1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah no not quite SL2 its from breeders boutique ;) our man in the Dam (DST)knocked it up. mark my words it will take a cannabis cup. probably a few.

glad to see ya back man


Well-Known Member
AAHA! I should have known...Ole DST, everytime I turned around he would be in my garden flirtin with my girls try to impregnate them! He cant help it, hes just a stud! lol I have no dought DST is the man, gotta lovem!


Well-Known Member
all this dog talk makes me want a new pet. how many phenos? r there many diferences between the original hybrid and the s1? r there any cuts of the hybrid this side o da pond?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
bud shot for ya don what a think..coming upto 5 weeks flower
looks tasty kev, you boosting them yet?
all this dog talk makes me want a new pet. how many phenos? r there many diferences between the original hybrid and the s1? r there any cuts of the hybrid this side o da pond?
couple of pheno's one purple ish skip skip back a couple of pages there's loads of pics. the S1s are carbon copies as far as i know.

mixed news today. one smelly cherry bit the dust and the og18 x SD x Chem D. stretched too far and flopped over. first fan crack gets a prize.....

pretty gutted bout that but on the other hand one of the psycho killer x panama eventually germed. it's been 11 days:shock: made me curious. anyone have any experience of long flower sativa pips taking longer to germ than say 9 wk indica? this is the panama that went 6+ months.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
not yet pal just use canna flores and algamic but starting top shooter and bestie bloom with chaching within next 4-5 weeks
been reading up about chaching. Tryna told me its good but needs the other granules to get the best out of it!?
i forget is top shooter the H&G powder stuff, bright orange pk13/14 ?
First joke about a fan gets.........2nd prize.lol Hope u get that, surley cant just be a Scottish thing
hahah aye i get ya. old ones are the best.

well i think a round of bacon and eggs for me. kick this lingering hangover into touch. pancakes in bed for the lady. might see if there's owt else gannin. ;)


Well-Known Member
Different Donny boy. Not sure if I like it or not. Cany go wrong wae bacon and eggs. My young nephew got robbed at knife point last week and a house where I keep alot of business in got attempted on Fri night. They musta been watchng him. Well Ive got all their names and address. I had a location on them last night but by the time I got round they had fucked off. Fucking young lads these days, they think they are untouchable because they are in packs. Well my pack is bigger and crazier. lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye it's an acquired taste eh.

aye i've almost shifted what i put on at xmas. eating bacon and eggs everyday is a belter.

sounds like time to send a message there bill.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
So I'm underway, polythene sheet down & new tents up. 1.2M Is too small :(

Looks like a dexter killroom. The boss insisted I put the sheet down.IMAG0418.jpgIMAG0419.jpg

A plague on basement lighting. a week and 3 days to get my full order together. and even then its not what i ordered.
i know you all told me so...

off to see what the posty has for me at the sorting orifice this morning :)