Well-Known Member
Do you have two grow rooms? I want to do the SOG method too but I'm going to wait till the mother plant is able to produce me with 16 clones so I can start them of at the same time since i only have one grow tent. If you have a different method for doing it with one grow tent I would like to know?kiss-ass
that sounds about right, once you get them initial 16 clones done you will be able to take 16 more before flip and put them in a small veg cab while your others flower out, rinse and repeat

even if you have to keep the clones in veg under shitty light till your flowering plants get done you will be ready to get another 16 in as soon as you harvest opposed to vegging another mother and cloning 16 more, they should all have roots by then and be ready to take off once transplanted into bigger pots.
this is actually my first go around at the SoG and im still trying to figure out the details