My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

I dont know man, from reading most of the thread it seems as if you have no need to gain knowledge. Its like people are throwing info and helpful links at you.. and you just ignore it...

If your not willing to read a few pages. Your not willing to grow. Better, your not a grower.

No one can start knowing everything. ( i know this statment is ganna get those smart asses in here):joint:
Get Garden Knomes book fool! An everyone is a comedian or an asshole. Am I right? No really! Am I right?
Well Thankyou. I Have Two Weeks Before I Get My Pay Check, But My Girl Friend Promises On Buying Me One 9.99 42 Watt Cfl Bulb Giving Off 2700 Lumens On Monday And Im Going To Assign It To My Biggest Plant. Its Doing Good, I Have A Question Though , The Nodes I Guess Or The Reigon Between The Stem And The Branch I Notice Little Green Shoots Growing Out, What Are They Is It Time To Sex Or Is It Extra Leaves Thankyou..

U R Lucky I ama w33d b4R0n and I am Here To Help

dont lisen to ne of tha h8rs u will grow poundage!

Youre palnt needs mor Osmocoat and u shud put youre 60 watt bulb closer it wont do no good unless it is good and close.
my plants are also 35 days old

well 37


those are my plants at 39 days old, grow room changes, add humidifier, 3 cfl bulbs two are 13 and one is 20 sumtin. i plan on buying two 42 watt cfls this week 9.99 a piece. i moved the plants closer to the lights, in return they awarded me, the two plants that were stuned for two weeks have started to grow again and i now have a healthy 6 inch plant with its forth set of fan leaves but theyre little i think its a female... hope for the best comments please, oh yea the bigger one is getting bigger better and stronger and widening.

Looking at his plants makes new comers scared to grow.
I'm starting my first grow soon and have a nice list of books i been putting my nose in on my grow journal if you want to get some titles man.

Also if anyone wants to throw some knowledge my way hit up my journal and feel free to post, I have some ??? on it.
okay, i havent thrown away anyones advice i have soaked it all up the best i can. the best advice i have gotten thus far, is i need more light, i have since moved my plants closer to their 13 watt cfl bulbs and have notice3d great change, my babi plant the smallest of the litter but with the most sets of leaves at the shortest height which i think is a female it had stunted growth for two weeks, but now since ive moved it under its light by less than half a inch and added a humidifier it has started to grow bigger and thicker with more leaves, also my retarded plant that had stunted growth for two weeks but had its first fan leaves which were retarded lookin it has started to grow new leaves as wello, and my biggest string bean plant has also since being moved closer to its light has started to grow bigger thicker leaves, the stem has thickend, the leaves are coming out bigger and it is growing green "shoots" or like new leaves or sumtin out the nobes i think their called, what is going on are they growing new leaves or showing sex. i plan on buyiing a 42 cfl tommarow for 9.99 its gonna be awesome im hopin 400 percent growth increase hope me luck... its gonna be awesum and when i get my pay check im investin in white widow seeds and a new growing setup
al b. fuct is this you man?

i think al b. fuct is taken us on a ride. he went and made up another profile. trying to make everybody go insane. come on al. tell us. its not funny anymore. i starting to give up on the human race because of this guy. lol
okay, i havent thrown away anyones advice i have soaked it all up the best i can. the best advice i have gotten thus far, is i need more light, i have since moved my plants closer to their 13 watt cfl bulbs and have notice3d great change, my babi plant the smallest of the litter but with the most sets of leaves at the shortest height which i think is a female it had stunted growth for two weeks, but now since ive moved it under its light by less than half a inch and added a humidifier it has started to grow bigger and thicker with more leaves, also my retarded plant that had stunted growth for two weeks but had its first fan leaves which were retarded lookin it has started to grow new leaves as wello, and my biggest string bean plant has also since being moved closer to its light has started to grow bigger thicker leaves, the stem has thickend, the leaves are coming out bigger and it is growing green "shoots" or like new leaves or sumtin out the nobes i think their called, what is going on are they growing new leaves or showing sex. i plan on buyiing a 42 cfl tommarow for 9.99 its gonna be awesome im hopin 400 percent growth increase hope me luck... its gonna be awesum and when i get my pay check im investin in white widow seeds and a new growing setup

lmao good luck dude i wouldnt advise getting any white widow seeds though from a seedbank untill you can actually grow my 2 cents anyway
My first grow, was Skunk No. 1
I used low wattage CFL's, 4 in total, I think.
Plants were in my small inbuilt wardrobe, lined with foil.
My plants grew quite big, and they were really quite healthy, before I knew it, I could only fit one plant in the wardrobe, I didn't account for them growing so bushy.
Anyways, failed crop.

Second time around, (now) I'm growing Northern Lights, they've adequate room, and I learned from past mistakes. I have a 400W HPS light, and one of my plants is almost complete.

To summarise, learn from your mistakes, start again, buy a better light. Although some people can obtain a satisfactory grow with Fluro's, ditch them, buy a HPS light,

Here's a bit of maths for you,

HPS Light + a fair amount of knowledge = Worthwhile buds.

I bought my HPS light system with my last wage after being made redundant. When my weed's ready, I'll have made the £85 I paid back, plus profit.
okay, i went to ace hardware today and with some scrapped up change bought one 42watt=150 watt ref, 42 wAtt cfl giving off 2900 lumens, i have a dual sided lamp with a reflector to fit the big 42 watt i had to take the reflector off of the lamp on one side i have the 42 watt over top of my biggest plant by 1/2 ince, on the other side i still have a lil 13 watt cfl over my retard, and over my lil babi i still have the 20 sumtin watt cfls, i really think the 42 watt cfl is gonna help alot, what do u think , wish me luck thanks
The more light the merrier but you're not seriously gonna try flower with just them lights alone are you?
My friend, what is the wattage on your lamp? probably 40 to 60 from what Ive read. first you need to go to Wal-Mart and buy/steal a couple decent sized flouresent bulbs that put out around 2800 3200 lumens, find a box, coat it in mylar (emergency blankets) put you seadling in a small pot, put the pot in the box, point a small fan in the box, and keep your lights about 2-3 inches from the plant. Begin the 12/12 light cycle when your plants are around 5-6 inches tall (trust me if you do this they will be nice and bushy :) ) keep em runnin till its time to harvest. Good luck with your next try man, and Ive used this method before growing in a computer tower. Give it a shot.

12/12 for the first bit but if he wants it to grow fast after the first 3 weeks I'd suggest switchinhg to constant light... it allows your plants to make more food, faster and its ables you to harvest your plants faster. I used a tiney bit of miricle grow, but i hear thats bad for ganja plants so I'd reccoment getting acctual plant nutrients... Miricle grow worked fine on my plants, but there was sich a risk of me killing my plants i didnt know of
see man im low on funds, im gonna get my gf to buy me another 32-42 watt cfl 2mar and when i get my first check im gonna invest in hps the only problem is i have no idea on how to hang the hp light from the top of my closet over my plants, i only have acccess from the closet rack of which my plants sit on, up to the ceiling which is about 3 1/2- 4 feet how do i keep the hps light up, do they get hot, ive never even seen one in person?
lol im young, dont even know who jorge cervantes is that sum type of tequila i think lol or is that curveas or sumtin lol, but ummm note- my grow room is alot brighter since ive added the 42 watt cfl i open the door and the light just hits me in the face like boom, i think im gonna see some positive progress...
lol im young, dont even know who jorge cervantes is that sum type of tequila i think lol or is that curveas or sumtin lol, but ummm note- my grow room is alot brighter since ive added the 42 watt cfl i open the door and the light just hits me in the face like boom, i think im gonna see some positive progress...
