Insomniacs Unite!!!!

Howard Stern was supposed to do a remake of "Porky's". I'm sure it'd be pretty funny but the original was so good it'd be hard to do it better.
Man id love to see Sterns jus know its gonne be good! lol

I just heard tha Cool and the Gang is the opening act for the VH show out here in SoCal. I think that's a fucking weird combo but awesome! I'll throw down a couple of Rerun moves.
For reals? it is weerd..but its kinda KOOL lol .. i had to look but there touring with em i guess for the whole show?

Van Halen will perform with special guests Kool & the Gang at The Palace of Auburn Hills. Tickets are $149.50, $79.50, $49.50 and $29.50 reserved. There is an eight-ticket limit.

Kool n the Gang is BACK!
I wanna watch Super 8 on my sky but i'm to shagged ,
i mean if i'm gonna pay , i should make the most of it ,
here's to tomoz night......
I went to my room at 4.20am ish .......
I was gone right through until 1.30 today ,
I'm sure with more training and a bit more "sweet n sour" i coulda made it to 4.20pm,
Must try harder .........
i was up on the couch watching robot chicken wired. too much coffee i guess. today i am going to drink some beers, hopefully that helps me to get some rest later.
i was up on the couch watching robot chicken wired. too much coffee i guess. today i am going to drink some beers, hopefully that helps me to get some rest later.

I too am a caffine MONSTER , i love coffee with everything, lmao @ robot chicken !!
I can't drink alcohol @ all , i don't like the taste of any of it , people drink just to get drunk without a care , i can't do that,
Ok , on a hot summers day a lager can taste good i suppose , but that's mainly as its cold...
that sucks Mary....i knwo the feeling..latley i been lucky and grabbin 4-5 h a night .. downside is i gotta get so fucked up during the day to get burnt out enuf to crash lol
After 2 nights of 4.20am's , last night i hit the hammock at 1am , was out like a light,
The dreams were intense , the real world however was dissapointing!!
i finally slept. i had some crazy dreams too. hehehehe. yes, the real world isn't as intense but if we had some fun in our sleep, that might make up for it? i wonder if i am doomed to have insomnia for the next whoknowshowlong due to getting one night with some rest. we go again. Last night I read a bunch of info on a group called the Nitrous Mafia that tours to all of the music festivals, mainly if not completely east coast, and slang n2o balloons. Apparently their a bunch of thugs that rip people off and hurt a lot of people. There's a good thread on the shroomery about it.