Ron Paul Wins Nevada!


Well-Known Member
Man thats got to be the stupidest "slippery sloap" ever!

+ rep

He's not really supporting the legalization of weed. What he supports is no federal control over it. Right along with crack cocaine and heroin. So if you want your 10yo daughter to experience the joys of a drug addiction before she reaches HS, please vote for RP.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
He's not really supporting the legalization of weed. What he supports is no federal control over it. Right along with crack cocaine and heroin. So if you want your 10yo daughter to experience the joys of a drug addiction before she reaches HS, please vote for RP.
If your 10yo daughter has so little supervision that she can go out and buy heroin and then consume the heroin without you noticing, then you're a shitty parent. It's not the government's job to raise your kids. Keeping heroin illegal stops exactly no one from doing it. If you're willing to take the risk of doing heroin, then you're willing to take the risk to break the law. All that keeping it illegal does is create safety risks and create a violent black market.


New Member
The fed isnt close to our number one issue.

They give the interest income back to the treasury every year. That is why the FED tinfoil hat theory is so laughable. They only burn through about 3 billion a year.
try more like 30 trillion and inflation that really cost you jobs cause nobody can fucking save a dime. (the truth is you don't know and nobody does know but it is defintely in the trillions, we only know that cause Dr Paul)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
He is popular with my conservative mum so it's a real thing he will probably get the nomination. Me Mum is always aware of who has the best chance on the Republican side.

That reminds me of a post I need to make about Romney.
Obama is going to absolutely destroy Romney. No one wants to vote for the guy on the monopoly box when they just got fired and lost their house. I don't know what the republicans are thinking.


Well-Known Member
Obama is going to absolutely destroy Romney. No one wants to vote for the guy on the monopoly box when they just got fired and lost their house. I don't know what the republicans are thinking.
They are letting the media think for them. Huge portion of people who vote for Romney are doing so because they have fallen under the propaganda that Romney is the only one who can beat Obama.


Well-Known Member
They are letting the media think for them. Huge portion of people who vote for Romney are doing so because they have fallen under the propaganda that Romney is the only one who can beat Obama.
he's the only one running that could. can you think of anyone, running or not, who would actually stand a chance?

colin powell? condi rice? huckabee, perhaps?

at this point, the right should realize it's not the candidate, it's their backasswards ideas.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Obama is going to absolutely destroy Romney. No one wants to vote for the guy on the monopoly box when they just got fired and lost their house. I don't know what the republicans are thinking.
You're wrong. The media seems to think he's Jay Leno.



Well-Known Member
he's the only one running that could. can you think of anyone, running or not, who would actually stand a chance?

colin powell? condi rice? huckabee, perhaps?

at this point, the right should realize it's not the candidate, it's their backasswards ideas.
Big government has gotten us big spending and big debt... You want to continue this way?


Well-Known Member
Big government has gotten us big spending and big debt... You want to continue this way?
democrats had it balanced before the "compassionate conservative" destroyed that, grew government, grew spending, and grew debt.

and boy wonder romney wants to double down on the same formula.

it's mental retardation, plain and simple.


Active Member
democrats had it balanced before the "compassionate conservative" destroyed that, grew government, grew spending, and grew debt.

and boy wonder romney wants to double down on the same formula.

it's mental retardation, plain and simple.
As a Republican I always liked Bill...!



Well-Known Member
he's the only one running that could. can you think of anyone, running or not, who would actually stand a chance?

colin powell? condi rice? huckabee, perhaps?

at this point, the right should realize it's not the candidate, it's their backasswards ideas.
That is solely your opinion and is exactly the kind of bullshit opinion that the media is driving forward.

Of course, it should be obvious the more a candidate is like Obama, the more people are going to vote for Obama.

Your question about a candidate who has a chance running or not I am unable to answer. I'm too cynical about the prospect of America at the moment ;)


Well-Known Member
democrats had it balanced before the "compassionate conservative" destroyed that, grew government, grew spending, and grew debt.

and boy wonder romney wants to double down on the same formula.

it's mental retardation, plain and simple.
There is no stability on either side, be honest.


Well-Known Member
The Democrats and Republicans both want big government! The idea that the parties are opposite of one another and balance each other out is bullshit. Our federal government increases in size and scope regardless of whether the dems or repubs are in charge. We need limited government and less spending and only one man is delivering that message.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The Democrats and Republicans both want big government! The idea that the parties are opposite of one another and balance each other out is bullshit. Our federal government increases in size and scope regardless of whether the dems or repubs are in charge. We need limited government and less spending and only one man is delivering that message.
I don't think we need to limit the government to the point corporations are allowed to turn us all into indentured servants. And that's exactly what they'd do if we removed the big government regulations that protect us from them. I reject the false assumption that our government is unusually large. There are only a handful of very small countries that spend less on federal government than we do.


Well-Known Member
I don't think we need to limit the government to the point corporations are allowed to turn us all into indentured servants. And that's exactly what they'd do if we removed the big government regulations that protect us from them.
I agreed with you initially. The problem is you are failing to recognize the regulations are actually helping corporations to hold their power over us. Why is that so hard to recognize?

Our founding fathers can be quoted telling us to fight corporations to the death. The problem is we have people in Washington that heavily regulate to the benefit of said corporations. They will always do this, that is the reason why government power must absolutely be limited.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I agreed with you initially. The problem is you are failing to recognize the regulations are actually helping corporations to hold their power over us. Why is that so hard to recognize?

Our founding fathers can be quoted telling us to fight corporations to the death. The problem is we have people in Washington that heavily regulate to the benefit of said corporations. They will always do this, that is the reason why government power must absolutely be limited.
I do agree that is a problem. I just don't agree that the solution is getting rid of the regulations that protect us from them. I'm fine with getting rid of the regulations that allow large corporations to have a stranglehold on the market. But I'd also like an increase in the regulations that protect us from them. The problem with deregulation is that nearly without exception it ends up in the favor of the big corporations because they are the ones that can afford to lobby congress to make sure it works out that way.


New Member
The problem with regulation is that nearly without exception it ends up in the favor of the big corporations because they are the ones that can afford to lobby congress to make sure it works out their way.
fixed that for ya