healthy people in scooters that the store provides for the diabled.


Active Member
I was just wondering, is it just where i live or the side of town i live on? That every time i go to the store there is perfectly healthy people who can obviously walk that are all taking up, and riding all the scooters in the store. And leaving all the old, and disabled people without one. It drives me nuts especially when i had to help an old lady off the floor today, and went to get her a scooter and there was only one left and there is probably about 6 in this store. WTF
Yea it's like that here...I had someone yell at me for being in one. I'm only 26 but I had just had my 7th back surgery
yah, that shit pisses me off as well.. i go to the local swapmeets around here, and each time i go, i must see about 10 people who you can tell can walk cruising around in those scooters.. bugs the shit out of me. especially when it's just some fat person using them cuz they're too fat.. if they would walk instead of using a scooter, they wouldn't be as damn fat and not need a scooter..

on a side note, i used to work at this place that built scooters.. i worked in the qa dpt.. my job was simply to put batteries and a seat on each and every scooter that they built, and take it around this lil test track that they had built to test out the scooters... one of the best jobs ever, lol.. used to do no handed wheelies and shit in them, was so much fun, lol...
Some people I know are healthy use them here and then I see a person who could really use one waiting for it to come back . My favorite is when the neighborhood kids come and steal them - you know drive them home . Half the time they don't make it and the battery dies when there in the street and they just leave it right there .
Oh yeah. Also seen employees sitting on them at the door then tell customers that the scooter isn't charged or something.
The rest of the worlds disabled citizens seem to manage to shop without scooters. Choose something worthwhile to get mad about.
Yea it's like that here...I had someone yell at me for being in one. I'm only 26 but I had just had my 7th back surgery
Well at least you had a legitimate excuse, im talking about the people in there pj bottoms. And you even see them walking around, or when two or 3 of them are rolling around.
yah, that shit pisses me off as well.. i go to the local swapmeets around here, and each time i go, i must see about 10 people who you can tell can walk cruising around in those scooters.. bugs the shit out of me. especially when it's just some fat person using them cuz they're too fat.. if they would walk instead of using a scooter, they wouldn't be as damn fat and not need a scooter..

on a side note, i used to work at this place that built scooters.. i worked in the qa dpt.. my job was simply to put batteries and a seat on each and every scooter that they built, and take it around this lil test track that they had built to test out the scooters... one of the best jobs ever, lol.. used to do no handed wheelies and shit in them, was so much fun, lol...
Thats a cool story. Did it pay pretty well? be rollin over the dough! lol..
Some people I know are healthy use them here and then I see a person who could really use one waiting for it to come back . My favorite is when the neighborhood kids come and steal them - you know drive them home . Half the time they don't make it and the battery dies when there in the street and they just leave it right there .
yeah it fucked me up when that old lady fell tonight, and all these idiots were rolling all over the store
The rest of the worlds disabled citizens seem to manage to shop without scooters. Choose something worthwhile to get mad about.
I guess thats what makes america a great place to be able to have that option when you get older, till the younger generation screws it up when we get older and need one. you will be 90 and ask where is the scooters that used to be here? sir sorry we had to get rid of them to many young able bodied people were fucking them up cost us to much money!
i got into a fight with a lady at the store about that shit not to long ago
way to stand up! i act like i am on the phone all loud when i see someone who does not need it, and say some smart ass shit.Yeah my poor grandmother came in here and couldnt get a scooter cause these lazy ass people cant walk. poor thing
why the fuck would you want to ride around on those slow ass carts. there is a scooter that goes pretty fast but the P/X is the only one that has them. but then im sure i can still haul faster then tose things
My husband looks healthy and he is in congestive heart failure. So much for making assumptions by appearances only.

No shit. Several years back I was in Safeway with my dad. We were walking down an aisle when I saw a woman knock some products off a shelf and started to walk away. I ran over and began picking the stuff up to avoid an accident when I heard a guy starting to berate her. He went on for several minutes until she interrupted him and said, "Sir, if you can lead me to the spot I would be more than glad to pick them up. I'm blind." Her sister had gone around the corner to the next aisle to pick up a single item. The guy turned beet red and walked away without saying another word.
One time I made an ass of myself, when some guy pulled along side me and asked for money for gas to get home, I said I didn't have any and my stupid girlfriend at the time was like "oh all I have is a 5 but you can have it." Anyways I was only pulled over to find something, which I had done so it just so happens he was going the same direction as I was, so i'm behind him a little ways and I see his car in a liquor store. So i'm like, wtf. So I pull in and walk in the store and I see him at the register, so I demand that the lady at the register doesn't sell him any liquor because he needs that money for gas and she looked at me like huh? And he was like i'm just making change. And she agreed and I was like oh shit i'm dumb. Having thought about it harder on the way home i'm thinking why didn't he just make change at the gas station. Well played desperate man out there, well played.

But to the subject one time I saw this fat lady using her free hand to eat premade food while driving on one of those in of course a walmart. I loved it. Heres this obese woman riding around on a cart because shes too fat to walk and taking the newfound opportunity to eat and become fatter. Fucking sloths...I'm chubby, I realize food is good, but enough is enough. Shower and get some sort of self control back.