I believe the reason they were taken back to Ill & not charged yet is so they cannot have any contact with any of us, aka "other crime partners". Hoping they will lead them to something bigger. When the court see what little evidence there is, they will be released also.
This is all to headlines back there, to justify their 'Task Force' funding for next year. They need to get their task force name in the news weather they get a conviction or not.
Our guy's should be released soon
They took took "pot luck" with all of the local numbers in his phone. Or just hit 'reply' to one of Kotten's last text messages
I wish this were true. Having been through the Fed system and serving a mandatory 5 year minimum sentence, I know it is not. Conspiracy charges are incredibly hard to defend against. "
Have to agree with this... If you and another person are talking about making money off of sells of weed...then you go and grow or are growing weed...guess what you just accomplished .. .A conspiracy charge with you and the person that you had the discussion with...you don't even have to make a sell... just the conversation with an action
its 3 or more people for a conspiracy i beleave
The purpose of this thread is to help fdd. Off topic, negative comments are unwanted and uncalled for. Let the mods do their job.
Until charges are filed, all assumtions are pure speculation.
have you READ the thread? 'cause im TRYING and 90% of this thread IS off topic.
mostly every post, is a post flaming another post regarding someones personal opinion.
shit, 90% of this site is poorly organized bullshit posts that DONT HELP.
the 10% of amazing gems is buried and hard to find because of posts JUST LIKE THIS.
i say, START MODDING, chief. im sick of sifting.
I dont know or have any past with FDD. just wanted to know out of curiosity what had happened.
he makes some great glass
-best wishes
Let me tell you whats wrong here ! We all agree that even though it is legal in our legal states it is still not legal. Confusing I know. This leads to my next statement.
This Site, RIU and it's Moderators was created on the basis of Legal MJ for legal states . It does not condone Illegal activities or non MMJ states. It has a responsebility to protect it's legal members and and their post. Yes I understand that You can't protect Joe Schmoe throwing out there all his goods but you do have the ability to delete or edit Illegal post or threads. WHICH has never been the case here, AND now, RIU wants to sweep it under the carpet.
The "Best way to mail weed" Thread is a perfect example ! And the Hallucination Forums. PEOPLE ,this stuff is not Legal and the site should not be condoneing it ! Nether are the concetrate forums. If you post in any of these threads or Forums I would be concerned. Especialy The "mailing thread" !
RIU, you have a responseabilty to edit, delete or curb Non legal post/thread activities in legal states. You just put a bad name on prop 215 by not doing so. Not go deleteing someone's post when he's just trying to warn others !
Im sure this won't stay here long so it's copied and saved. PS I now know of 3 members banned because it does not fit in with RIU's agenda. Why are we banning folks ? Because they speak the truth ?
You mean the cops are watching a weed forum with the most active members on the internet?
Shock! Revelation!
You joined a weed forum. You broke the first rule as soon as you signed up. We all did. The only people surprised are the ones that thought it was stupid and paranoid to think that the pigs are watching.