I think I'm in danger!

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I told him I was gonna rape his kids and wife out of spite if he doesn't pay me. He stumbled on his words then was like "motherfucker you come near my family and I'll cut your prick off"! I let him know I'm not BSing and named the addresses and business addresses they work at. I'm thinking he may pay me now. If not time to rape...
I told him I was gonna rape his kids and wife out of spite if he doesn't pay me. He stumbled on his words then was like "motherfucker you come near my family and I'll cut your prick off"! I let him know I'm not BSing and named the addresses and business addresses they work at. I'm thinking he may pay me now. If not time to rape...

We thought you had gotten some concrete shoes.
I told him I was gonna rape his kids and wife out of spite if he doesn't pay me. He stumbled on his words then was like "motherfucker you come near my family and I'll cut your prick off"! I let him know I'm not BSing and named the addresses and business addresses they work at. I'm thinking he may pay me now. If not time to rape...

Damn, talk about upping the ante. You're either going to get paid or get kneecapped.
now that's funny. Though I would not have said you were going to do it, should have said you were sending big bubbah to do it.
I would threaten his life if he doesn't pay. Then I would threaten to gut his wife and children like fish IF he decides to try and retaliate in any way. If you think you can escape the debt by killing me you better hope your family is in witness protection.
I told him I was gonna rape his kids and wife out of spite if he doesn't pay me. He stumbled on his words then was like "motherfucker you come near my family and I'll cut your prick off"! I let him know I'm not BSing and named the addresses and business addresses they work at. I'm thinking he may pay me now. If not time to rape...

I gotta say I hope he roundhouse kicks you in the face.
You made a bet with someone you dont know and now you want to rape his children?

I give this troll one atta boy and three pats on the back, mostly because theres 17 pages
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