would love to have been Roman, hahahaha.

Morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is some funny shit right there.
I have said it many times before, after trimming I always use Olive Oil to get the stickyness frm my hands. This was a practice that came when the Romans first started having trimming parties instead of feeding people to Lions. They would get their Caesar Kush plants, have a good old orgy while trimming, then bathe in olive oils and then get some cheeky wench to scrape it off their bodies while rolling hand pressed hash between their golden thighs.......I would love to have been Roman, hahahaha.

Morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats how all my trimming parties go.
This was a practice that came when the Romans first started having trimming parties instead of feeding people to Lions. They would get their Caesar Kush plants, have a good old orgy while trimming, then bathe in olive oils and then get some cheeky wench to scrape it off their bodies while rolling hand pressed hash between their golden thighs.......I would love to have been Roman, hahahaha.

Morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Made a few changes this round. I added two Tbs of Mycos to each pot and picked up some Verde by HN to try and get a little more green into the leaves before 12/12. Since I switched to the Coco/Soil my plants aren't as green compared to when I used Fox Farm Soil. Hopefully this will make a Happy Garden.

Peace Love and Nugs,


Gotta get Mg to those girls Worm. I have noticed this since cutting back dramatically on the added nutes. I always use to have a BioNova nute with added MG, but I haven' been able to get that of late.
Good news; Just joined the 600w club 8)
Bad news; After getting rid of my males, looks like my only female is going hermie due to the stress from the heatwave in perth :wall:
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Hey there Gorbzzz, welcome to the 600 and sorry to hear about the herm. Whats signs is the plant showing? Can you rescue it? I just say FUK IT, and pull them nanners out. If I get a couple of seeds here and there, well that can be a bonus in some situations.

My old man is in WA, was on skype to him the other day and he was groaning about the 39degree temps, and they haven't got aircon, then the lecky has been going out, ffs. welcome to the outback eh!
Gotta get Mg to those girls Worm. I have noticed this since cutting back dramatically on the added nutes. I always use to have a BioNova nute with added MG, but I haven' been able to get that of late.

Mg huh, I was thinking it was a lack of N. The verde has 16-1-2 Might need to kick that up a notch.
Magnesium is part of chlorophyl and is highly important in photosynthesis. Without it you can throw as much N at your plant as you want (won't help), it's present in enzymes in the plant. With dark green plant varieties heavier dosages are required.