What's up with texting anyway?


Well-Known Member
I like texting. I can't just sit around talking on the phone at work so texting allows me to respond when I'm free. And it makes ignoring people that much easier. "Sorry bro didn't get ur text"

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't like the impoliteness that has somehow become acceptable. texting at a dinner table, texting in the middle of a face to face conversation, etc. it seems acceptable to some people to give equal attention to "virtual socialization" when they are in the company of actual humans. they actually prefer faceless, voiceless blocks of retard shorthand over a live human that they can touch, smell and hear. that's fucking rude, selfish, antisocial, inconsiderate, and just plain douchey.

the next person who holds up their finger so i will "hang on" while they finish a text is going down.


Well-Known Member
i don't like the impoliteness that has somehow become acceptable. texting at a dinner table, texting in the middle of a face to face conversation, etc. it seems acceptable to some people to give equal attention to "virtual socialization" when they are in the company of actual humans. they actually prefer faceless, voiceless blocks of retard shorthand over a live human that they can touch, smell and hear. that's fucking rude, selfish, antisocial, inconsiderate, and just plain douchey.

the next person who holds up their finger so i will "hang on" while they finish a text is going down.

Do you mind if I tweet this?


Well-Known Member
i don't like the impoliteness that has somehow become acceptable. texting at a dinner table, texting in the middle of a face to face conversation, etc. it seems acceptable to some people to give equal attention to "virtual socialization" when they are in the company of actual humans. they actually prefer faceless, voiceless blocks of retard shorthand over a live human that they can touch, smell and hear. that's fucking rude, selfish, antisocial, inconsiderate, and just plain douchey.

the next person who holds up their finger so i will "hang on" while they finish a text is going down.

Haha I agree. Same with people talking on the phone in a public place who give you dirty looks because you are nearby and within earshot of what they are saying. Want privacy. DON'T TALK N A PUBLIC PLACE!


Well-Known Member
I love talking on the phone, but lots of people dont like it, so they say lets just text


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you can't get a hold of someone on the phone and they may not check their voicemail, so drop them a text and they know what you need to tell them straight away. Especially if you need to meet with someone and you just need to give them a quick progress report. Or checking up on someone without being so intrusive as to ring their cell when they may be busy/in other company. Sometimes you run out of calling credit; drop them a text. You want a written record of recent correspondence to refer back to; drop them a text. You are in a place you are required to be quiet/avoid disturbing those around you/private matter when out and about; drop them a text. Some people like visuals like emoticons. You may wish to contact several people at once to notify them of an event or a seasonal greeting; in much the same way as you'd forward an email, you'd drop them all a text.

Texting does not always equal an inactive brain, lessened awareness or the dreaded 'chatspeak'. Let's not be cynical about 'texting' as an activity in its entirety. I think the influence of technology through text/instant messaging, blogging etc has inspired at least part of this generation to become interested in language, self-documentation (thus identifying with historical texts/accounts more) and general communications.


Ursus marijanus
Kuroi makes good points. Texting has definite value. But it can so easily be misused. There was a thread a few days ago where a fellow had a date ... overslept ... and texted the woman in question. Imo that was an instance where a text message, with its "ring the doorbell and run like hell" option was not appropriate. The key difference between texting and phoning is the presence of realtime interaction, and the availability of voice/tone cues to provide added, uuhhm, context <cough!> cn


Well-Known Member
Damn shame, more crimes will go unsolved as more "witnesses" were too busy on their gadgets. One day the vicitm will be heard saying, "no, I didn't get a look at him......I was texting.."


Ursus marijanus
you think thats bad,i saw a girl reading a book while driving.
It gets worse ... what WERE they thinking! cn

The package pic seems to show the device in use while the platform to which it's mounted is ... in use. Now I need to search the Net to see if unintended airbag deployments with a mounted laptop led to the expected shenanigans. How'd you like to get a computer fired at your face and upper torso at 200 mph? Ooohhhh.


Well-Known Member
If any of you haven't noticed, you're complaining about people talking through text, while talking through text...

Just saying.


Well-Known Member
That's because there is no way to call each other thru the boards? I hate talking on t he phone too, but it's so much easier to say what needs to be said and be done with it, rather than type back and forth like passing notes in Jr High

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Its just a less intrusive way of communicating .. sounds hypocritical, since if someone's busy (in a meeting, driving, fucking or wtv), he'd shut the ringer off , and/or wouldn't answer..

Its only logical if you don't want to have one minute conversations ..


Well-Known Member
Can't stand Texting.
In the old days when calling was more expensive it was OK.
But, with everyone giving unlimited calling... Shit just call.

Text is like the game TAG..... text, text.... your it ! Your turn


Well-Known Member
My wife has a friend that refuses to call and speak with her, she texts everything. And kids are always texting instead of calling each other. What is the appeal in typing a message on a tiny phone keypad back and forth when you can talk to the person and save twenty minutes of back and forth texting when a two minute phone call can cover everything. It's like people are afraid to directly speak to each other.
I know it seems like it would be easier to just call, but it's not. I know, because I decided I was tired of my mother texting me all the time. So I turned off my texts. Oh. My. God. She called. For EVERYTHING. Things she normally would have just shot a text about. So instead of getting text messages, my phone was ringing nonstop. It got old very very quickly.