I didnt read the posts but i did read the start of the thread,i say yes,bomb the fuck out of em,it's a great way to get rid of all our out of date super bombs,im not kidding either,start bombing right now,fly a sorte every 3 seconds for the next 10 years & turn the middle east into a lifeless desert.
The stupidest move anybody can ever make is to allow their enemy to become strong or gain the upper hand over them,and yes they are our sworn enemy's,while we all cry over human rights & condem how bad the USA is their growing in strength & conviction,there will come a day when our kids look back & wonder why we didnt level that shit hole called the middle east when we had the chance.
The world as a whole would not even miss any of them,they contribute nothing to humanity in general except extreme violence & hatred,they should be wiped out just like the Nazi's & KKK.
All i can say is thank god for Isreal,they have iron balls like we used to have before the USA became pussified & ran by a bunch of beaurocratic double tounge's.