The real story on Mexican Marijuana

Nepaljam x Oaxaca

Active Member
Mexican weed makes up the majority of the marijuana south of the Mason Dixon line. The wide availability, cheap price, bang for the buck, and proximity to Mexico all contribute to preferences. But the bottom line is most folks would rather spend one hundred dollars for an ounce of schwag than 100 bucks for a quarter of Beaster, which by the time it gets this far south is often not much more potent bowl for bowl than a good bag of schwag.

Prior to the 60's Mexican was practically all anyone had. 5 finger lids from south of the border, untrimmed, sometimes even males included. The counterculture explosion had not happened yet, so for the most part exotic foreign strains were unheard of. As the culture expanded and a sudden gigantic market for marijuana developed the import came from increasingly distant locales. As hippies traveled and learned more about other cultures they became familiar with the potent flower tops sold by Mexican healers and bruha's (witch doctors) at rural markets, and a more knowledgeable smoking culture was beginning.

Mexico was on the verge of a revolution, and rural farmers were finding ways to finance their ideas now with marijuana. The Mexican goverment began an intensive crackdown along with US assistance in trying to spray fields with "paraquat", a dangerous herbicide with many health risks. Most of the herb was grown at altitudes too high to reach and very little of it was affective. In reality very little paraquat infested bud made it into the US but it nevertheless did scare many smokers away. As Mexico got more highways and roads it became easier to police, and discourage marijuana growing, and new political incentives helped bring a dramatic slow down to Mexican marijuana production. It was during this time when Mexico could no longer be the main commerical provider that Colombia began replacing it. So with the smaller corner of the market it had Mexico began to produce larger amounts of the higher quality varieties such as the legendary Highland Oaxaca Gold, and Acapulco Gold instead of commercial strains it had been exporting. Other notables of the time in Mexico were Guerreran Green, Zacatecas Purple, Tijuana Brown, Michoacan spears, and many more.

Today the situation faced by Mexican commercial smokers has changed. The name strains are gone but the commercial quality is higher. To compete with other nations export Mexico began using new genetics, trimming their harvest much better, and removing most of the males to cut down on seeds. Todays mexican has dramatically improved over what smokers remember from the earliest bags of the 60s. Beginning in the early 80's non native phenos started showing up common in imports. First colombian commercial types, and then indica/commercial bug made it to mexico as well as many other nations. By '85-'90 when Mexico took over the commercial production back from Colombia most of the regional strains were gone.

The product today is usually bricked, maybe 5 seeds per dime, usually heavily sativa leaning hybrids, However bags of touched up indica are not uncommon. Probably somewhere around 20-40% of Mexican import is no longer native genes. However this does not change the fact that at least half of Mexican import IS still pure native strains and classic varieties including large amounts of oaxacas, golds, and lower amounts of zacatecas purple, michoacan, etc. are still somewhat common. Bare in mind the genes are RARELY completely pure. Not to say it doesn't happen, but when I say native I mean its a native Mexican strain, with a very small percentage of something else mixed in with it and is usually 60-90% sativa. In the 80's they were experimenting with indicas, but most of them have been crossed and recrossed back to the sativas they came from. It shortened flower time and added a bit of yield but is still very sativa.

Contrary to popular belief most Mexican IS NOT bad genes. Many things like when it was harvested, shipping methods, what region it is from, how old it is, how long they let it sit before shipping, how well it was dried, how well it was stored including what temperature and bricking, and when it was harvested all have to do with quality of import. It's not one simple answer like "Mexican weed just sucks".

Another common myth is that the cartels grow the weed. The cartels do grow weed but it is a tiny percentage of what they can export. Most of the weed they own is not grown by them, but rather collected by them and put towards a shipment to eventually be sent in. They are the smugglers. Rural mexican farm families that have been growing the same strains for centuries are the mainstay of the import, and that is not likely to change.
Nice article.

So if the Mexican is in fact mostly grown by generational farmers, where has all the shitty commercial weed been grown recently?. This garbage has been dominating a market not too far from you for almost a year.
Nice article.

So if the Mexican is in fact mostly grown by generational farmers, where has all the shitty commercial weed been grown recently?. This garbage has been dominating a market not too far from you for almost a year.

I think its a combo of obama boosting border security, the cartel wars in mexico, and the medical marijuana movement. supply has been cut down by the increasing dea presence in mexico and south america. The cartels have been fighting a very bloody war for years over turf and distrabution, constantly sabotageing eachother and bringing alot of attention to the overall operation. the demand has fallen to an all time low due to the avalibility of medical marijuana and the harsh sentences for smugglers and buyers alike of blackmarket marijuana vs the open friendly world of medical marijuana.

theres alot of factors that come into play these days. the world of marijuana is constantly changeing
I was reading that a large amount of the commercial brick weed that comes into America through Mexico 'now' comes from some region in Africa. Theres been so much bullshit going on in Mexico that I assume production is down for one but im sure they get the african brick for the right price as well. And as stated above, With the rise of the medical marijuana scene and market brick weed is just dying off and is in way lower demand. I have friends that still dabble in brick and I have seen the quality lately and its been awfull. The prices are way higher and the quality is way lower. EVERYTHING I have seen in a long time has been dark brown and just nasty. A few of my friends have shown me some alright "mid grade" but i kinda believe it was grown in the states in the mountains or something as it isnt to bricky and is a nice lime green,pretty decent smoke overall but its not the cheapest either...Talking about all this reminds me why I quit going to the streets in the first place lol. Plus I dont have to deal with many people anymore as it seems everyones in the Talking game these days. But I would love to get ahold of some good solid Mexican genetics.I have saved a handfull of diff shit back in the day from bagseed just for if I ever get bored later down the road. I dont expect nothing to crazy to come of it but I am pretty sure there would be some pretty nice phenos in there.Anything personally grown is gonna look completely different then the bag you bought it in.l ol just my 2cents. But would be cool just to see what they where working with before it got bricked up and pissed on lol. Good right up man! :bigjoint:
I was reading that a large amount of the commercial brick weed that comes into America through Mexico 'now' comes from some region in Africa. Theres been so much bullshit going on in Mexico that I assume production is down for one but im sure they get the african brick for the right price as well. And as stated above, With the rise of the medical marijuana scene and market brick weed is just dying off and is in way lower demand. I have friends that still dabble in brick and I have seen the quality lately and its been awfull. The prices are way higher and the quality is way lower. EVERYTHING I have seen in a long time has been dark brown and just nasty. A few of my friends have shown me some alright "mid grade" but i kinda believe it was grown in the states in the mountains or something as it isnt to bricky and is a nice lime green,pretty decent smoke overall but its not the cheapest either...Talking about all this reminds me why I quit going to the streets in the first place lol. Plus I dont have to deal with many people anymore as it seems everyones in the Talking game these days. But I would love to get ahold of some good solid Mexican genetics.I have saved a handfull of diff shit back in the day from bagseed just for if I ever get bored later down the road. I dont expect nothing to crazy to come of it but I am pretty sure there would be some pretty nice phenos in there.Anything personally grown is gonna look completely different then the bag you bought it in.l ol just my 2cents. But would be cool just to see what they where working with before it got bricked up and pissed on lol. Good right up man! :bigjoint:

Supply is short up north, it wouldn't surprise me if some of it is coming in from Africa...stuff looks like dried cow patties. Then you have greedy pricks charging 20 bucks a gram for average kush. Neither are worth the bother, glad I'm out of the buying game.

Fuck paying for other growers' mistakes.
Intresting read thank you.
Supply is short up north, it wouldn't surprise me if some of it is coming in from Africa...stuff looks like dried cow patties. Then you have greedy pricks charging 20 bucks a gram for average kush. Neither are worth the bother, glad I'm out of the buying game.

Fuck paying for other growers' mistakes.

Yup my thought exactually man!!! and dried cowpatty hits the nail on the head!, cowpatty with big fat, BLACK,mostly FLAT seeds lol.mmm mmm good lmao not really. I always hated the flat seeds back in the day cause no matter how well you picked them out there would be smashed shells and shit hidden in here and there so you always tasted somethin. God its making my stomach turn just thinking about those nasty madsize bong rips lol.
Damn Im glad im on that medicinal now!!!:bigjoint: I dont misss the brick at all!:finger:
Great thread about Mexi weed. I too am American but fortunately, I don't live there thanks to some airplane tickets and a US passport. Moving on, South America as its called, is where all the really good "medical weed" is, minus the silly costs! What a laugh the medical prices cause to me, when boys in south america buy 1/2 ounces of acapulco x white rhino for the cost of a couple grams upside. And it's so fucking fresh!! trust me guys, ditch USA and come to a decriminalized country. here the weed you want is maybe 3 dollars a gram for the best kushs, whites, golds, and land race bud, if you live in the right place. And as said before, how can it be "illegal" when the same families have been growing the bud for centuries? Scoop it up at the source, boys. eliminate importation completely
Great thread about Mexi weed. I too am American but fortunately, I don't live there thanks to some airplane tickets and a US passport. Moving on, South America as its called, is where all the really good "medical weed" is, minus the silly costs! What a laugh the medical prices cause to me, when boys in south america buy 1/2 ounces of acapulco x white rhino for the cost of a couple grams upside. And it's so fucking fresh!! trust me guys, ditch USA and come to a decriminalized country. here the weed you want is maybe 3 dollars a gram for the best kushs, whites, golds, and land race bud, if you live in the right place. And as said before, how can it be "illegal" when the same families have been growing the bud for centuries? Scoop it up at the source, boys. eliminate importation completely
Oh so true! I left there in 2006 and I ain't going back alive anyway. In central america where I live now things are just so much more relaxed. In Costa Rica it isn't legal but personal consumption is everywhere and not uncommon to see people smoking in bars or the public parks. The prices ya'll pay in the states today is rediculous, along with the governments view on the subject.
Can you buy really cheap nasty shit that ya'll get in the states, sure they stage that crap down here. Now where it comes from all over, south america, central america and africa. As long as it is illegal, it will be expensive and subject to lots of low grade product. Hell, for what I read some of ya'll paying for ounces you can live for a month down here. Plus I get to grow the really nice sativas here:clap:
i started smoking in 69. living in mesa arizona we got all kinds of great mexican weed. i can still see the 1.5 to 2 foot long light green spears from Michoacan. they were something special. kind of thin and airy looking. but the smell, taste and high were lovely.
Mexican weed makes up the majority of the marijuana south of the Mason Dixon line. The wide availability, cheap price, bang for the buck, and proximity to Mexico all contribute to preferences. But the bottom line is most folks would rather spend one hundred dollars for an ounce of schwag than 100 bucks for a quarter of Beaster, which by the time it gets this far south is often not much more potent bowl for bowl than a good bag of schwag.

Prior to the 60's Mexican was practically all anyone had. 5 finger lids from south of the border, untrimmed, sometimes even males included. The counterculture explosion had not happened yet, so for the most part exotic foreign strains were unheard of. As the culture expanded and a sudden gigantic market for marijuana developed the import came from increasingly distant locales. As hippies traveled and learned more about other cultures they became familiar with the potent flower tops sold by Mexican healers and bruha's (witch doctors) at rural markets, and a more knowledgeable smoking culture was beginning.

Mexico was on the verge of a revolution, and rural farmers were finding ways to finance their ideas now with marijuana. The Mexican goverment began an intensive crackdown along with US assistance in trying to spray fields with "paraquat", a dangerous herbicide with many health risks. Most of the herb was grown at altitudes too high to reach and very little of it was affective. In reality very little paraquat infested bud made it into the US but it nevertheless did scare many smokers away. As Mexico got more highways and roads it became easier to police, and discourage marijuana growing, and new political incentives helped bring a dramatic slow down to Mexican marijuana production. It was during this time when Mexico could no longer be the main commerical provider that Colombia began replacing it. So with the smaller corner of the market it had Mexico began to produce larger amounts of the higher quality varieties such as the legendary Highland Oaxaca Gold, and Acapulco Gold instead of commercial strains it had been exporting. Other notables of the time in Mexico were Guerreran Green, Zacatecas Purple, Tijuana Brown, Michoacan spears, and many more.

Today the situation faced by Mexican commercial smokers has changed. The name strains are gone but the commercial quality is higher. To compete with other nations export Mexico began using new genetics, trimming their harvest much better, and removing most of the males to cut down on seeds. Todays mexican has dramatically improved over what smokers remember from the earliest bags of the 60s. Beginning in the early 80's non native phenos started showing up common in imports. First colombian commercial types, and then indica/commercial bug made it to mexico as well as many other nations. By '85-'90 when Mexico took over the commercial production back from Colombia most of the regional strains were gone.

The product today is usually bricked, maybe 5 seeds per dime, usually heavily sativa leaning hybrids, However bags of touched up indica are not uncommon. Probably somewhere around 20-40% of Mexican import is no longer native genes. However this does not change the fact that at least half of Mexican import IS still pure native strains and classic varieties including large amounts of oaxacas, golds, and lower amounts of zacatecas purple, michoacan, etc. are still somewhat common. Bare in mind the genes are RARELY completely pure. Not to say it doesn't happen, but when I say native I mean its a native Mexican strain, with a very small percentage of something else mixed in with it and is usually 60-90% sativa. In the 80's they were experimenting with indicas, but most of them have been crossed and recrossed back to the sativas they came from. It shortened flower time and added a bit of yield but is still very sativa.

Contrary to popular belief most Mexican IS NOT bad genes. Many things like when it was harvested, shipping methods, what region it is from, how old it is, how long they let it sit before shipping, how well it was dried, how well it was stored including what temperature and bricking, and when it was harvested all have to do with quality of import. It's not one simple answer like "Mexican weed just sucks".

Another common myth is that the cartels grow the weed. The cartels do grow weed but it is a tiny percentage of what they can export. Most of the weed they own is not grown by them, but rather collected by them and put towards a shipment to eventually be sent in. They are the smugglers. Rural mexican farm families that have been growing the same strains for centuries are the mainstay of the import, and that is not likely to change.

Good story, thanks for sharing..
Back in my youngin days when I lived in the middle of TX all I knew was Mexican weed and believe me I've seen some the shittiest weed known to man. I didn't even realize high grade weed exsisted. I guess cause everyone was broke. I was getting an oz for $40 or 35 if you got the hookup and that was in 05'. The cartels actually do a lot of growing its not a myth, a lot them are have major operations in our own national forests. I just seen a dateline episode where DEA was in Utah out of all places and they confiscated an astronomical amount of weed.
Back in my youngin days when I lived in the middle of TX all I knew was Mexican weed and believe me I've seen some the shittiest weed known to man. I didn't even realize high grade weed exsisted. I guess cause everyone was broke. I was getting an oz for $40 or 35 if you got the hookup and that was in 05'. The cartels actually do a lot of growing its not a myth, a lot them are have major operations in our own national forests. I just seen a dateline episode where DEA was in Utah out of all places and they confiscated an astronomical amount of weed.

All that crap they keep playing on tv is bullshit. I love it how they find million dollar grows but nobody working them, its all staged and a show they put on for the cameras.
cartel weed is caca!!!!!! untill they start growing indicas and kushes and growing them right and sending it up north unbricked and cheap they can eat a dick
I've always read that most domestic marijuana is grown in Kentucky, which I believe is South of the Mason-Dixie.
I've always read that most domestic marijuana is grown in Kentucky, which I believe is South of the Mason-Dixie.

cali..... tennessee..... and kentucky... and hawaii lead the nation for outdoor marijuana grows... but now u got cartel in almost everystate doing huge ass gorilla grows
cali..... tennessee..... and kentucky... and hawaii lead the nation for outdoor marijuana grows... but now u got cartel in almost everystate doing huge ass gorilla grows

Well, either way, most domestic weed is from "South of the Mason Dixie" so, to say most weed "South of the Mason Dixie" is from Mexico is pretty confusing. Especially considering the Mason Dixie line doesn't even exist West of the Mississippi River (but if it did, most of Cali would be south of it, idk about Hawaii, haha).

Basically, whether or not you're smoking on Mexican weed generally depends on one thing, are you smoking swagg, mids, or kind bud (at least in my experience). I grew up in tucson, smoking on some bullshit, lol. Most certainly brown frown mexicana.