okay, i have read, i have researched, i know what i need to grow, i do not haVE THE FINANCES!!!!!! so ive been doing the best i can with what i can afford, if i had 200 bucks to throw down on a hps light id do it right the fuck now, if i had 150 bucks to order purple haze seeds from a seed bank i would. but i dont, i am growin in my bedroom closet at my gf house so its hard enough. i am only growin swag like mid-grade weed sweeds anyways and my plants are already fucked up so im not going to invest more than 20 more bucks into these which will be two 42 watt cfls!!!! other than that when i get my first pay check in two weeks, im probably gonna ORDER some seeds from a bank and they probably wont even get to me cuz i live in the united states and ill purchase a better light, honestly hears my idea!!! go to sears buy the 150.00 aero garden n some good seeds from a bank and see what i get out of it is that a good idea?