I think I'm in danger!

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OK,So I bet money on a basketball game and I think I'm in some deep shit. My team won and the guy I bet with said "The didn't win motherfucker because I said so". I then told him "Motherfucker you've never come across someone like me guaranteed". Ever since then I've had luxury cars sitting around my neighborhood giving me dirty looks. Do you think it's possible I got into with a mafia member? The guy I bet with was 60+ years old. What do you think I should do?
next time you are talking to him, just whip your dick out and stare him straight in the motherfucking eyes and say: i want a sandwich or a blowjob, right now. your choice.

that should give you some idea of what you're dealing with.
next time you are talking to him, just whip your dick out and stare him straight in the motherfucking eyes and say: i want a sandwich or a blowjob, right now. your choice.

that should give you some idea of what you're dealing with.

i think this is the best way to do it.. but make shure you got a hard on... that would be a lil more convincing?
I think if someone was gona take you out it they wouldnt be driving luxury cars, most likely be low life scum looking for a few bucks. Like they said the dick situation might give you a better idea what your dealing with XD
I think you should mega freeroll him. Call him up and start making huuuuuge bets. Collect anything you win of course, but as soon as you've lost a few hundred thousand, tell him to go fuckself immediately. This should solve your problems.
i would slap that old man denchures out his mouth. upercut him moy tie kick to the ribs tie clinch knee to the noise mouth then go for the geateen not the flying geateen the jujitsue geateen. or just rear naked choke his ass!!!! then reach in his wallet n take the money thats what my friend did to a roofing contractor that didnt want to pay layed his ass out took the bank role n just took out our money n threw the rest on him and he nevor pressed charges, but tom was a hill billy from chino valley arizona them fucken boy scouts dont fuck around!
Find Him On His Way Home From Work, Wait Until He's Vulnerable Then Engage In A Preemptive Strike. Give Him A Neat & Nasty Nick To The Jugular So He Bleeds Out At Least 45% Of His Blood, We Called This A "Drainer" Back In Nam, Anyway, Proceed With Searching Him For Some Cash. Then While He's Staring You In The Eyes In Forgiveness Feel Free To Jazz It Up, Kneel Down & Masturbate Over His Suffering Corpse.

They are my cars , i was driving the shit stuff for a low profile ,
i wasnt checking you out Mr Para ,
Look at the shizels on the chick next door ,
don't say " your mama lives there "

Relax , lay off the Suprano's Umbre........
I think you should mega freeroll him. Call him up and start making huuuuuge bets. Collect anything you win of course, but as soon as you've lost a few hundred thousand, tell him to go fuckself immediately. This should solve your problems.

Hmmm "unfuckself"
yeah Umbre that works , i will adjust Sig hahahaaa
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