The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
I use the cheapest coco I can find with a 70/30 mix with perlite. Canna a + b, pk13/14 and some overdrive, also I just started using ripen, meant to bring out organic flavour. Im going to be reusing coco from now on. Im sick of dumping and making up new batches. Its like a fucking job this growing shit


Well-Known Member
Hello again 12/12ers. I'm just going to give a quick update on my boring little grow, since all my other posts went up in smoke :joint: heh, sorry...

It's a TD fem growing in coco under a 120w circular induction bulb. It started out with only a 50w induction that was way too far from the top of the plant, that and some other rookie mistakes got her off to a slow start.

She's now starting her 6th week and is really taking off. She's been in a 6l air pot for about a week and her roots are already growing out the bottom. I'm going to pot her up to a 12l air pot and see what she can do!

I've only been using canna A/B so far and will soon add the P/K 14/15, I guess when the pistils are visible from above the growing shoots? Canna says to add the P/K when "small fruits" start to develop...

By the way, does anyone know if I can still get away with cutting one of the growing shoots off for cloning at this stage? (I think the answer is no)

Here's the grow album...



Well-Known Member
Those are look exciting, it not boring. I believe you can cut some clones. I read on here a couple times that you could a couple week into flower. I f you think about it, people start flowering to sex the plants, so that some time into flower. Do a search about


Well-Known Member
I use the cheapest coco I can find with a 70/30 mix with perlite. Canna a + b, pk13/14 and some overdrive, also I just started using ripen, meant to bring out organic flavour. Im going to be reusing coco from now on. Im sick of dumping and making up new batches. Its like a fucking job this growing shit
hahahahahahahahaaaa I feel u bro


Well-Known Member
Thanks rw, it is exciting to me, that's for sure! Although those pics are all of the same plant, my one and only right now lol.

I just got some Automaria 2 seeds in the mail, so I'm gonna throw one outside somewhere inconspicuous and see what it does. Then do another 12/12FS.

Yeah, I did a search after that last post of mine and found that it's possible to clone at any stage, right up to cloning a bud but they get kind of wacky the further along into flower they are when cloned.


Well-Known Member
I use the cheapest coco I can find with a 70/30 mix with perlite. Canna a + b, pk13/14 and some overdrive, also I just started using ripen, meant to bring out organic flavour. Im going to be reusing coco from now on. Im sick of dumping and making up new batches. Its like a fucking job this growing shit
Lol'd so true. I live in an apartment, so i dont have a big enough sink to wash/pretreat the shitty coco that i have. i had to use a tub and drill holes in a plastic case, and a bunch of other shit, took me like 3hrs a day for like 3 days, at the end i was thinking "christ, that was so much work i may as well have worked a job and bought some weed".


Well-Known Member
I also have 24 plants in an attic which I have to haul up 30litres of fucking water every other day and then crawl about on my hands and knees trying to water the fuckers because I never built the grow room big enough.........then I have to listen to the Mrs going on about how Ive become lazy. Fuck off, try chopping weed for 12hrs straight every 2 weeks. lol Its a hard life growing this weed. Thank god I dont smoke the shit or nothing would be done. lol

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
here's what i run.

canna coco pro+
canna a+b

canna pk 13/14 i have replaced with hammerhead pk 4/10
cannazyme can be replaced with any multi enzyme really... i want to try h&g multi zyme next

also towards the end i usually give a bit of overdrive.. although some prefer ripen which i may give a try too, as its cheap.

start off at 1/4 strength and work my way up.. if you are using the calmag make sure you add it first
Cheers for that, i'll give the canna coco a go then

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
I use the cheapest coco I can find with a 70/30 mix with perlite. Canna a + b, pk13/14 and some overdrive, also I just started using ripen, meant to bring out organic flavour. Im going to be reusing coco from now on. Im sick of dumping and making up new batches. Its like a fucking job this growing shit
Do you think its worth mixing the canna pro+ coco with perlite? or do you just do that because its cheap coco


Well-Known Member
Scrooge McBilly pinching pennies..
If I was doing it for profit and on your scale would probably do the same.. But I can't be arsed washing coco.. Pro+ ready to go out the bag. Just bin it when done.. In a sensible suitable location of course ;)

Ive only got 3 at the moment.. But they need feed/water at least every second day.. Fucking chore man... I also drag them out into the tub for shower time.. Need some kind of drip feed with drain to waste or something..

I use the cheapest coco I can find with a 70/30 mix with perlite. Canna a + b, pk13/14 and some overdrive, also I just started using ripen, meant to bring out organic flavour. Im going to be reusing coco from now on. Im sick of dumping and making up new batches. Its like a fucking job this growing shit


Well-Known Member
looking good man , ive heard alot of swill about those lights and defiantly alot of shit about cammie the "girl" who sells them , how you finding them so far have ya got a yield in with em yet or this the first time round?


@Curly604, This is my second grow with the light, the first grow I cannot give a fair judgement of the light due to the fact that the plant got damaged as I had to move. I did carried on with it and managed to get just over a oz. of dense quality buds. Just smoke the last bit of it last night and I am still buzzing right now. The strain I did was caramel cream from sweet seeds. It was a very nice tasty smoke, I must admit it is well suited for medical purposes.