Lets just bomb em...


Well-Known Member

Just remember that we, (the taxpayers) are paying for the war, and They (the corporations) are benefiting from it. It seems that you forget about all the war contractors, Lockheed Martin for example, munitions manufacturer extrordanair, And of course the venerable Brown and Root, Haliburton etc. War is and always has been about the Benjamins. If you don't know that, you don't know squat. BTW, the oil contracts haven't been decided yet, that's the hold up in the Iraqi government. You can bet your sweet ass, the USA will get the lions share of the oil or my name isn't Jack Robinson Jones.

you are incorrect the deals have been made already. you forget I work in this part of the world. all the oil money the middle east recieves pays for my salary. when u guys bitch about the oil prices. it just means more businees for us. I can tell you without a doubt u have been so wrong on so many things its not even funny.

I wanted to post in that post about the incinerators in Abu Graib but didnt because I did not want to reveal any more information about my occupation. but ill tell you this. those incinerators were no secret. I was involved with those very units and many others in many places all over Iraq. you are not in the know at all. all you do is make shit up to suit your metal needs

and thats why i luv you



Well-Known Member
Dammit!!! The bacteria in my toilet have declared a holy war because I bombed my toilet. The extremists are siding up with the roaches.
I have to put a stop to this. I have an attack plan code named "yellow rain".:twisted:



Well-Known Member
now now.. thats the hostility that fuels our country :blsmoke:

"lets go bomb em all", sounds like something a slack jawed yodel would say.

Hey, I like that, "slack jawed yodel". Mind if I nick it from ya?

Fiflthy, while all your info may be true, you are not looking at the rweal picture of the middle east. A hudred years ago there was the ottoamn empoire that controlled that area with an iron grip and was very strong until it got old and sick. The west, especially europe felt what happens when one power comes to domicnate the middle east.
We are in iraq because we cannot let iran or any other power hungry states to be able to swallow up the middle east, and with our oil dependency, control the world. While that piece of land looks worthless, and the people there savages, it is incredibly important.

And by and by, who gave the U.S. the right to stop atrocities? Are we gods tools? Did it happen here in America or to american citzens? If you check the U.N. charter, which is a treaty under the U.S. constituion, we are engaged in an illegal war that is noty supported unilaterally across the U.N. You can check article 6 of the constitution if you want.

Wow, there really are some educated people here. :)

Google Balfour Declaration and Sykes-Picot, that'll give you some good history of the Middle Eastern conflicts to start (what developed on the heels of the fade of the Ottoman Empire).

This is a HUGE subject, but, suffice it to say, anyone who thinks that there was a single Iraqi involved in the attacks has chosen to remain ignorant of the facts. I have a feeling that most don't really understand the role the West has played in creating fanatical Islamism. SUCH a full subject, and honestly, depressing as hell. I'm glad I live in the forest.


New Member
Hey, I like that, "slack jawed yodel". Mind if I nick it from ya?

Wow, there really are some educated people here. :)

Google Balfour Declaration and Sykes-Picot, that'll give you some good history of the Middle Eastern conflicts to start (what developed on the heels of the fade of the Ottoman Empire).

This is a HUGE subject, but, suffice it to say, anyone who thinks that there was a single Iraqi involved in the attacks has chosen to remain ignorant of the facts. I have a feeling that most don't really understand the role the West has played in creating fanatical Islamism. SUCH a full subject, and honestly, depressing as hell. I'm glad I live in the forest.
Have you ever seen the Nuclear bomb blast in the forest, the trees being whipped from side to side on fire. I don't believe the forests are that safe, you might want to start digging.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen the Nuclear bomb blast in the forest, the trees being whipped from side to side on fire. I don't believe the forests are that safe, you might want to start digging.
Miners already did that during the gold rush. :D

Out here when you buy any property you have to sign a waiver that you understand that there was mining done and that no one's mapped 'em. :shock:
(Couple years ago a man not too far from here was just chatting with his wife in their livingroom, when all of a sudden the floor just opened up and swallowed him up. Pretty sad story, newlyweds, she was ready to have their first baby, pretty sad.)
Lots of folks have old mines on their property. It's easy to get lost out here, too, and that bomb blast would have to rip through some mountain, too.


New Member
Miners already did that during the gold rush. :D

Out here when you buy any property you have to sign a waiver that you understand that there was mining done and that no one's mapped 'em. :shock:
(Couple years ago a man not too far from here was just chatting with his wife in their livingroom, when all of a sudden the floor just opened up and swallowed him up. Pretty sad story, newlyweds, she was ready to have their first baby, pretty sad.)
Lots of folks have old mines on their property. It's easy to get lost out here, too, and that bomb blast would have to rip through some mountain, too.
Sounds like northern Nevada. I've considered moving north, although the winters are not to my liking. Living in Vegas is like living on top of 1,000s of nuclear warheads as they store them in a mountain at Nellis AFB. I'm pretty sure a direct hit would leave a 50 mile diameter hole in the ground. At least, I'd never know what hit me.


Well-Known Member
For a long time, perhaps 20 years, perhaps 50 years, nothing in geo-politics has made much sense. When I was a boy, Senetor Everette Dirkson coined a phase; "when you want to know what is going on, follow the money". But that has not been true, of world affairs, for a long time. Or perhaps it is true now, but in a perverse disguise.

One idea, I used to think was silly or even stupid, has started to make sense now. The idea is that a small number of people, let's say 6000 or so, wish to always stir up trouble. The reason is this, for a select few mischief makers, war makes money. And peace always makes babies. And babies drain resources.

Now, I think we are all a bunch of suckers. Because making war now explains geo-politics, in a way that makes sense.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
To stay short. If you look at all the african countries named earlier you forgot to also include most of those are known terrorsit supported training grounds. Nigeria we all know is a an arms illegal trade country with a side note the largest entire world scam country on earth. So to speak and make it look like these poor inncocent countries were exploited and victims is not correct. You discuss Iran and how thier president wanted to help his people economy well nice idea but to bad all the oil profits went right to his own pocket care to guess how many pallaces and Rolls Royces he has? Gold toilets and private jets all his not the peoples or the countries property.Not bad for a poor misunderstood nation with a grwat president who is about helping his people lol.Now you got people who wanna say only the corporations are profiting from these things.Ummm who owns these companies that in turn have thousands of jobs for workers who are middle class? Guess those thousands of jobs dont matter let just close them down and add to the unemployment lines cuz successful companies who create jobs that feed money back into our economy are evil..Pands its you and me Ill be pres your my vice and Viredd is our world embassador.All we need is someone to be a hard nose take no shit general hmmm


New Member
To stay short. If you look at all the african countries named earlier you forgot to also include most of those are known terrorsit supported training grounds. Nigeria we all know is a an arms illegal trade country with a side note the largest entire world scam country on earth. So to speak and make it look like these poor inncocent countries were exploited and victims is not correct. You discuss Iran and how thier president wanted to help his people economy well nice idea but to bad all the oil profits went right to his own pocket care to guess how many pallaces and Rolls Royces he has? Gold toilets and private jets all his not the peoples or the countries property.Not bad for a poor misunderstood nation with a grwat president who is about helping his people lol.Now you got people who wanna say only the corporations are profiting from these things.Ummm who owns these companies that in turn have thousands of jobs for workers who are middle class? Guess those thousands of jobs dont matter let just close them down and add to the unemployment lines cuz successful companies who create jobs that feed money back into our economy are evil..Pands its you and me Ill be pres your my vice and Viredd is our world embassador.All we need is someone to be a hard nose take no shit general hmmm
I'm not saying this is certain doom but....



New Member
To stay short. If you look at all the african countries named earlier you forgot to also include most of those are known terrorsit supported training grounds. Nigeria we all know is a an arms illegal trade country with a side note the largest entire world scam country on earth. So to speak and make it look like these poor inncocent countries were exploited and victims is not correct. You discuss Iran and how thier president wanted to help his people economy well nice idea but to bad all the oil profits went right to his own pocket care to guess how many pallaces and Rolls Royces he has? Gold toilets and private jets all his not the peoples or the countries property.Not bad for a poor misunderstood nation with a grwat president who is about helping his people lol.Now you got people who wanna say only the corporations are profiting from these things.Ummm who owns these companies that in turn have thousands of jobs for workers who are middle class? Guess those thousands of jobs dont matter let just close them down and add to the unemployment lines cuz successful companies who create jobs that feed money back into our economy are evil..Pands its you and me Ill be pres your my vice and Viredd is our world embassador.All we need is someone to be a hard nose take no shit general hmmm
The worst scenario I could think of, but you could always use Cheney for that general, that would make the perfect shitfest, the country would be in flames within the first three months of your regime.


Well-Known Member
Wasnt to trick anyone but I have real issues with alot of those who claim they are democrates or liberals and that only republicans lie in politics and use half truths. I wanted to make a crazy broad statement with a last line that makes the biggest difference and see how many would come in without even reading or processing the information before flipping out sending aqusations.I knew it would have anger coming back out of it as it was a very broad statement with no real information to back the whole idea but the last tag line was so obvious this was a bullshit post.Its abasic test to see if it was provavble democrates/liberals go offensive without acknowledging the fact right in front of them,It basically worked as it was too.Ill say a few were there using there entire thought and brain process and saw the tag letting you know this was not what it would seem if you read the entire post and used the facts given. A bunch failed and were already pissed and working on thier counter statement without even looking at the true facts but making up a whole new scenario of what they thought was being said.Now the entire point was people need to look at the actual facts, the actual words, not bits, pieces, para phrases.Its similar to when democrates and liberals try to say Bush lied to go to war and it was just for oil.Well yeah if you closed your eyes,covered your ears and lived in a vacum you could say that. Now if you go back look listen and read everything our president love him ,like him or hate him gave 3 reasons we were going in.Of the 3 he openly gave and explained in depth 1 was not caught on the premisies but the other 2 were right there discovered and stopped as told before we even went in.I want people to use thier brains more and use less emotion to look at what is going on and what our country needs.Bush said we are responding to this curreent event in Iraq for the following..
1.Saddahm is practicing biological genocide similar to how the nazis began genocide .He ordered the murder of over 250,000 of his country men to practice and see the results of chemical and biological weapons he was developing..And looking back hwo the US waited so long to enter into stopping hitlers genocide and the worlds message for us to help and not stand by since it wasnt our people he knew to act fast,swift and forcefully.What did we find? Mass graves of kurds poisoned and killed buried by bull dozers.That was tructh, fact it happened and it was shown to be happening as it was told.so 1 for 3 so far.

2.Intelligence showed that Iraq which was bound by the peace treaty established from the first Iraq war to be in violation by recievinga nd manufacturing WMD such as chemical, nuclear,or biological in nature..Well as seen above the biological and chemical weapons program was being tested in direct violation of the UN written treaty. We also had belief through our own intelligence he had recieved parts illeaglly from other countries that are used for nuclear developemnt ie from France who made billions from illegal trrade embargo sales through the back door.France fought the action tooth and nail as they knew they would be found out.What else was found UNICEF trucks and supplies all illegal violations Iraq decided to partake in..By the time we got in deep enough the only thing of these not recovered were the actual nuclear missle heads.Where did they go hmmm Saddahm caught with the most inetrnational currency availiable USD in millions activity showed trucks going to Iran.Now Iran dares us to react.Kinda strange from a country that says it has no nuclear program to test a world power with a smile as if they have a new secret hmm sounds suspect.

3.The 3 rd reason given was Iraq open safe haven to terrorist groups to train and recieve arms. These groups were asked to begiven up to comply with UN agreements and Saddahm said no and denied UN inspections.We said give up the terrorist groups for punishment and comply with UN inspections.The reply? All UN inspectors were removed from the country and others were fired upon..So we took the explain action as allowed via UN treaty established against Iraq..S
So in all actuality 3 for 3 with only nuke heads not found directly but believed to be known as to where they are know..

It irritates me when parties seem tyo overlook all of this honest upfront reason and the following actions taken for non compliance and murder.I know we dont wanna loose our soldiers or sons our frineds our family but those miltary members voluntaried to do the work thier country may ask them to do to preserve the countries power and future.I can find no place those who call Bush a liar any possible varaiance but to look at them as bold face liars who because of thier own personal wants for no use of miltary action that they attempt to spread faslness even though it was laid out in the simplest of forms for the lay mind to follow. I dont want war but I understand why it has come and I understand my president told me clearly and to my face why he felt it needed to preserve our people and the lives we have been blessed with..Moral facts are always there..look ,read. listen,process.stop pretending and making up smoke screens for personal agendas and think of the nation in its whole and not as in pieces or groups.
For #1 if true ... and there is controversy ... the US knew about it and did nothing ... so that reason was bullshit ... #2 has already been well establish as a lie ... the illegitimate bush regime cherry picked and lied ... well established on video and print ... #3 is a lie ... Hussein never denied UN inspectors access ... they pleaded with the illegitimate bush regime to allow them time to search, but they refuse ... not only that they broke international law and didn't go back for the second UN vote because they knew it wouldn't pass ... ... so 3 for 3 wrong ... which = illegal war ... + war crimes ... and those soldiers volunteered to protect the constitution ... not commit war crimes for corporations ...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Wow grow you are so wrong on every point you tried to efute.Were you in a coma for the last 10 years?? You say if number 1 was true.I guess the eye witnesses the live coverage of the mass graves dug up with the quartermillion bodies covered in sand and lime dont count as evidence. The survivors who accounted for what happened, the medical tests that showed the poison in the bodies wooww Im flabbergasted you can over look that as truth when its as proven as it gets unless you killed them your self...Number 2 are you kidding me where the hell do you live? You dont remember Iraq imperial guard firing on the un inspectors who wanted to stay but in the end were removed by the un as it was deemed to risky to try and enforce the inspections? You dont remember the UN hears that were live telling Iraq to comply or they would face actions?? You didnt see the actual debriefing ineterviews with the UN inspectors that were fired upon? This is what Im talking about you have someone who appearently lives in a hole with no interaction with the word trying to make an opinion based on nothing but self made happenings.Im not sure what happened to you but all of the above is well documented and was front page news world wide for 3 years straight. Im amazed at your lack of attention to this as it was global lol.Man thats scarey you didnt know any of that.Hell we knew alot of this when Clinton was president and he even knew of the planned attack on the trades center but didnt wann inact miltary actions to grab the know plotters. 5 of the 8 were on the watch list when Clinton was in office as known terrorists with ties to the plot to attack us soil..Clinton didnt act and neither did bush on that info they both dropped it although it would have been much easier for clinton as he was aware of thier location and Bush only had intell on the plot and names not known locations of the cell members..You gotta pay more attention as your so far from even having a clue on this one..Also I hope you dont try to come back and despute that Iraq was breaching its imposed UN embargo but illegally getting UNICEF aide funneld for cash from France.You probably missed that one too you know the inetrnational reports showing the uncovered UNICEF trucks and stoarge contaners and the rooms of book keeping showing France was paid millions for secretly supplying restricted supplies that helped Iraq sustain itself dueing the years it was to be punished under the UN treaties of the first desert storm??


Well-Known Member
being on this site political forum it is riddled with the "ultra" left seems they smoke the most weed outa the parties

but I think the new gens who are potheads think 360 deg different. Weed heads with spines & a stomach for dealing with hard issues and times

we know when someone is out to get you, u better stop them one way or another

we know when one group is gaining power to do evil or things against us that its time to stop it

we shoot first, ask questions last, thats how most of these so called gangsters passed,

death becomes us, dont die a pussy leaving your counrty in weakness for your sons to get maimed in while trying to save your daughters thier sisters

maybe its better they do the job for you anyway


Well-Known Member
Wow grow you are so wrong on every point you tried to efute.Were you in a coma for the last 10 years?? You say if number 1 was true.I guess the eye witnesses the live coverage of the mass graves dug up with the quartermillion bodies covered in sand and lime dont count as evidence. The survivors who accounted for what happened, the medical tests that showed the poison in the bodies wooww Im flabbergasted you can over look that as truth when its as proven as it gets unless you killed them your self...Number 2 are you kidding me where the hell do you live? You dont remember Iraq imperial guard firing on the un inspectors who wanted to stay but in the end were removed by the un as it was deemed to risky to try and enforce the inspections? You dont remember the UN hears that were live telling Iraq to comply or they would face actions?? You didnt see the actual debriefing ineterviews with the UN inspectors that were fired upon? This is what Im talking about you have someone who appearently lives in a hole with no interaction with the word trying to make an opinion based on nothing but self made happenings.Im not sure what happened to you but all of the above is well documented and was front page news world wide for 3 years straight. Im amazed at your lack of attention to this as it was global lol.Man thats scarey you didnt know any of that.Hell we knew alot of this when Clinton was president and he even knew of the planned attack on the trades center but didnt wann inact miltary actions to grab the know plotters. 5 of the 8 were on the watch list when Clinton was in office as known terrorists with ties to the plot to attack us soil..Clinton didnt act and neither did bush on that info they both dropped it although it would have been much easier for clinton as he was aware of thier location and Bush only had intell on the plot and names not known locations of the cell members..You gotta pay more attention as your so far from even having a clue on this one..Also I hope you dont try to come back and despute that Iraq was breaching its imposed UN embargo but illegally getting UNICEF aide funneld for cash from France.You probably missed that one too you know the inetrnational reports showing the uncovered UNICEF trucks and stoarge contaners and the rooms of book keeping showing France was paid millions for secretly supplying restricted supplies that helped Iraq sustain itself dueing the years it was to be punished under the UN treaties of the first desert storm??
Everything I stated were FACTS that can easily be verified ... you need only look ... but somehow I doubt you will ... ... you're the one that goes into a comma when face with the FACT that the US knew about the gasing and still called Hussein their friend ........ the UN inspectors were in Iraq looking for weapons in 2003 until the US illegally invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq .... FACTIf what you say is well documented ... why don't you produce it? Unless you are using a proxy ... If you aren't then their is no excuse for not backing your statements ... ... Yes I remember the UN telling Iraq to comply or face actions and Iraq did ... that's why the US didn't go back to the UN for a second vote ... which they were suppose to do ... but didn't because they knew the vote would not be in US favor ... so they illegally invaded a sovereign nation ... ... the head of the UN already stated the invasion is illegal ... so it is you that are living in a hole my friend ... appropriate smilies here ....


Well-Known Member
Hey what do you think..should we just fly a few hundred human atom bombs or nukes or just pure warriors on the WHITE AMERICAS,AUSTRALIA,ISREAL,THE FATHERS WHO RAPED LANDS OF THE WORLD BY WHITE EUROPE and just make those places over with what they was & should of been from the start with folks who owned the lands, and we might of known what they would of been like.What you think good idea???
u said uv been growin for 15years on the other post, so must be over 30, and ask a silly ? that a kid would say coz he dont know, stupid KID like u,
