My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

roflmao "uve heard of using manure right?"
ya bro do that you'll have poundage of stanky growin out of your shit in no time! You can even do it in the dark!
dude from where i see you at right now, with some descent equipment your plants should be much bigger than that. i'd say just trash the old plants get some seed doesn't really matter from where. Get some at least 26 watt cfls rated for around 1700 lum, get about five of those, "cool white". some 2-liters if you have to, and fill with soil perlite mix. and don't feed until they look pale green which mean they start needing nitrogen. get balanced ferts 10-10-10 or higher in NITROGEN. Keep lights close, watch ur temps and ph 6.5-6.8 for soil and you'll be all good. :mrgreen: :peace:
okay, i have read, i have researched, i know what i need to grow, i do not haVE THE FINANCES!!!!!! so ive been doing the best i can with what i can afford, if i had 200 bucks to throw down on a hps light id do it right the fuck now, if i had 150 bucks to order purple haze seeds from a seed bank i would. but i dont, i am growin in my bedroom closet at my gf house so its hard enough. i am only growin swag like mid-grade weed sweeds anyways and my plants are already fucked up so im not going to invest more than 20 more bucks into these which will be two 42 watt cfls!!!! other than that when i get my first pay check in two weeks, im probably gonna ORDER some seeds from a bank and they probably wont even get to me cuz i live in the united states and ill purchase a better light, honestly hears my idea!!! go to sears buy the 150.00 aero garden n some good seeds from a bank and see what i get out of it is that a good idea?

man just stop buying weed for a couple of weeks and you will save some money.than "throw" them for that hps(actualy not $ can find it cheaper) and everything will pay back to you. Cheers man!!! Peace !!! CheetaH



those are my plants at 39 days old, grow room changes, add humidifier, 3 cfl bulbs two are 13 and one is 20 sumtin. i plan on buying two 42 watt cfls this week 9.99 a piece. i moved the plants closer to the lights, in return they awarded me, the two plants that were stuned for two weeks have started to grow again and i now have a healthy 6 inch plant with its forth set of fan leaves but theyre little i think its a female... hope for the best comments please, oh yea the bigger one is getting bigger better and stronger and widening.
See,now what were we telling you,the better your equipment the happier your plants are going to be,the happier your plants are the happier you'll be,you'll be happier because the more light you give them the better chance you have of getting buds,you've still got a ways to go but your on the right track.
Well Thankyou. I Have Two Weeks Before I Get My Pay Check, But My Girl Friend Promises On Buying Me One 9.99 42 Watt Cfl Bulb Giving Off 2700 Lumens On Monday And Im Going To Assign It To My Biggest Plant. Its Doing Good, I Have A Question Though , The Nodes I Guess Or The Reigon Between The Stem And The Branch I Notice Little Green Shoots Growing Out, What Are They Is It Time To Sex Or Is It Extra Leaves Thankyou..
If i were you, ( i know its harsh) but i would throw those away... save up your money and buy a $100 400watt HPS.. instead of spending anymore money on the CFL's..

But then again, you can get a 400hps now... and use it on your plants.

Just a fresh start always feels better for me :)

If you dont have a fan in there... get one :)
damn growingpassion420 your pretty thick headed man. hell you been told to check out the GROWFAQ and any fool could tell you have not read any of it just buy this comment
can male plants bud? i heard that they can bud but the smoke is bad because it has alot of seeds, is this true or not thankyou

all these arogant aSSholes trying to tell you what to do. you asked them to tell you what to do. you may be confused as to who the arrogant asshole here really is. you have a 35 day old plant the that cant even stand up on it own.

here is one of my plants at about 2weeks old. 96watt 6500k t5s $138

same plant about 35days old


IMHO you need to go back in this thread to all those post from the "arogant aSSholes" and find their grow journals and read your ass off. after that start here Marijuana Plants | Marijuana Leaf | Grow Journals
and don't stop till your until you read them all or brain explodes. which ever come first. then maybe just maybe you be able to understand where you need to begin.
i have not ran into anybody here who was not willing to help, even the least experienced person like yourself, and your 12 page thread proves this theory.

o one more thing about bag seed. i had the same misunderstanding about bag seed. no such thing just bad environment here a pic of my first plant of bag seed. its a old pic i ll post current one later.

somebody needs to post ten question from the GROWFAQ for him to answer. and until he answers all of them nobody help him. hell we would be doing him a favor by making him read the faq. then again i would not have any late night entertainment if he stopped posting.
later "arogant aSSholes" #10
I Have A Question Though , The Nodes I Guess Or The Reigon Between The Stem And The Branch I Notice Little Green Shoots Growing Out, What Are They Is It Time To Sex Or Is It Extra Leaves Thankyou..

i tell you what instead of answering your stupid question. which really makes no sense. here a link to the info that will help you find your answer. just read the whole page and you learn more than what you intended.


if you dont want to wast your time reading that then read this. his grow is a lot like yours.