400w in a tent, Ultimate ScROG and perpetual SoG

Do you have two grow rooms? I want to do the SOG method too but I'm going to wait till the mother plant is able to produce me with 16 clones so I can start them of at the same time since i only have one grow tent. If you have a different method for doing it with one grow tent I would like to know?kiss-ass

that sounds about right, once you get them initial 16 clones done you will be able to take 16 more before flip and put them in a small veg cab while your others flower out, rinse and repeat :)

even if you have to keep the clones in veg under shitty light till your flowering plants get done you will be ready to get another 16 in as soon as you harvest opposed to vegging another mother and cloning 16 more, they should all have roots by then and be ready to take off once transplanted into bigger pots.

this is actually my first go around at the SoG and im still trying to figure out the details
well what im saying is just construct something to hold say 16 plants in small pots maybe even solo cups, dont need to invest in alot of light as your main goal is to just keep them going untill your others are done. even a small carboard box would work with one 23W CFL in it on 18/6

the plants will surely get root bound and you will have to feed them nutes but when you harvest you can transplant into bigger pots and veg out under good light for a couple weeks then flip em :)
I watched that same volksgarden video a few months ago and was blown away - and then i considered the cost of lettuce and the cost of grow blocks... oops doesn't calculate. But aside from that it's fucking awesome - I bet you could easily modify that for aquaponics.

I found a vertical hydroponics store locally... Specializes in vertical greenhouse growing and things like that - might be my new favorite geek store.

I was looking for a different video of an amazing large scale vertical aquaponic greenhouse but I can't find it. Found this instead and now I really want to make somethign similar. Talk about a great vanishing act prop. "WHoa, whoa, whoa, where did he go? I swear he just vanished into that wall of veggies"

Found some 3 gal greenhouse pots at Agway, they finally stocked them woot. picked up a few today and repotted the 2 bagseed and the autohobbit. All of these were getting to the rootbound stage and i want them to be good to go when i pop em in flower either this weekend or next (probally next) gave everything a healthy watering of my brewed up tea and got rid of that. anxious to see the growth explosion in next couple days.
I didnt repot the Frisian dew as its in a pot pretty close to 3 gal and i dont think it has established a good root system in that pot yet, i will transplant it into a 5 gal probally when the bagseeds all go over to the flower room.lso did not repot the 3 clones i have revegging as i dont think thier rooots are quite developed in that pot yet either and i didnt have the room for all 6 3 gal pots with my 10 gal tote in there. they will also get repoted into a 3 gal prior to going into flower, hoping they straighten out soon otherwise it may be a pretty funny looking flower phase for them.
so i forgot to water one of my plants :( its only the revegging clones but they need nutrients too!!! plus the worm tea is supposed to get them microbe population up. thinking about just dumping 1 cup worm castings and a couple tbls of happy frog and some molasses into a milk jug with a airstone for 24 hours and just using that.
Looking forward to seeing your frisian dew, not seen anyone else grow it on here really but grew it myself and it was some of the nicest stuff ive ever smoked, my avatar picture is the two biggest nugs i had off the frisian dew plant, pretty nice if you ask me! subbed
sweet great to have you along man, im really hoping for a purple pheno. i have seen a couple grows that grew it and they didnt have purp in the bud and well thats one of the main reasons i got it, i know not a great reason but i wanted something pretty, with nice bag appeal.
Yeah man, i got a few little bits of purple on my baby after she was dryed, but she was in a very hot tent in late august so im not suprised she didnt turn purple, at the time i didnt know that colder temps during late flowering caused the colour change but now i do, if i knew i would of lowerd my temps and got some sweet purps! it was the main reason i got it too, only purple strain in stock on the seed site i was ordering off, but it is some damn good weed man you will be very happy with the smell and taste of the finished product :) i grew frisian dew, grapefruit diesel, cheese, and super lemon haze, and my fave was hard to choose between super lemon haze and the frisian.
Photo1893.jpgPhoto1901.jpgPhoto1905E001E001.jpgPhoto1914.jpgPhoto1915E001.jpg Hope ya dont think im jacking ur thread man just a few pictures of the cropped frisian dew main cola so you can see what your hopefully in for! :)
Mantis are amazing pets matt - if you want to raise them there are several options.

When they are really small:
1 - order/buy fruit flies. I want to say most petcos actually carry them in store.
2 - Let them eat each other. 50-250 will hatch from the typical Chinese mantis egg. Let they eat each other until you have ~4 larger ones left.
3 - Go outside and try to collect aphids/mites/any other small insect.

Once they are larger you can feed them crickets, spiders, moths, flies, mealworms, pretty much anything. I generally feed my adults crane flies and daddy long legs just because they are abundant. If you go get a drag net you can easily catch enough random bugs in the spring/summer just by visiting a small field.

Check out this place - some crazy fucking mantis for sale. http://mantisplace.com/mantisforsale.html

Ghost Mantis3.JPG

I want one of these guys:

Looks soo fake - [video=youtube;QO2f2UNC_mE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO2f2UNC_mE[/video]
lol that mantis looks like a robot in that video.

those are all some really cool looking mantis pics, wouldnt mind getting a few different varieties. i just want to let them live in my tent lol