Lets just bomb em...


Well-Known Member
He has received political pressure from the U.N. and our public, he has to play politics, he, "misspoke" if you will and try to portray him as the good guy. Your a fucking lunatic, I'm done with you if your defending this guy.
I disagree with him on about every single issue. You act as if Iran is led by warmongers though. Can you give me an example of Iran invading and occupying a foreign country? Of course, you'll ignore that question as you have about targeting civilian infrastructure during the First Gulf War or Nicaragua. It doesn't fit into your argument, so ignore it.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with him on about every single issue. You act as if Iran is led by warmongers though. Can you give me an example of Iran invading and occupying a foreign country? Of course, you'll ignore that question as you have about targeting civilian infrastructure during the First Gulf War or Nicaragua. It doesn't fit into your argument, so ignore it.
You want to see them invade a country, lets do what the liberals want to do, have an immediate withdrawal from Iraq and you better bet your ass Iran will move in for the taking.

Why would I give a shit what the military had to do during Desert Storm, all I know is that the U.S. is being extraordinarily lenient on Iraq. If we weren't the greatest country in the world we would have slaughtered untold amounts of civilians, used total war tactics (burn what we don't want or use), taken all their women and rob their treasury, this was common back in the day. So don't come here bitching about how bad the U.S.A. is to their enemies. Your like a spoiled child.

To be honest, I also don't give a shit about Nicaragua, I'm just relieved you didn't bring up real horrors the U.S. has done. I have huge beef with Agent Orange.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
but zen grow said its impossible to post a link on here when using a proxy so if you saw links that means grow (gulp) is full of shit and lying


Well-Known Member
but zen grow said its impossible to post a link on here when using a proxy so if you saw links that means grow (gulp) is full of shit and lying
Ohhh no, she just recently bumped all her bullshit threads she started, they are all there.

And as far as her not being able to post links currently, I consider it a direct miracle from God.


New Member
Zen says- Why would I give a shit what the military had to do during Desert Storm, all I know is that the U.S. is being extraordinarily lenient on Iraq. If we weren't the greatest country in the world we would have slaughtered untold amounts of civilians, used total war tactics (burn what we don't want or use), taken all their women and rob their treasury, this was common back in the day. So don't come here bitching about how bad the U.S.A. is to their enemies. Your like a spoiled child.

I say- That we have done exactly that (Well maybe not the women) and continue to do so. The Iraqi money was stolen when Bremmer was in charge, all of it. Now they exist on US taxpayers money. BTW, Iraqis will be dying for centuries from the DU munitions and our own soldiers will be among the highest percentile in cancer down the road. Isn't war wonderful?


Well-Known Member
You want to see them invade a country, lets do what the liberals want to do, have an immediate withdrawal from Iraq and you better bet your ass Iran will move in for the taking.

Why would I give a shit what the military had to do during Desert Storm, all I know is that the U.S. is being extraordinarily lenient on Iraq. If we weren't the greatest country in the world we would have slaughtered untold amounts of civilians, used total war tactics (burn what we don't want or use), taken all their women and rob their treasury, this was common back in the day. So don't come here bitching about how bad the U.S.A. is to their enemies. Your like a spoiled child.

To be honest, I also don't give a shit about Nicaragua, I'm just relieved you didn't bring up real horrors the U.S. has done. I have huge beef with Agent Orange.
Iran has never shown a propensity to engage in an invasion and occupation of another country. Your making arguments that aren't supported by any facts. By your reasoning we should invade and occupy Mexico before Venezuala, Canada, Chile, (fill in any country) does. What the military had to do during Desert Storm? Why would the military have to deliberately target civilian water treatment facilities? You don't give a shit about Reagan's terrorist campaign against the civilian population in Nicaragua? I suppose you only have "huge beef" with the horrors the U.S. has done if it involves Americans dying in the process. :joint:


Well-Known Member
You lose, Grow.

What I linked is concrete, irrefutable evidence, and still you persist with your crazy blogs and outlandish, uncredited sites. Your so predictable.

Some how you throw the term "fauxnews" even though I give you the bill Congress voted, and passed. Doesn't make sense. Go away.
No ... I win ... once again ... you're merely too stupid to see it that's all ... ... the shit you posted show there was a resolution ... nothing more ... plus the fact the illegitimate bush regime did not get UN approval which is against international and national laws ...... only congress can declare war ... and that didn't happen ...the sites I post have far more credibility that the bullshit you post from fauxnews which isn't a real news outlet only propaganda, that chumps like you buy into ... which explains why you are so incredibly stupid ... ... everytime I slam you with facts you talk that "you lose" shit and I'm the predicable one .... yeah ... right ... appropriate smilies here ... ... I got a better idea ... you go away ... :D


Well-Known Member
Now Im confused how did this get to being about jews? Rebel what? You most certainly can post links on here using proxy and you can do it even if you use overseas encrypted security muti proxy servers so guess you just dont have any proof.You said you put a bunch of links in here to prove me wrong I dont see any and you just said you can post links which is it??You had a whole big work of prooof ready to go but lost your connection//sounds like alot of back peddling excuses to me.I give up on you as its obvious you talk out the side of your neck with nothing to back what you spout lol. It was fun though to watch you flounder and back out of it all making up excuses about proxies,waste of time, lost internet connections, alien abductions, yeheti ate my home work lol.Fun stuff
I tried to post a link on another thread and it didn't work ... if I could post a link I would ... my past post ... when I could use color and smilies proves that ... I'm not making up excuse ... what the hell do you think I've been doing in the support section for the past couple of weeks ... If I could post links and use smilies I wouldn't be on rollitup to find the problem ... so spare me your bullshit ...


Well-Known Member
If your talking about Grow, I have seen her links, they all consist of unregulated, free-lance blogs and independent writers who have no first hand experience but somehow have an opinion on it. She loves these and will spam the forum with it, I cannot stress enough how uncreditible they are.
Again caught in another lie ... the links speak for themself ... but people that watch fauxnews have a very hard time dealing with facts ... and credible news sources ... especially the one that shows how stupid fauxnews viewers are ... :D


Well-Known Member
Ohhh no, she just recently bumped all her bullshit threads she started, they are all there.

And as far as her not being able to post links currently, I consider it a direct miracle from God.
God does indeed pity the stupid ... and the links I posted certainly proved you are stupid ... :D


Well-Known Member
Iran has never shown a propensity to engage in an invasion and occupation of another country. Your making arguments that aren't supported by any facts. By your reasoning we should invade and occupy Mexico before Venezuala, Canada, Chile, (fill in any country) does. What the military had to do during Desert Storm? Why would the military have to deliberately target civilian water treatment facilities? You don't give a shit about Reagan's terrorist campaign against the civilian population in Nicaragua? I suppose you only have "huge beef" with the horrors the U.S. has done if it involves Americans dying in the process. :joint:
Fauxnews viewers are so fuck in the head that they actually believe they make sense ... while everyone else can clearly see they are complete and total idiots with nothing what so ever to back their ridiculous rhetoric ... it was an absolute pleasure slamming them with facts ... and watching them come up with the same tired bullshit excuses ...


Well-Known Member
I didnt read the posts but i did read the start of the thread,i say yes,bomb the fuck out of em,it's a great way to get rid of all our out of date super bombs,im not kidding either,start bombing right now,fly a sorte every 3 seconds for the next 10 years & turn the middle east into a lifeless desert.

The stupidest move anybody can ever make is to allow their enemy to become strong or gain the upper hand over them,and yes they are our sworn enemy's,while we all cry over human rights & condem how bad the USA is their growing in strength & conviction,there will come a day when our kids look back & wonder why we didnt level that shit hole called the middle east when we had the chance.

The world as a whole would not even miss any of them,they contribute nothing to humanity in general except extreme violence & hatred,they should be wiped out just like the Nazi's & KKK.

All i can say is thank god for Isreal,they have iron balls like we used to have before the USA became pussified & ran by a bunch of beaurocratic double tounge's.


Well-Known Member
Fauxnews viewers are so fuck in the head that they actually believe they make sense ... while everyone else can clearly see they are complete and total idiots with nothing what so ever to back their ridiculous rhetoric ... it was an absolute pleasure slamming them with facts ... and watching them come up with the same tired bullshit excuses ...
Go away, all you ever say is "faux news" is that the best you got. Troll.


Well-Known Member
Go away, all you ever say is "faux news" is that the best you got. Troll.
... only in your fauxnews mind ... the best I got is backed with links to the facts ... all you ever say is "you lose" or "not credible" ... anyone that slams you with facts is a troll, but Jesus what can you expect from someone that watch fauxnews and actually believe they are a real news source ... that why they continue to project their own shortcomings on to perceived opponents ... and that the best you got ... :P


Well-Known Member
I would suggest to all of you, stop calling each other filthy names. Resort instead to facts in evidence and logic.
I have a better solution, the ignore list.

Grow cannot articulate a rational thought nor provide a reasonable debate. I feel disgusted I wasted as much time as I did being lured by Grow's horribly immature attitude and shear idiocy.

Lesson here,

Don't feed the trolls.


Well-Known Member
The problem with that solution, mockingbird, is that without the invectives, Med and GR would have nothing to say. :mrgreen:

now, now, now....
you've been known to throw a few stones and, though i usually prefer sarcasm to invective, i've tossed a few myself. :roll:


New Member
Ahhh ... stones I throw. Yes indeed. But my stones are thrown in retaliation for stones thrown at me ... unless I'm just joking.

Also ... Iran may not have attacked another country, but they sure have supported their share of terrorism. I think I remember a whole bunch of American hostages back in the past. Something about Jimmy Carter ... and then The Gipper ....



Well-Known Member
Ahhh ... stones I throw. Yes indeed. But my stones are thrown in retaliation for stones thrown at me ... unless I'm just joking.

Also ... Iran may not have attacked another country, but they sure have supported their share of terrorism. I think I remember a whole bunch of American hostages back in the past. Something about Jimmy Carter ... and then The Gipper ....

Hey Vi,
We know what happened the first 399 days our embassy was held hostage. We know what happened on day 400. I wounder what would have happened if it had gone to day 401?

My guess is Iran would have become the 51st state of the union. Or else it would still glow at night. As Sir Winston used to say, "walk softly and carry a big stick".