shampooing the chicken


Active Member
I'm just confused as to why you are shampooing a bird. I mean, really? You taking it out on parade or something? Did the bath really make that thing look or smell any better?
I spent a few weeks in South Africa in 1998 and although there was no shampoo involved (not sure about realpoo) I did witness what appeared to be some Zulu women dunking their chickens into the waves as they rolled in off of the Indian Ocean. Thought they were marinading them for supper at first but when I inquired about it I was told that the critters were being debugged (mites n such). When done weekly it kept things fairly well under control.


Well-Known Member
If you had named this thread "Washing my Cock," you might have been eligible for Stimulus funding.

I'm just saying....



Well-Known Member
If you had named this thread "Washing my Cock," you might have been eligible for Stimulus funding.

I'm just saying....

"scrubbing african weiners", as you originally called it. just had to bring politics into my chicken hygiene thread.

ya know, johnny, by shampooing my chicken, i prevent more expensive and often fatal issues later on, saving time, money, and pain. just the same way that by teaching proper hygiene to countries with aids epidemics, we save ourselves from sending them more aid money down the line, as well as save lives and pain and suffering.

some people would call that a smart investment which saves us money in the end. stitch in time saves nine kinda shit.

but it just sounds so catchy when you try to portray the very successful ARRA as nothing more then a ploy to "scrub african weiners", so let's go with that.


Well-Known Member
After looking at the pictures, it's plain to see that Uncle Buck blew the black cock!! He blew that cock dry!

hehe sorry it was too good to resist!


Well-Known Member
"scrubbing african weiners", as you originally called it. just had to bring politics into my chicken hygiene thread.

ya know, johnny, by shampooing my chicken, i prevent more expensive and often fatal issues later on, saving time, money, and pain. just the same way that by teaching proper hygiene to countries with aids epidemics, we save ourselves from sending them more aid money down the line, as well as save lives and pain and suffering.

some people would call that a smart investment which saves us money in the end. stitch in time saves nine kinda shit.

but it just sounds so catchy when you try to portray the very successful ARRA as nothing more then a ploy to "scrub african weiners", so let's go with that.
It's sort of funny seeing you, of all people, carp about another member presenting a political angle to a thread. Funny in an ironic way.

Apparently you believe promoting clean peckers on another continent is a wise investment worthy of Federal economic stimulus funding. A progressive success story.

Got it.