Fuckn punk ass mother fucker say it to my face punk bitch
make sense fag all i said was it looks fake, why u braggin so much and have shown 0 worthy flower pics on ur little bitchas 12inch plants lmaoo, real GSC cut is hella hoarded... also i got wut u named white fire and alien og and they aint on no 12 inch only hydroponic system lol
lol 3rd page u got them in like 2gal buckets... 2gal? how the fuck did ur lameass get GSC, lies!!! (u said u was gona finish me)
i was hoping for real girl scout cookies, :disappointed:
im using bud candy and it is taking my purple stems away probably with the magnesium
hahahaha good.Only opened this thread because I'm currently eating a box of caramel delites.
Carry on.