Pic update
did a little LSTing on the bagseed plants. the blue cheese is still a little small to LST so going to wait another week probally before i do the first (of many) tiedown. not going to LST the auto or the bagseed in the bubble system.
1 st pic (below) is my blue cheese im setting up for my ultimate Scrog, it is in a 10gal tote and i will tie it off around the tote untill the screen is filled, i anticipate this is going to take a few months but this is the highlight of my grow (in my opinion)
The next pic is the dutch passion frisian dew. it was the first to sprout and shed its shell and it seems to be the one lingering and falling behind now, hoping it comes back from its funk

thiis is just a bagseed plant, they seem to be doign well. i LST this one waiting for it to show me some tops, will probally LST these bagseed plants similar to my blue cheese to get most tops

this one is my auto hobbit, started same time as blue cheese and frisian dew. it seems to be coming along the quickest.

heres another bagseed doing well as well

this is another bagseed in the mini ghetto drip hydro system, i dont have much hopes for this plant but it has started shooting roots through the homeade netpot