White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt think too much of it, I have some basil that im growing and it has the same green spots on the perlite, but it does look rootbound you should really transfer it to somthing bigger, hey maybe you should take clones of this clone and wait a week before flowering, you might get a pretty good yeild:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Have you tried any all purpose or all stages fertilizer, they usually have a good NPK ratio of about 12-8-5 for vegetative state?


Well-Known Member
You got great ideas coolman1a. I got some basill growing too, well planted some the other week.

Ill pick up some rooting stuff tomorrow and figure out how to take some clones. I really don't want to because i hate to get rid of bud sites... especially if my clones dont go right and die.

Does it really look root bound... Hrmm I thought it would need a lot more to be root bound. Im less worried about that then the whole bottom yellowing and the green on the roots.

Any ideas what to transfer it into? As in something from around the house? Or something cheap, haha.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried any all purpose or all stages fertilizer, they usually have a good NPK ratio of about 12-8-5 for vegetative state?

I have some FOX Farm Grow Big only used it once liek two weeks ago... Should I try giving it some tomorrow when I water? And what strength?

If not that, what all purpose fert should I use?


Well-Known Member
I have some FOX Farm Grow Big only used it once liek two weeks ago... Should I try giving it some tomorrow when I water? And what strength?

If not that, what all purpose fert should I use?
What is the NPK for this Grow Big? Also, What do have the clone in now?


Well-Known Member
Grow Big is 6-4-4

I have the clone in some plastic thing that is pretty much the width of a 2 liter, its in a quart plastic thingy


Well-Known Member
put that thing in a pot at least 3 times biggier than the existing one and give it some high nitrogen fertelizer... the yellowing leaves and purple stems are signs of nitrogen deficiancy..


Well-Known Member
Grow Big is 6-4-4

I have the clone in some plastic thing that is pretty much the width of a 2 liter, its in a quart plastic thingy
Actually you can get away with leaving it in the container(since its in a pc case), and you should start adding the Grow Big to the water you use to feed, start at 1/4 of what it says the first time then 1/2 the second time, then you can go to what it says on the bottle. Make sure the container has drainage holes. Ill be back tomorrow to check in on the grow.


Well-Known Member
put that thing in a pot at least 3 times biggier than the existing one and give it some high nitrogen fertelizer... the yellowing leaves and purple stems are signs of nitrogen deficiancy..
Hey does your pic have anything to do with the kottonmouth kings? just wondering


Well-Known Member
Kingkron: No way can I get something 3 times the size in my case, but I could get something double... maybe triple if it was square. Any ideas where I could find something like that?
I got blood meal should I put some more of that in with my next watering along with my Grow Big?

Coolman1a: I got plenty of drainage, made sure of that... I will give it watering with 1/4 strength tomorrow, hopefully she likes it a lot.


Well-Known Member
(4/09): Just did a bunch of work I have been meaning to do. I took out the other fans I had and put in these new ones I got. Much less noise and much more! Haha. After an hour of running temps are down so much. I still need to add the carbon filter exhaust I have been making, will be done in a day or so and Ill have some pictures of it. I also did a bunch of cleaning up of wires so it wasn't such a mess. I want to get some sort of material to line the inside so its consistent with better reflection but I have not gotten around to that.

Clone is looking worse, will feed soon, hopefully it perks u from it and stops yellowing.

I tossed one Rhino because it looked like complete crap and pretty much had no leaves on it. Two others are looking pretty bad too and not liek they are gonna make it. Then I have the one that is looking decent since I put some blood meal on it. It might actually survive, who knows.



Well-Known Member
Hey I would hold on on the bloodmeal for now, it might be too much nutes you know. Also, you should really move the plants closer to the lights, say 2-3in from them.


Well-Known Member
Now that I think about it, growing inside a computer case would always be hot since the metal retains heat. Maybe you should move this operation to a rubbermaid tote.


Well-Known Member
jordann9e: Yeah I got that pH tester that I posted a link to. Should be here in about a week or so and hopefully it tells me some new information that helps me fix my problems.

willRavage: As for the heat issue, I have researched many many computer grows that gave successful outcomes. I just suck at growing, lol. My temperature is perfect with the new fans, 77.6 degrees with 4 fans and 4 lights. Wonderful :)

coolman1a: Ok since I sprinkeled some blood meal on top already Im going to give them less then quarter strength feeding on nutes. Also that picture was a different setup then i had htem


Well-Known Member
Well I just tested some tap water that I let sit for two days... WTF is this...

pH: 7.2ish
Alkalinity ppm: 50
Hardness ppm: Around 100

What should I do to lower my pH?